Gorefest-La Meurte
Obituary-frozen in Time
Carcass -Surgical steel

3 very good albums from  bands out of the game for years,the Gorefest especially was immense!

Quote from: Carnage on January 19, 2024, 01:30:01 PMMonotheist springs to mind, but as it turned out to be their final album would it qualify? Certainly an excellent album either way, but probably belongs in a comeback album conversation.

Came on to post this, as I just threw it on a short while ago.
Masterpiece of an album. And I'm obsessed with that guitar tone.

It's fantastic, nice chewy sound to it. Shame they didn't do another one before they fell out and then Ain's death, Triptykon do nothing for me at all.

Quote from: Pagan Saviour on January 19, 2024, 10:34:19 AMStench and Tempo fit the bill if it's a one off "Return to Form" but I'd say both of those are flukes, both bands releasing utter shit subsequently.

Exodus don't deserve to be described as "utter shit" just because you don't like Rob Dukes. Some excellent songs on the post Tempo albums: Deathamphetamine, .44 Magnus Opus, Children of a Worthless God, Ballad of Lenoard and Charles, Beyond the Pale, Prescribing Horror

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on January 19, 2024, 02:55:18 PMWhat about Dante XXI Herr Meister?

Yeah, good call, had forgotten about that.

Gave Tempo a spin earlier, it has been years since I listened to it. It starts really strongly but there are some proper fillers on there.

Dukes was their best (well, least shit anyway) singer, not that that's much of a high bar.

Quote from: Paul keohane on January 19, 2024, 04:28:23 PMGorefest-La Meurte
Obituary-frozen in Time
Carcass -Surgical steel

3 very good albums from  bands out of the game for years,the Gorefest especially was immense!

Surgical Steel certainly was far better than it had any business being at that stage in their career!

Controversial one: Morbid Angel Kingdoms Disdained. It may not quite go toe to toe with Altars of Madness or Blessed, but it's easily the equal of Domination or even Covenant if you ignore one or two duff tracks. Takes several listens though - it's very dense.

Painkiller was mentioned upthread (naturally!) but Firepower also deserves a mention - fantastic album!

Surgical Steel is up there with Symphonies and Necroticism for me, one of those that got better with every listen. The follow up never clicked with me though.

Anthrax and Worship Music is one for me. While WCFYA was a decent album (certainly the best of the Bush era, unless you count The Greater Of Two Evils), none of the Bush albums come close to the Belladonna classics and WM was a welcome step up in quality IMO. I'm less convinced by For All Kings but it's still a good listen.

Quote from: open face surgery on January 19, 2024, 03:44:54 PMAh man, Watershed is amazing. Never bothered with Sorceress but love ICV.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on January 19, 2024, 03:57:32 PMMust revisit Watershed, didn't have any time for it when it first came out. Sorceress and Heritage I've only appreciated in light of going back to them on the strength of ICV.

I liked Watershed for about two weeks when it came out but it wore off me so quickly and so badly that I can barely revisit it now.  Initial impact is great but beyond a few bits and pieces scattered across it there is no real standout.  It has been well over a decade since I last gave it a shot mind so I might try again over the weekend.

Heritage is useless.  Sorceress didn't catch me at first but grew quickly, that said it doesn't go on often either but I would still mark it as their return to form though ICV is better again.

QuoteExodus don't deserve to be described as "utter shit" just because you don't like Rob Dukes. Some excellent songs on the post Tempo albums: Deathamphetamine, .44 Magnus Opus, Children of a Worthless God, Ballad of Lenoard and Charles, Beyond the Pale, Prescribing Horror

Ah most of their records are below par. Bonded is Really the only one you need. Everyone bemoans their exclusion from thrash's elite but at the end of the day they're just not very good. Does anyone in all honesty reach for Atrocity Exhibit or Force of Habit?

#25 January 20, 2024, 11:14:48 AM Last Edit: January 20, 2024, 11:17:21 AM by Black Shepherd Carnage
Surgical Steel never impressed me that much. Part of that was me not giving the whole album a proper listen until after I'd been soaking up Ecdysis for a few months. I found then, and still find now, that Horrendous were out-Carcassing the latter period Carcass they were trying to reanimate on Surgical Steel and since.

#26 January 20, 2024, 11:56:09 AM Last Edit: January 20, 2024, 12:00:45 PM by Paul keohane
I remember when Watershed came out lots of people panned it,but i thought it was very good.Having said that it was around then where I lost interest in Opeth.

As for Kingdom Disdained by MA,some great tracks on it,but the production is dog shit!.How the band let that album get released with the production is beyond me.

Sanctus Diavolos by Rotting Christ was a step up from the albums before it imo.That album brought them up a level.
Edit: i mean the 2/3 albums before it.

Quote from: Carnage on January 19, 2024, 11:37:49 PMDukes was their best (well, least shit anyway) singer, not that that's much of a high bar.
I cant say I was ever a huge Exodus fan,but there was some weird obsession (negative) with the this guy by a certain section of fans.He seemed to be hated? (Or am i overplaying it)

I don't get it myself. They've never had a good singer but of the three they've had, his voice grated the least. I was gutted when Zetro came back, it's a definite step backward.