Some of ye might get a kick out of this.  A friend sent me their instagram page this morning, I found the actual site from there.  Basically seems to be a streaming TV channel of old archived footage from stations worldwide, and films, all cobbled together in short bursts, 2-5 minute segments of unrelated footage from old 60s american TV shows could be back to back with psychedelic cartoons from Europe.  A collective of lads put it together over hours and hours of collected tapes; a better description of the whole thing and how it works can be read here.

The video breaks are cool but I'm interested to see the actual programs on during the week too, there's a TV guide effort on the page if you go to it.  Plenty of music based sections on nightly.

This just came up in the middle of the video breaks and I have to post it somewhere

is there any way in which the 60s and 70s weren't weird

this format was a little dated in the early 90s when they first came up with it though; I guess in 2014 it might have been wellplaced, but seems like its time has gone again

Cool story bro....

Quote from: Kurt Cocaine on July 13, 2020, 09:42:57 PM
Cool story bro....

I'm not trying to be critical, it's just the found footage thing is kind of very 5 years ago, at best

Is there anything you find current?

Quote from: ochoill on July 13, 2020, 02:32:13 PM
This just came up in the middle of the video breaks and I have to post it somewhere

That's class! Yer man throwing shapes when he steps onto the floor!  :abbath: :laugh:

I watched a heap of this yesterday.  The actual programming itself is better than the video breaks though there isn't much difference in the style, rather they are just grouped under themes.  There's one tonight that's meant to be a collection of 80's music subculture clips with the theme 'brainwash', should be interesting.

this stuff used to be my thing, that's why I'm so grumpy about it. It's all so fragile, so old, so incomprehensible to anyone under 30, so washed out, so hissy, and crucially- it's all popping up on completely the wrong segment of the timeline.

when it first comes out you don't appreciate it, then it goes, you kind of forget about it, then it comes back at the wrong time and it seems kinda crappy at the very moment you want it to be vibrant and relevant.

it's like when church of the subgenius came out, and it wanted so hard to be witty and irreverent and subversive but it looked so dated even at the time, it was heartbreaking

I'm over 30 though  :laugh:
I enjoy the aesthetic of it a lot.  I could break it down but there's the fun in that when lads can experience it for themselves?

From where I'm looking, this concept couldn't be any more now. Streaming services are all about endless choice. A regular talking point is the amount of time people spend choosing what they're going to watch out of endless catalogues of content, content, content. They're all built around the individual's choice; enormous selection, watch whatever you want, whenever you want, pause it, roll it back, skip forward...

Here, you get precisely the opposite experience! You either watch or you don't watch, but after that absolutely everything is out of your individual control. I can actually feel the cognitive tension as I automatically and reflexively try to interact with it as if it was YouTube. Whatever it's actually supposed to be, as a piece of mass installation art, it's pretty damn cool in the above respects.

In any case, stoner heaven for the 2020s!

Dis d shit right heya

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on July 14, 2020, 04:52:09 PM
From where I'm looking, this concept couldn't be any more now. Streaming services are all about endless choice. A regular talking point is the amount of time people spend choosing what they're going to watch out of endless catalogues of content, content, content. They're all built around the individual's choice; enormous selection, watch whatever you want, whenever you want, pause it, roll it back, skip forward...

Here, you get precisely the opposite experience! You either watch or you don't watch, but after that absolutely everything is out of your individual control. I can actually feel the cognitive tension as I automatically and reflexively try to interact with it as if it was YouTube. Whatever it's actually supposed to be, as a piece of mass installation art, it's pretty damn cool in the above respects.

In any case, stoner heaven for the 2020s!
Yup, this hits the nail on the head.  It's a real pleasure once you forget about any control over it and just relax to it, let whatever is coming on play out.  It's definitely a digital installation of sorts, and carefully crafted.  Right stuff.  And yeah I'm fair upset I don't have even a pinner for a spin off this, it is built for it.

Ya, I'm in as well and only watched a small bit yesterday. I had thought acid rather than stoner but just different sides of the coin. That's 3 votes from the over 30s. Strange times.