He's perfect for them, though. Have you ever seen a "leader" so petty who publicly attacks anyone who disagrees with him? Has there ever been a more divisive president? He's a fucking wet dream for anyone trying to destabilise the US. Forget the right vs left thing, if you can, and just try to contemplate how much manipulation must go on for the Christian extremists to embrace the spiritual vacuum of Trump. Seriously, just stop and think about that. It's incredible. There are massive sections of their society polarised based on blatant lying and they don't give a fuck if they're caught out anymore, just repeat the lie. You reap what you sew and the US is seeing the results of massively biased media bear fruit. This whole demonisation and ridicule of "the left" (formerly liberals, then libtards) is straight out of the Goebbels runbook and people just don't see themselves being manipulated, just regurgitate this senseless biased bullshit. It's terrifying. It's incredible to see it manifest itself on a fucking Irish metal forum ffs. Those kids smashing up Portland in the video posted yesterday hadn't a fucking clue what they were doing or why they were doing it, other than they felt compelled to do it. There are massive lessons from history being ignored and it's always "the left" or "the right" who are to blame when it's nothing of the sort. Create a group who are the source of your problems and publicly blame them for everything, blame the media for not agreeing with you, repeat, repeat, repeat. The US is facing a fucking humongous problem and, bringing it back to the thread title, they're in a situation where every interested party has access to the mind of most of their citizens via social media on phones. The Russians weren't just stoking the fires for conservatives in the run up to the last election, they were also making big efforts to have black communities feel disenfranchised, a "this country doesn't represent me" thing. Look at where we are now. You can guarantee China have been doing it too. But hey, it's those wackos on "the left" who are the problem or the nut-jobs on "the right". Mental times but, sadly, we appear to have learned nothing from history.

Quote from: astfgyl on August 31, 2020, 11:13:09 PM

Does this affect anything here or does it not? If it was like 1990 and there was a small bit in the paper and a bit on the news when things went on in the USA, would I give a fuck about the outcome of any of it, or have any idea of the whole circumstance leading up to the election over there? No, I'd be going to the feile and watching world cup 90 and using jumpers for goalposts. The world seems so small the more connected everyone gets, as in it's big news here if george floyd gets done over there even though it's fuck all to do with us as a nation, yet we let all sorts go on in our own gaff and we do fuck all

I've never seen anything like it. Not in Tipp anyway.

Yeah, I think I might just take a break from news, politics, and all that for a while. Being constantly bombarded with updates reminding you how fucked the world is can't be great for the auld mental health

Quote from: Juggz on September 01, 2020, 07:34:26 AM
He's perfect for them, though. Have you ever seen a "leader" so petty who publicly attacks anyone who disagrees with him? Has there ever been a more divisive president? He's a fucking wet dream for anyone trying to destabilise the US. Forget the right vs left thing, if you can, and just try to contemplate how much manipulation must go on for the Christian extremists to embrace the spiritual vacuum of Trump. Seriously, just stop and think about that. It's incredible. There are massive sections of their society polarised based on blatant lying and they don't give a fuck if they're caught out anymore, just repeat the lie. You reap what you sew and the US is seeing the results of massively biased media bear fruit. This whole demonisation and ridicule of "the left" (formerly liberals, then libtards) is straight out of the Goebbels runbook and people just don't see themselves being manipulated, just regurgitate this senseless biased bullshit. It's terrifying. It's incredible to see it manifest itself on a fucking Irish metal forum ffs. Those kids smashing up Portland in the video posted yesterday hadn't a fucking clue what they were doing or why they were doing it, other than they felt compelled to do it. There are massive lessons from history being ignored and it's always "the left" or "the right" who are to blame when it's nothing of the sort. Create a group who are the source of your problems and publicly blame them for everything, blame the media for not agreeing with you, repeat, repeat, repeat. The US is facing a fucking humongous problem and, bringing it back to the thread title, they're in a situation where every interested party has access to the mind of most of their citizens via social media on phones. The Russians weren't just stoking the fires for conservatives in the run up to the last election, they were also making big efforts to have black communities feel disenfranchised, a "this country doesn't represent me" thing. Look at where we are now. You can guarantee China have been doing it too. But hey, it's those wackos on "the left" who are the problem or the nut-jobs on "the right". Mental times but, sadly, we appear to have learned nothing from history.

