September 21, 2022, 10:20:38 AM Last Edit: September 21, 2022, 10:43:56 AM by Eoin McLove
Another maybe more obvious bands I've never really bothered with over the years but who I find myself interested in lately. I've listened mostly to Wildhoney (I'm surprised I never bought this as a young lad as it was on my radar from the Metal Show, sounds like something that might have jumped out at me and the original looking artwork was relatively omnipresent back then too) and The Astral Sleep, both of which are growing under my skin. I have checked out Sumerian Cry as well but it hasn't clicked with me yet- I fucking love the album cover though. Talk to me about them, tell me Tiamaty stuff- did they play in Ireland at any stage? Oh, I listened to Prey a couple of weeks ago and really liked it- it reminded me of Beyond Dawn who I've grown very fond of in recent years. I'm going to order a few of their CDs this week. Any of their more recent stuff worth a gander?

I'd listen to Clouds any day of the week.
An absolute favourite of mine from the 90's.
I think I got that and Sarcofago - The Laws of Scourge on the same day.
Both albums I still listen to regularly.

Clouds is on my Hitler (hit-list was the aim there, but Hitler is close enough). Century Media have it along with Wildhoney and The Astral Sleep so I'll grab those three to start. I'm secretly, and privately shamefully tempted by the pop up Wildhoney vinyl Alone are releasing next week  :-[

Wildhoney is a beauty.

Seen them 6 or 7 years ago, singer had his head wrapped up like a mummy and was doing the 'indoor sunglasses' bono thing. Good show though.

Wildhoney and Judas Christ for me.

Amenethes would be one to check out. All the songs seem to be a collection of all the styles they have done.
Great album.
I always found Wildhoney to be very over-rated. Long and boring songs on that one imo.

Sumerian Cry - fuckin' ripper. Total Cogumelo Brazilian deaththrashin' worship album. Fuckin bangs brave beyond the grave love it.

The Astral Plane - still got guns blazing but there's a European sophistication sneaking in. Another all timer.

Clouds - a definite evolution in their sound. They are reaching for something beyond their death/black roots but still can't stop the steel. Cool album.

Wildhoney - Seems to be ther most popular and most highly regarded album. I'd say most of us have it worn out at this point. Hippy trippin' trumps the desire for violence.

A Deeper Kind of Slumber - Mark Hughes and Arsene Wenger jumping out of the twin towers on 9-11 but fucking on the way down. So sayeth brother Nathan.

I'm a fan of all eras of the band (obviously!) but Clouds in particular resonates with me as I was so into it back then. ...Slumber was very much in line with that whole 1997 vibe when so many bands went space trippin'. Not sure that it sounds so smart today as it did then though.
Astral and Wildhoney both perfect as moodpieces or getting your head down at night.
Sumerian Cry is, as mentioned, much, much different from later releases, a lot of it was from the Treblinka era anyway, a raw, visceral, black thrash feast.
Also check out The Sleeping Beauty, Live In Israel too, definitely worth a purchase.
Wearing jeans and leather, not crackerjack clothes

Quote from: Crow on September 21, 2022, 01:53:05 PMSumerian Cry - fuckin' ripper. Total Cogumelo Brazilian deaththrashin' worship album. Fuckin bangs brave beyond the grave love it.

Exactly that. The Treblinka demos are killer too.

I actually have the Treblinka demos. Haven't listened to them in a few years but I remember thinking they were cool enough. I must stick them on again.

#10 September 21, 2022, 09:46:23 PM Last Edit: September 21, 2022, 10:12:12 PM by Paul keohane
One of those bands i was well aware of since the mid 90s,but only ever dipped in and out.I tried to give Wildhoney a go a number of years back, but it didn't grab me at all.

I actually quite like A Deeper Kind Of Slumber, it's a nice one to chill out with.

I listened to A Deeper Kind of Slumber a while back and thought it sounded good. I'm definitely in more a receptive mode for them these days.

Love The Astral Sleep and Clouds, Wildhoney was okay, but lost interest after Deeper Kind of Slumber came out.

Always found Wildhoney a bit too flowery but it's been years since I listened to it. Have Sumerian Cry on now and it's hitting the spot. Will check out the rest.