Joan Rivers.  Who finds this gimpette funny?

Contracted IT. In our place, a lot of the IT jobs have been farmed out to a contracted service and the permanent staff let go. I understand it's cheaper but, fuck me, there's a lot to be said for someone actually giving a shit about their job and the company they work for. I've given them a list of tasks to be done in sequence on a set of machines and I'm spending more time double-checking the work was done as instructed, finding it's not, pointing it out to them and getting them to do the work again but this time do it correctly, than I would have done had I just done the work myself. Utter ballache.

The jokes during the ad breaks on Dave. One I just saw was,  Jugs of cod are a different kettle of fish.  It made me think that someone would have thought up the joke and considered it funny enough to pass on. Fair enough,  there's always one.  But then the second person found it funny enough to pass on through whatever chain of command exists between the thinking of the joke and it ending up on the tv screen.  That joke is just one example,  and not even the worst example,  of the humour espoused by this tv station.  There is a host of people who find these jokes funny and they are being paid to make them public.  It really makes you think.

Quote from: Eoin McLove on February 12, 2019, 01:54:42 PM
The jokes during the ad breaks on Dave. One I just saw was,  Jugs of cod are a different kettle of fish.  It made me think that someone would have thought up the joke and considered it funny enough to pass on. Fair enough,  there's always one.  But then the second person found it funny enough to pass on through whatever chain of command exists between the thinking of the joke and it ending up on the tv screen.  That joke is just one example,  and not even the worst example,  of the humour espoused by this tv station.  There is a host of people who find these jokes funny and they are being paid to make them public.  It really makes you think.

Same as those 11850 ads. What the fuck is funny about those 2 bellends?!
I remember going to a New Year's Eve costume party and 2 lads were dressed as those gimps. I wanted to bottle them.

Just looked at my online banking and had a charge from Macaris for €32. I bought two fucking bags of chips! Cunts.

Watching one of my coworkers getting another coworker to write Valentines cards to his teenage daughters, all of which so far have involved awful double entendres.

"Peeve" is perhaps the wrong word.

People with no concept of personal space. Queuing up for a coffee this morning, and I could feel breathing on my neck. Turned around and this woman was stood with her nose nearly pressing against me...and absolutely no-one behind her. I can understand it on a packed Luas, etc but otherwise it's unforgivable. On a slightly similar note, strangers who feel compelled to engage you in conversation while stood at a urinal. I don't like making small talk at the best of times, why on earth would I want to do so lad in hand?

Quote from: John Kimble on February 13, 2019, 10:12:07 AM
strangers who feel compelled to engage you in conversation while stood at a urinal. I don't like making small talk at the best of times, why on earth would I want to do so lad in hand?

Think I mentioned that on MI too. It's fuckin weird. And that fella on Pentagrime's post... Some awful quare folk out there.

Quote from: Pentagrimes on February 13, 2019, 09:34:07 AM
Watching one of my coworkers getting another coworker to write Valentines cards to his teenage daughters, all of which so far have involved awful double entendres.

"Peeve" is perhaps the wrong word.

What The fuck?

He's pranking them basically but still. I genuinely feel like I'm in an outtake from "The Office"

Spotify mailed me a while back telling me that Whiplash were playing shows in Ireland. I was over the fucking moon! They were booked to play all of Power And Pain here in 2011 but it never happened. Pure excited...
I googled it, and turns out they're playing in Laois and Galway... strange choices?? Pure confused...
I look a bit more into it, and turns out it's not Whiplash, but a Metallica tribute band, even though the mail I recieved from Spotify displayed the actual Whiplash logo with Power and Pain cover. Pure disappointed....   picture of the Actual Whiplash band beside the tour dates.... What a bummer  :'(

Work fuckers who schedule meetings to start at quittin' time.

Being ASKED to attend a seminar for work on Monday evening, with an answer required that night, and being told 'not to feel obligated'. After I answered in the negative as I couldn't get a babysitter at short notice, I was met with incredulity. 'No no, you have to attend, read between the lines'. I wouldn't care that much if it wasn't on a poxy Saturday morning.

Bring your little fella along; maybe he'll piss in the speaker's laptop!