Thinking mans post there.

Still, the left though....

Well the extreme left is definitely not off the hook here, I'm sorry. I'd agree with a lot of what Juggz says but it's definitely not all one way traffic. The Spanish civil war is an amazing example of when these kind of factions raise their heads and I can't help but feel we're on our way there once again. Scary stuff.

#1129 September 01, 2020, 08:17:36 AM Last Edit: September 01, 2020, 08:20:25 AM by Caomhaoin
I was talking to a buddy of mine over here and he used to be a stoner, a liberal arts student back in college. Gay rights, freedom of speech, basically moving away from our parents generation and the kimura lock the church had on life. His views have not changed in any meaningful way, but he finds himself being unable to identify with the modern left, and his own moderate opinions are being equated with a commission in the SS  Liebstandarte Adolf Hitler circa 1941.

'Right wing' is a coverall term for narrative non compliant. The list of derisive insults for the low testosterone opposition is equally daft, and I indulge in it regularly when dealing with soyboys like Chris and Ollkiller or crybabies like Ducky and Juggz. I imagine all four own one of those rainbow flag hammer and sickle badges and protest 'paedo bashing' and ask girls is it ok to touch their hand etc instead of being a dominant sexual alpha male like me, Donald Trump and Kurt Cocaine.

Warring factions and it's hard to predict the endgame, in spite of the portents.

The Spanish civil war is also a perfect example of foreign meddling though, too. The "extreme left" in the Spanish civil war was the anarchists, not the communists, and the latter were more pawns of Moscow than they were representative of any personally held ideology. Today, there are no "communists" of that sort, and the "anarchists" (antifa, etc., who are nothing like the anarchists of the Spanish civil war) are indeed being absolutely stoked up by polarized media, as witnessed by the fact that many (most?) of them can't even coherently articulate their own position...just as Juggz points out that many Trump supporters from the Christian conservative group wouldn't be able to articulate a defense of why they support such an un-christ-like figure (similar to the Franco situation of yore). Massive amounts of cognitive dissonance leads to a breakdown of agency, and that's when people attain maximum manipulability.

It seems shocking to some of us here to see how flippantly and unthinkingly certain positions are regurgitated right here on the forum, but I'm aware the same happens on both sides. Expanding on what I said above; find one article in the Guardian or the New York Times that doesn't report the Portland shooting as pure spin rather than about a man being shot dead in the street. It's the same kind of cognitive dissonance being stoked up. I dunno, it's just mental.

Wow, two posts in a row from the oestrogen brigade that I agree with almost entirely. You had your dairy this morning, Christophe :)


Genuinely lolling here....  :laugh:

Having never met Kurt Cocaine, I'm really hoping my mental image of him sauntering through a smoky nightclub with a Cardi B lookalike on both arms is completely legit  :laugh:

I was curious about Cardi B, watched a couple of videos yesterday. She is unbelievably simple, her sex advice is gas

'When you be suckin' niggaz dicks n'shit, yo gotsta get dem PH levels CORRECT yo'!

Fuckin' hell. There is a video of her and sleepy Joe doing a zoom call. The waffle was pure lads.

Quote from: Pedrito on September 01, 2020, 09:42:37 AM
Having never met Kurt Cocaine, I'm really hoping my mental image of him sauntering through a smoky nightclub with Cardi B on both arms is completely legit  :laugh:
Fixed that for you...  :laugh:

Fantastic thread lads. Just spent an hour catching up. Lads, all I can say is thank fuck we live in Ireland.
I work for an American multi national and was talking to a colleague the other day, highly educated, in management for 20 odd years. Just asked in passing "you'll be voting Biden then?" holy shit, the ranting they went on, saying how they are terrified about how Biden is going to ruin their country and he's planning on disbanding the police and remove the military. Holy shit is all I could think and changed the subject quick. What a whack job of a country now!

David Graeber has passed away at 59. Didn't really know where to mention it, thought that by putting it here it might encourage some people to check him out and learn a bit more about genuine political anarchism.