Ah fair enough so. Well welcome back anyway. I was hoping you'd put up a bit more resistance for the thread's sake but I suppose an odd one has to be right to keep the whole thing going

Maybe I was spoofing... like Alex Jones, but slimmer  :D

He got a right doing lately the knob

The amount of money he was making out of it is unreal

The conspiracy theory around that is that it's not about the money but about silencing him because he's waking too many people up. I'd never have thought he was that rich either

The main problem is that he's waking them up in a fictional reality, surely? One which is allowing the Russians and Chinese to think it's time to start rebuilding empires as the US is now seen as divided and weak, which they're clearly helping fuel. He's been spewing utter shite, making enormous sums of cash out of it, and making big money for his NRA benefactors too.

Is there anyone here who thinks he ever genuinely believed Sandy Hook was staged?

I wouldn't think there is but nothing would really surprise me. I think for the likes of Jones to be as popular as he is that there has to be nuggets of truth in there. That's enough then for folks to buy everything he says which is a silly move no matter who one is listening to. He throws in things like the cashless surveillance society, which is inevitable given today's technology, but then conflates that with all sorts of other things and there's eejits who love that thinking they know the secret lark. The last couple of years of governments acting as salesmen for massive corporations didn't help either but that wasn't a theory, it was just what happened be it by accident or design. So yeah there's a huge market for someone like Jones and if he gave it up there'd be another one on with little nuggets of truth to pick up the slack.

As much as I've no interest in Jones and haven't really ever had, it's another thing entirely to think the massive corporations and governments wouldn't be in cahoots and not all for our good but then I suppose how bothered one is about all the obvious things that are happening directly correlates to how many illicit things one wants to get their hands on and also how much one does our doesn't enjoy being watched and being analysed by AI.

It's also not lost on me that I'm on my phone feeding the thing but the type of conspiracy theories I enjoy are the more entertaining ones and not really the stuff that paints the future as even more bleak than it already looks because that's actually bad for the head if one gets too into it.

Something like the cancelling of the tartarian empire or such like but not to the flat earth and alien pyramids lark

I often think that someone like him, at this stage of the game, probably isn't really sure what he genuinely believes or not anymore, and also doesn't care. It works for him, or has done up until recently at least. He's not a person of integrity who might be concerned with plumbing what his actual convictions might be. Beyond making money and lots of it.

Didn't he refer to himself as some sort of fictional entertainment in his divorce proceedings a couple of years ago or am I remembering that right?

Alex Jones is controlled opposition just like David Icke and many others they are all actors playing a role. Like I said on here before these people are used to push crazy conspiracies along with genuine ones in order to discredit what is genuine. Anyone who is in a position of power even like Joe, Elon Musk etc. don't get to where they currently are without being compromised.

I've often considered that seeing as the internet never forgets that someone somewhere must have serious dirt on some world leaders and famous faces. I'd be amazed if they didn't. I also wonder about Epstein's connections and island visitors and who is compromised by that. And I wonder how Ghislaine Maxwell got convicted of child trafficking to nobody. That last one is a mad one but perhaps could be explained away by saying any released info could compromise some ongoing investigation.

There are some fucking nuts theories going that could be seen as obfuscation for sure

Liz Truss + prosthetic hand + novichok  ???

Here's one I've just seen. The Queen has been dead for ages but it's only being announced now to distract everyone from something else happening and her meeting Liz Truss was photoshopped. It'll get more fun when lads try fill in the gaps in the theory

Given all the TV parasites are wearing black ties and such, it's likely the jig is up but not yet announced to the tax payers.

Plus "Queen Tribute Concert" was already used, so there's some brainstorming going down before the big announcement.

I'm waiting for the theories that she's still alive now