Get Out was decidedly average, it's a solid indicator of how  subpar modern cinema actually is when films like that and A Quiet Place are lauded as cinematic milestones.

Oh, and Gremlins 2 was shite when it came out, never mind now.

#316 October 21, 2019, 09:59:37 AM Last Edit: October 21, 2019, 10:01:21 AM by Pentagrimes
Gremlins 2 is the greatest film of all time. You fucking Roger Ebert wankers will be telling me you don't like BIll & Ted next.

#317 October 21, 2019, 12:31:14 PM Last Edit: October 21, 2019, 12:33:49 PM by StoutAndAle
Watched "The Laundromat" last night. Not great. A fairly big waste of cinematic firepower on both sides of the camera.

I don't think that modern film has gone to shite but I do think that the present day cinema-going experience has taken away a lot of our options. Folks who go to multiplexes, for the most part, are not interested in seeing a film concerned with anything other than spandex wearing superheroes, remakes/sequels or a jump scare every 20 minutes. Most people aren't even concerned with plot narrative or exposition anymore. Once there's explosions and a barrel of reeking nachos then the general public will be happy.

To see an "indie" film on the big screen now you either have to go to the local arthouse cinema (if you're lucky enough to have one) or hope that the film is Oscar bait and will be shown in the megaplex on one screen at some ridiculous time. Case in point - "The Peanut Butter Falcon" has garnered rave reviews and was released in Ireland last weekend. It was shown once at the Kerry International Film Festival and on two small screens in Dublin and will now be rendered to the bottom of a pile again.

I am more and more convinced that mobile phones are burning up our attention spans also. Unless the hit is immediate, young folk aren't interested - which would go some way in explaining why some modern films are so poor in terms of dialogue etc. My nieces who are both in their late teens have written off classic movies as rubbish because they weren't impressed by the first ten minutes. And even if it's a film that they want to watch when they stay over in my house, they're on their phones for most of it. I'm guilty of this myself. Just last night I was watching a TV show with subtitles and every few minutes I looked at my phone to see if I had any notifications. And of course I was completely lost in the show and had to rewind it. The only remedy was to put my phone out in the hall.

Watched the breaking bad movie yesterday it was awful what even was the point of it? It was like one big promo for a new season of the show. Not surprising since the shows quality dipped after Gus died and the finale was terrible.

Saw the Joker at the weekend as well it was ok but I must say I was expecting a lot better.

Ahhhh don't be dissing Gremlins 2, it's a mindless parody of itself but yet completely ahead of it's time...SMART BUILDINGS.

Liked The Joker I have to say. Not brilliant but better than a lot of crap.

Saw the new Star Wars trailer..absolutely nothing about it would make me want to watch it.

The Lighthouse Brilliant flick highly recommend it ,

Watched Dolemite with Eddie Murphy, haven't laughed like that in a long time. Well worth a watch, Eddie back to his best.

I saw the ad on Netflix and it looked promising.  I'll give it a goo.

I watched Arctic last muggy which I really enjoyed.  Mads Mikkelsen stranded in the Arctic (you didn't see that coming!) and struggling to survive.  Maybe around an A4 page worth of dialogue in an hour and forty minutes but it was captivating.

#324 October 30, 2019, 09:26:15 AM Last Edit: October 30, 2019, 09:27:54 AM by Pentagrimes
Watched "The Nightingale" the other night, new movie from the woman behind "The Babadook". Grim viewing.

Quote from: Pedrito on October 29, 2019, 11:51:51 PM
Watched Dolemite with Eddie Murphy, haven't laughed like that in a long time. Well worth a watch, Eddie back to his best.
I thought it was ok, a couple of chuckles but nothing more.

Zombieland Double Tap, on the other hand, was moronic fare but largely enjoyable. The post-credits bit was the highlight, for sure.

Might bring the daughter to Zombieland Douple tap over the break actually, She likes the first one a lot.

Watched climax last night. Pile of shit.

Undeterred by the prospect of yet another shit film, I eventually got around to watching Avengers: Endgame the other night. Now, I actually did enjoy the previous installments and I wouldn't necessarily share Scorcese et al's aversion to this type of film, but honestly what a big, expensive mess of a non-event. Three hours seemed like six. Some people who were dead came back to life, and some died. I couldn't tell you who though. Nor can I recall one single moment from the film.

Yep, absolute muck film. They've made countless movies now and every one of them has pretty much the same story. Looks great, no substance. Kinda like riding a beautiful girl who just lies there and does nothing. You'd rather a fat one with a bit of go in her.