Great discussion and insights that give a little needed excuse to hurtle into the world of Malthusian for another week,it's all immense and wonderfully monstrous to these ears.As for Danny the misguided republican himself above,what a prick of a comment regarding another savage local band and any other band of lads setting out to play metal

ZOM predate Malthusian, right? Don't think the former could be said to have been following Malthusian's lead at any rate.

Yep. ZOM were out before us and making waves for themselves.

Quote from: Lurker on October 01, 2023, 01:48:42 AMGreat discussion and insights that give a little needed excuse to hurtle into the world of Malthusian for another week,it's all immense and wonderfully monstrous to these ears.As for Danny the misguided republican himself above,what a prick of a comment regarding another savage local band and any other band of lads setting out to play metal

Hold on now, I might be taking you up wrong here but people aren't obliged to like local bands. The "Im a Republican and UY are Nordies" comment is weird though, especially given 2 of them are from the Republic.

Much as I love the demo (again, "Mother's Blade"), I reckon "Across Deaths" is the pinnacle so far though.

ZOM where crazy! must crack my ZOM collection out.....

I'll crack Malthusian out as well

Zom got me hook, line and sinker. I couldn't believe that death metal of that quality was made on this forsaken rock. With AI I always went for Nadir before The Last Supper. They've been entirely irrelevant to me for a long time. I think of Malthusian as part of the step up in quality that Zom pushed on Irish extreme metal bands. Before them most Irish stuff was passable to good. Nowadays there are plenty bands coming out of here that can rival anything coming out internationally. That's just the observations of someone who sits in a living room far away from anything resembling a scene looking in at it. While I'm rambling, I can't wait to see what Hausturian Vigil and Callous Master come out with soon.

Was the gig with Bolzer in Dec13 the first show? Either way, it was the first time I saw them and it was early doors - the anticipation was through the roof, the visuals on the screen, the full commitment to the aesthetic and then the set itself being a true pummeling. Real special place in the memory that whole show.

The demo has always been my favorite, I think I'll be giving all a spin this week though. There was a heap of stuff at that time - it would be very generalized to say it was the same style - but it was all an attempt to capture a proper mank atmosphere within death metal. In hindsight, there was lots and lots of scutter. I think Matt namechecked a lot of the stuff that has endured, with Grave Miasma probably harnessing it all most naturally over time, for me. The demo definitely stands up there with the pick of those releases though. One thing lots of those bands seemed to forget is that we need riffs and memorable ones at that, which Malthusian always had in spades.

Felt like there was a 2 year window where I was at a gig somewhere in Ireland/England/Europe and malthusian were on the card and pretty much always delivered. Haven't seen em in who knows how long now.

Quote from: hellfire on October 01, 2023, 02:35:59 PMZom got me hook, line and sinker. I couldn't believe that death metal of that quality was made on this forsaken rock.

That was a cool time, when the punks were out metalling the metallers, we had Zom, Putrefaction, Sodb, Fuil na seanchoille all had releases around that time, probably others I'm forgetting.

#38 October 02, 2023, 02:16:47 AM Last Edit: October 02, 2023, 02:18:18 AM by Danny
Quote from: open face surgery on October 01, 2023, 12:08:24 AMNo, I think it's the general consensus that the demo is the best which can get irritating when you're progressing as a band but in reality there is no pressure on us to do anything. Obviously I can't subjectively comment on the demo but it's often the case with debut releases. I will say it doesn't really sound chaotic to me but again that's from the inside looking out.

I'm sure that this would be annoying as an artist, I get it. But I just can't help as a fan honestly just thinking that it rules dude! Like I said I do like the other releases since, & nearly just as much, even feeling them to be natural progressive turns for you to take & all.. But this is what I kind of asking & was just curious about, both to other heads on here and to the band; Do many or any fans mention the Demo as their fav from you guys, & how alone am I in thinking it just has something really special about it?

