I looked back but I didn't see anything;

An interesting idea for merchandise.
The track list looks all new, I haven't seen the songs on singles or splits etc. since Surgical Steel , but the 'Kelly's Meat Emporium' title sounds like they're doing a promotional collaboration  :laugh:

I like the art concept but I wouldn't be interested in a pepper on a t-shirt.

I'm  looking forward to the new album.
Deep Down Six Feet, Is Where I Like To Eat

Same, I loved the last one even if it took a while to click. I'll wait a while before buying it though, guaranteed they'll reissue it with the Despicable EP's tracks tacked on, that'll do me.

Yeah that E.P. would be a nice extra with the album.
Deep Down Six Feet, Is Where I Like To Eat

They did it with Surgical Steel, they'll do it with this. Nuclear Blast and their various editions of albums put Roadrunner to shame.

Some fuckers to milk things  :laugh:
Deep Down Six Feet, Is Where I Like To Eat

Was a good move waiting until now to release it, will never get tired of these guys

Supposedly it's left over stuff from the next album. Artwork is absolutely awful. Pathetic even.

Never liked Carcass but really warmed to Symphonies over the last few years and I like that the newest trend of USDM is to rip that sound off. Will get old quickly but I've enjoyed Cerebral Rot lately, always like Fetid and the newest Witchvomit EP sounds good.

Don't settle for imitators  when you can have the real thing  :)
Deep Down Six Feet, Is Where I Like To Eat

Quote from: livingabortion on June 19, 2021, 04:36:52 PM

the 'Kelly's Meat Emporium' title sounds like they're doing a promotional collaboration  :laugh:

I like the art concept but I wouldn't be interested in a pepper on a t-shirt.

I'm  looking forward to the new album.

Had a listen of that song on Spotify today, really enjoyed it. Surgical Steel didn't click with me at all but I immediately wanted to listen to this one again.

The art is scutter though  :laugh:

They're coming out as vegetarian with this artwork  :laugh:

I met Bill Steer a couple of times and he was good to stop and talk.
Deep Down Six Feet, Is Where I Like To Eat

Quote from: livingabortion on June 19, 2021, 10:23:12 PM
Don't settle for imitators  when you can have the real thing  :)

I don't like it post Symphonies so imitators are my bread and butter.

Going on that, do you like Exhumed?
Deep Down Six Feet, Is Where I Like To Eat

Not really, no. I have Slaughtercult for 20 odd years but it never did a whole lot for me. Bought Impaled - The Dead Shall Dead Remain about the same time which I enjoyed more. Was sold that in Soundcellar by Noisy Mute when they didn't have Slaughtercult initially.  Must revisit both actually.

Same,i bought two of those albums back then too,the Impaled album cover grabbed me right in,had to investigate! :laugh:

Two solid albums.

General Surgery - Necrology is a great Symphonies clone album. Same with Exhumed - Anatomy Is Destiny. Much more enjoyable than the last few Carcass! They should have wrapped it up after Heartwork really.