#15 March 15, 2024, 09:09:47 AM Last Edit: March 15, 2024, 09:22:09 AM by Mithrandir
Not an observation but I was reminded today about the whole Blake Judd/Nachtmystium rip off debacle with these Reddit posts:



Also somehow missed the whole Judas Iscariot/Akhenaten being a millionaire trust fund baby and the political money laundering allegations that supposedly what led to him disappearing. Makes a bit more sense now as to why he gave away the rights to all the Judas Iscariot releases before leaving the scene.


He is the son Andrew that's referred to in that article.

Crazy black metal wormhole I've found myself in this evening  :laugh:

The main reason the band disappeared was because his father was getting shit when running for office as people were saying (wrongly) that his son was in a racist black metal band.

I highly doubt he has given away all of the rights to his music because if he did then vinyl reissues of the material would have been released but he still insists that he doesn't want that happening. About 10 years ago IPR tried to do what they said were official vinyl Reissues and after releasing one album
Andrew sent them a solicitors letter after which they didn't release anything else.

Ahh ok, I didn't see the IPR stuff, just reading bits and pieces here and there. Odd stuff all the same.