Nearly finished reading In Cold Blood by Capote. Not gone on it to be honest, it isn't badly written mind, it just kind of drags I find. I'm finishing it out of being a stubborn fuck ha ha

I liked that book a lot but it is a bit draggy.
I'm reading the Barracks by John McGahern.
Just finished Nothing Special by Nicole Flattery

#1382 July 14, 2023, 09:10:05 AM Last Edit: July 14, 2023, 09:13:15 AM by Eoin McLove
Quote from: Don Gately on July 14, 2023, 08:55:12 AMI liked that book a lot but it is a bit draggy.
I'm reading the Barracks by John McGahern.
Just finished Nothing Special by Nicole Flattery

The Barracks is incredible. I read it years ago and loved it.

Nothing Special any use? I read her book of short stories before, Show Them A Good Time,  and found them all too samey and too full of teenage angst to take seriously. Fun fact, she is Ray from WOTH's sister in law. I hope she has improved her style because I couldn't get through it once the formula became so glaringly apparent to me.

I liked the book for the most part. She is a fine writer and her style worked well for the setting. If you are into Warhol and the Factory and all that then I would recommend it. If not then it might not be that interesting. I fairness what I like about her writing is that it is very unIrish.

The main character is dealing with teenage angst now that you mention it!
Who is WOTH?

Wreck of the Hesperus.

I found that the central character in every one of her stories that I read, before finally throwing in the towel, was an embittered, world weary, wise cracking neurotic chick who always alluded vaguely to some kind of past trauma. But it came off as a pose because the character was never developed beyond that point. We never found out what the cause of her anger was so it just seemed to me like generic teenage whinging rather than the result of anything substantial. And the central character as a result was insubstantial while the secondary actors were just props for her to vent her vapid rage. I mean, that was precisely the impression I got from every single story  :laugh:  Flattery needs to  develop her one heroine and make her meaningful and interesting or abandon her and find another person with a more diverse set of characteristics. It became unreadable after three or four stories and I was hoping to like the book because I'm always excited by new and interesting writers and also the fact that she's the sister in law of one of my friends. But sure! I would be wary of buying another book of hers but maybe I'll chance it.

Try Wendy Erskine's last collection of short stories. Probably my book of the year so far.

#1387 July 14, 2023, 01:40:18 PM Last Edit: July 14, 2023, 01:43:33 PM by Eoin McLove
Never heard of her. I'll keep an eye out.

Sweet Home or Satan is Real? Guess which one is calling to me more...

Dance Move, her last book.

Oh, that one didn't come up on my search.

I picked up a few books in an op-shop the other day so I'm starting into Silence by Shusaku Endo.

Read that before the film came out a few years back, didn't think much of either TBH.

I'm only 50 odd pages in but so far I'm enjoying it.

Currently about 1/3 of the way through Contact by Carl Sagan.
Liking it so far. Seems like I've made very little progress but that's just the pacing.

Had to nab American Prometheus cos Oppenheimer, but I'll not get that finished before the release cos it's a bit of a chonker.
Probably better off going into the cinema without any spoilers, anyway. Dying to know if he was able to get thon bomb made.

Wait, bomb? I though he was building a very accurate clock  :o