RAM - Lightbringer

Been a while. What an absolute rocker! Vocals are just electric.

What is that album?

Listening to Tribulation's Children of the Night and Atheist Unquestionable Presence.

It's Fuil na Seanchoille 'Hunger'. Cool album.

Today is a bit of a mix:

Ereb Altor - Jartecken
Urn - Iron Will Of Power
Distillator & Space Chaser Split

Ripper (Chile) - Raising the Corpse

Schizophrenia era Seps with some of the coolest bass playing this side of Di Giorgio ...

'The graves are in the other side of the brothel
Where the bitches get fun with officers
Before they die
Real stories from my journey through the world
This is not a lie for you'

Oooh yeah baby, metal da engelish
Wearing jeans and leather, not crackerjack clothes

Sensual World "Feeling Wild" lp. Like a gothier Blondie or something.  Lovely stuff.

Vemod- 'Venter på stormene'. Haven't stuck this on in a couple of years.  Perfect wintry music; it sounds vast and cold.

Bloodbath - nightmares made flesh.

Missed this band completely til now. Ferocious. Any fans?

Quote from: Don Gately on October 22, 2019, 09:27:22 AM
Bloodbath - nightmares made flesh.

Missed this band completely til now. Ferocious. Any fans?
Aye, great band although I've not heard the latest stuff. They're a bit like Gruesome in that they unapologetically wear their influences on their sleeve but do a much better job of it

Love the first few Bloodbath,nothing original,but its not ment to be.One of those bands id love to see live

Continuing on my 90s Norwegian BM buzz I rooted out Borknagar 'The Olden Domain' for the first time in years.  Cool album but whoever designed the artwork should be shot. Such an ugly mish-mash...

I also grabbed Arcturus ' Aspera Hiems Symfonia/ Constellation/ My Angel'.

These two will keep me occupied nicely  8)

Alcest - Spiritual Instinct

Nothing particularly new but an enjoyable listen

I only have 'Souvenirs d'Un Autre Monde' and I like it and listen to it from time to time but anything else I've listened to from Alcest sounds like a variation on the same thing.  Not sure they are a band I need to own more than one album by.

King's X - Gretchen Goes To Nebraska

Still nothing else quite like it.