Zakk does overplay a lot of stuff, but Dimebag also did a lot of extra divebombs and pinch harmonics live too so probably isn't too far of the mark.

Quote from: Rust Puppets on Today at 01:18:11 PMI thought Power Trip were good, I wasn't in on time for King Parrot. All the T Shirts were sold out which was no harm, saved me €45. I enjoyed Pantera but apart from the obvious there was something missing from the set. Very good greatest hits setlist but only one song from Cowboys was disappointing as it's my favourite Pantera album. I'm not counting that Domination/Hollow medley which was pointless to me, the version of this from the older days had most of domination not just the coda, just play either of the two songs in full. I thought Phil looked and sounded great and Rex looked cool in his suit :laugh: , Charlie was great on drums and Zakk I just don't like but it's a thankless job he has trying to replace Dimebag. Would I go again? Probably if there was a decent support act. Also I was one of those auld lads who came out of mosh pit retirement, I just had to jump in for C
Cowboys from Hell :laugh:
Well done on coming out of retirement. I must be getting old because  I was glad to be seated and not in the mosh pit. If Pantera  do play here again I hope they play Cemetery Gates and Primal  Concrete Sledge next time

I've read all the posts but I can t really figure out why Zak Wylde gets so much stick in relation to the Pantera stuff.
Does he change the riffs or fuck yo the solos?
Whatever about the BLS stuff, I know that's pinch city.

A lot of people like Zakk's style and that's fine and I'm sure they dug the shit out of his take on Dime. But for anyone who knows and doesn't like Zakk's style, the problem is that he literally doesn't have the will or the way to do anything else, regardless of the project. In a nutshell, he doesn't pay tribute to Dime in the way Charlie played tribute to Vinny simply because he can't and, bro friendship aside, was one of the worst people the gig could have gone to for that reason. So deadly for ye if you dig Zakk and he presented no enjoyment obstacle for you, but if we're talking about "the mark" of Dime live, he wasn't even aiming for it.

#409 Today at 03:57:52 PM Last Edit: Today at 04:04:29 PM by CanofCans
Was a better gig then I expected. Black and blue from the moshing my body can't take the punishment anymore but to be fair they were some proper pits. Heard Fibbers was an absolute shit show after, worse than the Green Room before the gig.

Got in for Power Trip, remember there was huge hype about them a few years back, music was grand enough, but they put on a good show

I was a bit sceptical about the whole thing at the start, but it was a brilliant show, haven't heard Phil sound that good in years.

There was an interview with Benante when it was first announced and he said he wanted to be absolutely spot on with the drums and he absolutely was. He really did his homework, but Zakk sounded like he learned about 80% and winged the rest

Not sure if I'd go again, mostly just due to the price. If it was something like a full album show, or a really changed up set though I'd seriously consider it