Few observations. First if a cop tells you to stop moving then stop the fuck moving. I've been stopped by guards numerous times, searched a few times and I learnt quick enough if you be sound, keep chatting and do what they say it's over a lot quicker.

The training normal cops get in America is abysmal compared to what is required.

How the fuck none of the cops asked that 17 year old for ID is fucking beyond me. Roaming militias on both sides. Its absolute batshit. At this stage if the protesters had a brain they'd stop as seemingly it is helping Trump.

The one thing I find hilarious is Trump going he's the law and order president. If you vote Biden this will happen everywhere. Who the fuck has been in charge since it started. Trump. Has he made it better or worse. Easy answer there . There was riots during Obama's presidency. Was it 3 days they lasted?

#1111 August 31, 2020, 09:48:12 PM Last Edit: August 31, 2020, 09:53:10 PM by Caomhaoin
I don't think anyone could have controlled the situation after the Floyd killing, Putin maybe. Brian Cowan got it in 2008, Don is in a catch 22. Send in the national guard? Do nothing? I don't think there is much more/less that he could have done.

I wonder what Camel Blues would have done? That's who the dems are essentially voting for, even though she got 1% in the primaries. Mad. Despite being in his dotage, sleepy Joe been full of shit for years, a pure flip flopper. He's anyone's dog for a bone.

Aye it was always gonna kick off after the Floyd incident. The language of a president matters though, in times of strife you have to give a reasoned response as any flaming of the anger gives licence to mentallers.

Do I think Joe Biden should have been the candidate. Fuck no. But would he be better than Trump. He can't be any worse. You need leadership. There is none currently.

No leadership is a bit strong. I think people are, to a large degree, incapable of fairly critiquing Trump, varying from jumping on every single potentially 'ha! I told you! Racist' thing he says or does to forgiving him unconditionally his gaffes and faux pas. I'm as guilty as you, albeit with wildly differing views on the man.

Tucker Carlson, and I lap this cunt up, when he mocks Biden I'm starting to feel like it's elder abuse. Like interrupting your grandad to tell him he's a boring auld fucker and to shush now. He's only three years older than Trump, but he could be his auld fella. He looks less vibrant than my 87 year old grandfather.

China would have controlled it. China or Russia. Not that anyone would like how they did it. Not in public anyway. It does seem like catch 22 for Trump.

At times the whole protest thing (and the corporate sponsorship of BLM by companies who want to appeal to a certain demographic) seems like a bit of a.... I dunno if set up is the right phrase but sort of that, maybe more nurtured and guided. If Trump was able to use targeted social media (allegedly, and allegedly involving Cambridge Analytica) for his win, why wouldn't the opposition play a similar game this time round?

What makes you think both sides aren't still doing it? More importantly, why wouldn't you think China and Russia aren't sitting back cracking their holes laughing at the entire shitshow? Russia set up their Internet Research Agency to exploit social media and stir up exactly this kind of mess.  Just keep stirring and stirring, pushing them further and further apart. It's hard to see, regardless of which cunt wins the election, how the Americans resolve this in any timely way at all.

The one thing which amazes me is how the Democrats selected Biden. He's the worst candidate I can recall. It's almost as if they want to lose the fucking thing.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on August 31, 2020, 07:29:51 PM
I see your buddies in Antifa killed a lad just because he was a Trump supporter. Utterly sickening. Hate crime, and a hate crime committed by a gang of absolute cunts. Boils my piss. The footage is harrowing, the poor bastard - 'Hey we got a Trumper' BANG BANG. And some short haired lesbian anarchist bullshitting about 'we can replace the police with armed citizen brigades, and a fascist died tonight' (referring to the victim). I was just fantasising about stomping her fucking head in.

You ask me, it's even more reprehensible than what happened to either Floyd or that other eejit resisting arrest.


Watched the Crowder clip (the bare minimum...what an unbearable personality, thanks for the introduction! :-X ). The shooting was reprehensible and the defense equally. I don't think it's comparable to the Floyd killing, nor do I see any point trying to play one-upmanship with them; one involved a maniac citizen, the other a cohort of trained servants of justice and order.

The only Guardian pieces I've seen on the Portland shooting were headlined and reported as pure spin pieces, which is as reprehensible as journalism gets. Someone was murdered ffs.

