I haven't even watched it yet but when I heard that the cool kidz known as the over 30's were in on it, then I have to throw my hat in the ring. I'm in....  :abbath:

I'll put on my lenseless glasses and make myself a smashed avo sandwich before watching this   :abbath:

It's prob too high brow for ye.

This is well good.

I remembered this recently and was going mad trying to remember the name of the thing to find it.

Still broadcasting. Massive hell yeah.

how did I miss this thread the first time around? Here's my favourite EXP TV banger, which no doubt Yung Led Zep will recognise instantly


This got me through lockdown, along with Cathode TV which I heartily recommend - a free streaming site that picks a theme, shows a selection of obscure/underground/exploitation/batshit movies for the day  - today is 1987 Action films for example. so thwy're showing Hard Ticket to Hawaii, The Miami Connection, and a load of mad cheap n cheerful 80s Chuck Norris/Rambo/Kung Fu ripoffs. And it's free



You're after reminding me of another one from there that I probably won't ever be able to find again but it was basically a bizarre ad for some local electricity board somewhere in the States with a cast of people singing a song about making light work and conserving electricity or something. Haunted my brain for a couple of weeks.