This bad boy is finally about to be released. Can't say the trailer does much to convince me it'll be in any way decent.

Anybody planning to watch it?

I'll watch it but I'm expecting it to be shite, possibly hilariously so. I never got into the music of the era so I'm not going to take it personally, as others might.

#2 January 08, 2019, 02:37:50 PM Last Edit: January 08, 2019, 02:52:58 PM by Cernunnos
I really dont want to watch it ,  but im a nosy f*cker so more than likely will then complain of how inaccurate and shite it was.   

Reckon alot of the very people who said they will boycott it and want nothing to do with it will watch it.

Varg "Lets find out" vikernes will be one of these very people who will be watching it. 

I imagine it must be bizarre to have a film like this made about you. It'd be hard not to watch it.

As much as I'd love it to be a laughably terrible film, I can't help but think it's going to be some Twilight shite. It'll be interesting to see what reviews say

#4 January 08, 2019, 04:02:19 PM Last Edit: January 08, 2019, 04:08:01 PM by Pentagrimes
It's likely one or two people here have already seen it as it was screened in Cork back in November as part of a film festival. I know Mark from Soothsayer saw it and wasn't taken by it but he's a big Mayhem fan.

Will 100% watch it. Going on his previous films I expect it'll be a black comedy if anything. The teasers could easily be outtakes from "Spun". It's released online on VOD  February 22nd so it'll be all over the streaming sites I'm sure by then - Arrow are releasing it in the Uk. A third teaser popped up on Instagram today which seemed a little darker than these ones though.

Could not give two fucks about how accurate it is, it's a movie, and I just want to be entertained. I did notice there's someone playing Fenriz in it though, which I hadn't seen mentioned before now.

Fun fact: There's a load of Grotesque songs on the soundtrack, which is really odd as they were neither Norwegian nor a Black Metal band arguably.

I've seen it. Dreadful. I went in like Grimes just looking to pass a couple of hours but it doesn't work on any level. A black comedy could've worked but this is just thick. I accepted it was going to be inaccurate but it really felt like it was made by someone having a laugh at the whole thing.

Now I want to see it more. I've a soft spot for terrible rock band movies (the Germs one in particular)

It can never be as bad as the Def Leppard one, so they'll get my money.

I watched the Def Leppard one on telly years ago.  It was on in the middle of the night and rightly so.  It was a tough decision between watching that or flicking over for two hours of tv infomercials. Utter scutter.

The Def Leppard one is phenomenal,just not in the way perhaps they intended.

Looking forward to the Motley Crue one too

I will watch this no matter how shite it is, love a good terrible film. I always thought the Absurd lads story would make a great Lifetime style movie!

They'll have to apply some artistic licence for the sake of an audience not familiar with the story. It is a dramatisation, after all, not a documentary. The uproar over Bohemian Rhapsody playing with timelines and easing off on the homosexuality has been quite impressive but I expect that will be surpassed by the reactions to the slightest deviations made from the accepted truths here.

I've still not watched Bohemian Rhapsody actually, must rectify that.

Kinda hoping one of these days that we get a Def Leppard/Meatloaf "Movie of the week" style job about either Glenn Danzig or Dave Mustaine.

Suddenly remembered a slightly repressed memory of when I was 19 and briefly studying software development (read: drinking).  We had a module called personal development, one of the tests for it was to do a presentation, on anything.  Absolutely anything.  You just had to present it well.  A few lads picked software, most picked their hobbies, I unfortunately had just read Lords of Chaos and some other stuff about the bands, so to my absolute shame and regret I did a presentation on Norwegian Black Metal.  And thought at the time it was grand.  Fuck me this gets more mortifying the more I think about it

Ha. I did a paper on Norwegian Black Metal for a Sociology class I did as part of my course in WIT years ago. Got marked fairly well for it in fairness.