Not my show to promote but I spotted it earlier today.

It's a BYOB in St. Peter's Church (The Vision Centre). August 26th.

50/50 on going to this or another gig in town the same night. Should be a cracker all the same - last one in there sold out.

Ticket bought there now. I'n looking forward to seeing a gig here as I was away the last time.

I must dig out a cooler bag for the cans  :) These BYOB gigs can be dodgy in that regard, e.g. Cork Print Shop a few years ago and the Caz Club yonks ago.

Yeah shame Burner is on the same night in Fredz, similar clientele I'd imagine. Assuming that's the gig you're referring to anyway!

Sound. I'm really after getting mixed up "checking" dates tonight!  :P I think I bought the right ticket for this at least   ::)

Grabbed a ticket there too. Invictus have their showcase on the same night in Dublin but circumstances have me back down home so this will do nicely.

Quote from: Snare on August 22, 2023, 01:00:37 AMSound. I'm really after getting mixed up "checking" dates tonight!  :P I think I bought the right ticket for this at least   ::)
Senior moment  :P

Quote from: Snare on August 22, 2023, 12:23:29 AMYeah shame Burner is on the same night in Fredz, similar clientele I'd imagine. Assuming that's the gig you're referring to anyway!

Nope, I wasn't even aware of that Burner show to be honest.

The other gig in Cork that night (and the one that I'll more than likely end up at) is Emperor Of Ice Cream in Cyprus Avenue.

Quote from: Snare on August 22, 2023, 12:23:29 AMTicket bought there now. I'n looking forward to seeing a gig here as I was away the last time.

I must dig out a cooler bag for the cans  :) These BYOB gigs can be dodgy in that regard, e.g. Cork Print Shop a few years ago and the Caz Club yonks ago.

Those print shop gigs were fucking class. Have a toot upstairs and into the gig. Whoever reported that building to the fire authorities is a cunt of the highest order.

Grabbed a ticket for this anyway. Should be good.

My first time in the venue,pretty cool,put a stage and proper lighting in there and it has serious potential.But the sound gets lost in the place!.Missed Everdead wood,somehow they were on early on the bill.ZC as usual killed it,like i said the sound gets lost in the place unfortunately.
Great craic all round in the outdoor area,it really is a nice set up.

Now to the interesting stuff!,ive been going to gigs a long time,but ive never see such a collection of knuckle draggers!.It was surreal,like a scene from planet of the apes!
How no one ended up crashing into the bands or sound desk is a miracle!  :laugh:

Only reason no one crashed into the sound desk is that people protected it!

Twas a surreal gig to say the least. I went to it late with the intention of avoiding Chrononaut, but unfortunately the poster was misleading and Everdead Wood had gone on first. Chrononaut should be nowhere near a metal gig, not to mind one billed as a night of death. I'm not an elitist and love all styles, but their music is beyond painful to my ears.

Gravepath were cringeworthy as well.

A gig that was labelled as Oíche an Bháis was seriously misleading. It was basically €20 to see ZC, and I'm ok with that, but selling the bill under that heading is stretching things.

Anyway new ZC tracks rocked, and they delivered as usual. But to see the knuckle draggers do rock the boat and a circle pit between songs with no regard for the music was mystifying. It was like they saw a youtube video of what a gig could be and carried on with no regard as to whether music was actually playing or not.

It was great to see young people out for it, but my abiding memory is like a real life scene from We Care Bears The_Three_Bears.png

Regardless, ZC rocked and Fredz was good craic afterwards between the metal DJ and Metalmania. It was great to catch up with so many people, and also meet an Italian metal journalist.

Essentially we were spoilt for the past 3 nights, so thanks a million for putting this on, but a plague on some people's houses!

Lesson learnt is that old people should act their age and stay out of the pit!! Yer man in the Deicide shirt is fit to be put down after joining the pit!

Were none of the younglings in the pit or was it drunk older people?
I have long since retired from pits. It would take a Rocky 4 training montage to get me back in and then only for Terror.

I'm sorry I missed it. Work had other ideas.

Young crowd,Id say some of them had to be coked out of it! :laugh: .It was BYOB but i didnt see any of them actually boozing!.Look its all a bit of craic but fuck me it went up levels last night compared to normal!  :laugh: .

The Amon Amarth style sitting on the ground rowing finished me off! :laugh:

I was genuinely perplexed by that. Is it Amon Amarth where they got that shite?

Stamping in a big circle between songs as well. Basically just trying to keep some momentum going, I suppose!

That stupid aul' fella that busted himself in the pit... How the fuck did he think he could match that level of horseshit. 🐴💩
He either broke his leg or dislocated the knee or hip. Took two to carry him out.
Can't see the venue letting many, if any, more metal gigs in there again after that.

Venue had it's own security at it last night, too. There wasn't at the Black Metal night and that went off much smoother than last night with probably two to three times the crowd.

Did the old dude take the hopper during ZC?,i missed it somehow!.

Im still laughing at the whole thing!,id say video footage from the balcony would make epic viewing!