I don't know how you think it doesn't sound like chaos ha. It sounds fucking mental dude! & still does 10 years later. I mean cmon man Imagine playing this for a casual rock-metal liking gen-x kid ha, it would blow their fucking emo little brain open, not to mention someone who doesn't know fuck all about metal; I would imagine they would likely be fuckin riddled with the Fear & think that it sounds something like pure evil! Yeah, it must be because you are so close to it as you said!  :)

Thanks for the answers man. Some intel & insights gained have I. As well too enjoyably a couple of bands I have not heard of or given time to yet to check out now. & As always I am looking forward to new music down the line from the band Sir!

I would point out just that when you mentioned in your post from about Qrixkuor-Abyssal, if you read back my post, I wasn't actually saying or asking if any of these bands were influences on you guys, I do know they are more like peers, even with ZOM being out the gate before you guys (as Chris mentioned there) but more was getting at this thing with a lot of these style of DM bands just being labelled as PORTAL worshipping. Honestly Metal Archives is to blame if you ask me, if you look up Malthusian there & look at the similar bands tab in it, & then PORTALs same similar tab you can easily see what I mean. So I was just curious like, how much of this is bullshit or true, are PORTAL that fuckin important to these bands or not? Cus I feel like it may be overblown meself; as there's been so many metal bands blending death with black & whatever dark elements well before PORTAL were right!

Quote from: Lurker on October 01, 2023, 01:48:42 AMGreat discussion and insights that give a little needed excuse to hurtle into the world of Malthusian for another week,it's all immense and wonderfully monstrous to these ears.As for Danny the misguided republican himself above,what a prick of a comment regarding another savage local band and any other band of lads setting out to play metal

I dunno where the fuck to start to reply to this prick comment here to be honest with you!  ;D  What the fuck did I do or say? If you read back, I actually said with RESPECT to the band who are from Belfast as far as I know, & in case they Identify as British, I spared them from me list of death metal bands from Ireland! A list which naturally is completely random, arbitrary to me or you & is just the Irish DM bands I happen to know about so far & like thought of in that minute to refer to & use in my post. Are we really gonna have some sort of Republican Debate here? lol

The only sensible approach to the North South metal divide is to say that we'll take the good ones and the Brits can have the rest.

Take the passport rule ..

Republic or North, we're all Irish.

The rugby rule works too... everyone is Irish especially if you have lived here 4 years or have an Irish granny.

This thread has gone a bit brexit.
Anyway I for one am looking forward to hearing what comes next. More death metal oriented sounds good to me.
My favourite release is the first one.
Same for Vircolac.

The subsequent releases are excellent but the first from both bands have an almost lightning in a bottle feel.

Cool thread, love reading into the influences of bands and where lads were coming from when they're writing/recording (and how it all changes and comes together).

Anyway Across Deaths is my favourite release here, the murk and chaos hits the spot completely for me.

First gig was with Gospel of the Horns, Bolzer, ZOM and Dread Sovereign, also the first DS gig, in March '13. We were very busy gigwise for the first 3 or 4 years. Good albeit messy few years. Andy touched on some of the madness of it.

Yes, the majority of people mention the demo as their favourite release. You're certainly not alone in that. Oddly enough, in more recent years, it's the stuff that came after that gets the listens, according to the stats.

I can't remember the last time I listened to Portal. The constant comparisons soured them but I also just feel they had run their course for me with the first few releases. I think what they did was groundbreaking in the way they brought the horror back into death metal but in a new and more twisted way. It has, or had, all the wretched horror that I found in stuff like Khanate or Esoteric, or certain styles of techno and electronic music or even noise, but brought successfully into death metal. Aural horror and unease. The Portal comparison was too broad a stroke and too widely used to have any impact. Lazy journalism at a time when it was dying on it's arse already. For the record, I would put Abyssal down as heavily Portal influenced, at least starting out, maybe I'm wrong, can't really remember too clearly what they sound like. Dunno about Qrixkuor but I find them a far more captivating listen.