I threw on Use Your Illusions II this morning, and when it got round to Get In The Ring, I decided that today was the day I was finally going to look up who his dad, who allegedly got more pussy than him, actually is.

Turns out that Bob Sr. was the founder of Penthouse, so that bit makes sense.

But, even better than that, it also turns out that:
QuoteAllegedly Guccione, taking the song's lyrics at face value ("Get in the ring motherfucker and I'll kick your bitchy little ass"), accepted Rose's challenge to a fight. Rose promptly backed down after learning of Guccione's past as a trained fighter.

:laugh: :laugh:

I think Use Your Illusions needs to be released in a critical, annotated edition!

They're strange albums, other than 'My World' there's not much shite stuff on them, but a lot of it isn't brilliant either. A lot of the shorter, rockier songs just seem like Appetite leftovers (and some of them are), as self indulgent as putting out two 75 minute albums at the same time is some of the more longer songs are where it shines, the likes of Coma, Locomotive, Civil War etc.

There was definitely the material there for one hour long stone cold classic.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on February 08, 2021, 11:59:59 AM
I threw on Use Your Illusions II this morning, and when it got round to Get In The Ring, I decided that today was the day I was finally going to look up who his dad, who allegedly got more pussy than him, actually is.

:laugh: That's been on the to-do list for significantly more than half my life!

Re: the albums, there's definitely a valid case for it being whittled down to an hour and it would be the best album of all time, for me.

I've always thought that GnR's reputation far exceeded their recorded output. Don't get me wrong, I still love Appetite for Destruction and knew it like the back of my hand by 8 years old. Some of the Use Your Illusion stuff is very good but those albums are as patchy as fuck overall. The Spaghetti Incident is not good either. Chinese Democracy is not the worst but doesn't sound like GnR and hardly counts as classic.

Would still like to hear the abridged version of Use Your Illusion though. There is definitely one serious album to be made out of it. When I was a young fella I used to think Axl was a right hard cunt calling the chap out like that. I'd have been devastated to find out the real story

What songs would make the abridged version? Coma is surely an agreed certainty!

Spaghetti Incident introduced me to the damned, misfits etc. I guess if you'd known them previously it was a bit shit. But great tunes on it! Love Dead Boys' ain't it fun.

I'll have to have a skip through them this evening and come back with a track list. Be something to do. Haven't played either in a good while.

Maybe turn it into a list thread for McLove

Right Next Door to Hell
Dust N' Bones
Don't Cry
Perfect Crime
Bad Obsession
Back Off Bitch
November Rain   
You Could Be Mine
Civil War
14 Years
Pretty Tied Up

And I'd probably take these too.
Double Talkin' Jive
The Garden
Knockin' on Heaven's Door

From Use Your Illusions II, I'd potentially drop only Knockin' On Heaven's Door. Locomotive is one of my top tracks off that disc actually. There's more filler on I, in my opinion.

Civil War
14 Years
Don't Cry
Pretty Tied Up
November Rain
Don't Damn Me
You Could Be Mine

If I was to pick a 10 track album from them that would be it.

No love for Yesterdays? I love that song.

Kinda answered my own question there  :laugh:

Breakdown is a fantastic song ! Has to be in there.

I would seriously struggle to cull the Illusions albums to ten tracks, love 'em both. Should have googled Guccione's Da years ago myself!
Wearing jeans and leather, not crackerjack clothes

Ok lads, what do yis make of Chinese Democracy?

I've always thought it was an underrated record, ok it's a drastic sound difference and overproduced to fuck but again, like the UYI's, if you trimmed the fat a little I think there's a great record in there.

Right Next Door To Hell
Dust N Bones
Perfect Crime
Back Off Bitch
Double Talkin' Jive
Garden of Eden
Bad Apples
Dead Horse
Civil War
14 Years
Get In The Ring
Shotgun Blues
So Fine
You Could Be Mine

To be a fair a good few more could have made their way in there, they aren't half as patchy as I was discrediting them for. The lead on Estranged is worth the admission price alone.

Yesterdays is grand it could have got in there as well. It was worth going back to them after a good few years.

Chinese Democracy is ok, it's just so different it doesn't feel like GnR and it was hyped up for so long it could only end in underwhelment