Man, I wish I had the photoshop skills to make that a reality :laugh:  :laugh:

If that was the headline of a review for any album or gig I'd be getting out my cash.

In fairness to Malthusian, they left an impression everywhere they played. I remember when ZC played in New Jersey, some lad in new Jersey asked me if I heard of malthusian, I replied, of course I do, I know them all for years. He asked me if I knew Matt, so to break the lads balls and wind him up, I said ya, he's a fucking spa! 🤣🤣 young lad looked like I shot his aul wan, given the look he gave me 🤣

As much chance he just didn't understand that thick Limerick brogue :laugh:

If I remember correctly, the mere mention of my name resulted in gifts for ye as well. No idea who it was either.

I got a discount on bottles of hot sauce in berlin because I knew  Matt. He's just that much of a celebrity.

Hahahaha. Didn't know that. Savage. I'm bias as fuck but it's the best hot sauce out there. There was actually talk of a Malthusian one at one stage.

I'll echo a lot of what's been said already.
Love the demo and Hengiform. I don't think I gave the album enough attention at the time. I'll have to rectify that soon though.
I always enjoyed the gigs too. Saw them a fair few times in Ireland and further afield. Last time was with Negative Plane in Limerick, and I'm jonesing for another chance to see them again at this stage.
The first gig in Dublin and that all-dayer in Oberhausen with Irkallian Oracle, Sheol, Possession etc. were top tier. Fair few Irish heads at that one and all. Great auld shtuff.

The heat in that place in Oberhausen will stay with me until the day dementia ravages whatever few brain cells are left in my maggoty skull.

The one I was at? Bölzer and Zom too?

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on October 05, 2023, 09:04:44 PMThe one I was at? Bölzer and Zom too?

Forgot they were on the same bill..
But yeah, that one!

Quote from: Eoin McLove on October 05, 2023, 08:50:26 PMThe heat in that place in Oberhausen will stay with me until the day dementia ravages whatever few brain cells are left in my maggoty skull.

And the fucking stink of whatever the hell was rotting on that makeshift altar they brought out at one stage.

I don't remember that  ???

That was a great day. Weird bar setup, you had your drinks added to a tab, to be settled at the end. I left without paying by accident. Still wracked with guilt.

Quote from: Eoin McLove on October 05, 2023, 09:33:23 PMI don't remember that  ???

I think it was just before Possession played. Rotten stuff.

Quote from: Squigs on October 05, 2023, 09:48:51 PMThat was a great day. Weird bar setup, you had your drinks added to a tab, to be settled at the end. I left without paying by accident. Still wracked with guilt.

Haha! Yeah, and if you lost the slip, you got fined €80 or something.
Class session with yourself and Andy Tonic the night before btw.