Yeah, the BBC (unsurprisingly) buried the story, bar trying to imply that the victim was involved with the 'far right', whatever the fuck that means.

I think it's worse than the Floyd killing because the murder was demonstrably for no other reason than for his perceived opinions. It'd almost remind you of stomach churning loyalist killings of just any 'fenian'. It nauseates me.

Quote from: Juggz on August 31, 2020, 10:41:42 PM
What makes you think both sides aren't still doing it? More importantly, why wouldn't you think China and Russia aren't sitting back cracking their holes laughing at the entire shitshow? Russia set up their Internet Research Agency to exploit social media and stir up exactly this kind of mess.  Just keep stirring and stirring, pushing them further and further apart. It's hard to see, regardless of which cunt wins the election, how the Americans resolve this in any timely way at all.

The one thing which amazes me is how the Democrats selected Biden. He's the worst candidate I can recall. It's almost as if they want to lose the fucking thing.

Both sides are 100 percent doing it. They are in it right up to the hilt. It's the most fucked up thing ever in a way, the U.S. presidential election and the muck throwing that it entails is for the first time ever actually spilling out into other parts of the world. Out in the open like, not like where just other governments are interested, no actually the likes of us here going on about it no less. Suddenly lads in London are hopping because they think that it's so right wing if one doesn't like some things about BLM or whatever else and all of a sudden someone throws that in on top of a few other bits mixed in with McDonalds and the banks and the troika bumming us all slowly and here we go let's all hop fucking rocks off things because we all have fuck all and someone else has everything. And then I have a thought....

Does this affect anything here or does it not? If it was like 1990 and there was a small bit in the paper and a bit on the news when things went on in the USA, would I give a fuck about the outcome of any of it, or have any idea of the whole circumstance leading up to the election over there? No, I'd be going to the feile and watching world cup 90 and using jumpers for goalposts. The world seems so small the more connected everyone gets, as in it's big news here if george floyd gets done over there even though it's fuck all to do with us as a nation, yet we let all sorts go on in our own gaff and we do fuck all

I've never seen anything like it. Not in Tipp anyway.

And yeah, who the fuck would trump win against if it wasn't Hilary Clinton or Joe Biden. They can't honestly have been the 2 best bets for the Intercontinental Title? Oh shit, wait, that's WWE. I can hardly tell the difference anymore

A very short press conference from him tonight. And not condemning 'his guys' when asked, before his trip to kenosha tomorrow. Gonna get interesting tomorrow one would think!

Crazy watching it. Hard to believe its real!

Quote from: Caomhaoin on August 31, 2020, 10:57:21 PM
Yeah, the BBC (unsurprisingly) buried the story, bar trying to imply that the victim was involved with the 'far right', whatever the fuck that means.
It means pretty much the same as when you say "the left;)

Wasn't the victim wearing something from this organisation? Perhaps that's where the association is coming from?


I hope Wiki is acceptable.

Yeah, it seems that it's being used by certain media outlets to, in a perverse way, explain, if not outright justify his killing. I know other outlets fried George Floyd for him being a scumbag, but what's different here is that a hate crime has been committed, and most people don't know what the guys name is, let alone beatifying him like GF was.

Check out the video footage I linked to Chris there Juggz. There is no defending it. Blood boiling stuff.

Yeah, I saw a version of it earlier where he and the lad who seemingly shot him were actually mingling in the same group earlier in the day. The whole situation is tragic. It's huge fucking mess with little sign of improving any time soon.

Quote from: Juggz on August 31, 2020, 10:41:42 PM
What makes you think both sides aren't still doing it? More importantly, why wouldn't you think China and Russia aren't sitting back cracking their holes laughing at the entire shitshow? Russia set up their Internet Research Agency to exploit social media and stir up exactly this kind of mess.  Just keep stirring and stirring, pushing them further and further apart. It's hard to see, regardless of which cunt wins the election, how the Americans resolve this in any timely way at all.

The one thing which amazes me is how the Democrats selected Biden. He's the worst candidate I can recall. It's almost as if they want to lose the fucking thing.

I think this is the more worrying part of it all. Divide and conquer, isn't that what the English did to our good selves in the past. There's massive manipulation going on, it's definitely not chance any of this. It's also definitely not only Trump. His character doesn't help much of it but the reaction to him is way off the reality of the situation. He's a perfect pawn/scapegoat in something far deeper and more sinister.