Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on August 31, 2020, 02:53:22 PM
Quote from: Pedrito on August 31, 2020, 02:47:08 PM

Donald Trump has been accused of far worse, and practically admitted to equal. How many times do we get to shoot him in the back??  :)

Don't you know that in excess of two dozen women claiming Trump is a sexual predator is nothin' but the left wing media smearing him!

Quote from: hellfire on August 31, 2020, 03:03:30 PM
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on August 31, 2020, 02:53:22 PM
Quote from: Pedrito on August 31, 2020, 02:47:08 PM

Donald Trump has been accused of far worse, and practically admitted to equal. How many times do we get to shoot him in the back??  :)

"Blake is accused in the criminal complaint, which was obtained by The Post, of breaking into the home of a woman he knew and sexually assaulting her"


He has a couple of rape accusations on his tab. My point isn't to claim he's guilty, more pointing out that if an accusation of a given crime is some kind of worthwhile mitigating consideration for being shot at seven times in the back by a professional law enforcement officer, then what could we hope to justifiably get away with based on Trump's list of accusations? In other words, it's beside the point what the guy is accused of; the point is why a professional law enforcement officer chose the course of action he did. Wouldn't matter if the bloke was a repeat offender paedophile; law enforcement isn't supposed to be based on frontier justice.

It's gas how you turned that into a Trump thing. The link was only to show the story, I didn't even  comment one way or the other. And you're all saying your not caught up in the hysteria?

It's a Trump thread (nominally at least!). No, not a Trump thing, just trying to insist on what is and isn't relevant to a given question. Notably, it is irrelevant what Blake was accused of, and also irrelevant what any of the guys shot in Kenosha were guilty of. It is, however, relevant that it was a Trump supporter shot by an antifa member in Portland, and so on. Need to be able to brush distractions away asap in order to navigate the media storm of shite.

Your man had to be shot. The tazer didn't work  twice(allegedly anyway) . He was a known dirtbag, he was reaching into the car, highly likely for a weapon. 7 shots of course seems excessive but maybe they were very small bullets 😃 and it took 7. Either way, a criminal, not following instructions, knowing cops are heavy-handed, he should have been shot for stupidity, if nothing else. Ah sher, let's have a riot.

Glen Loury is very strong on that. He thinks black Americans need to learn the etiqeutte of dealing with a jittery armed police force. There's a strong macho anti-establishment attitude among the black lower classes-understandably perhaps- but at some point, if only for their own well being and continued survival- they have to treat the cops seriously, rather than a kind of hurdle in their rite of passage to manhood. All well and good to seem brave to your pals but not much use when you have serveral bullets ripping into you.

Most normal human beings having kids in the car would have tried to calm the situation down and comply.

Exactly. You have aggressive,  jumpy armed cops dealing with you and you learn a bit of respect,  deference and be as goddamn polite, non threatening and helpful as possible.  Ramping up the tension is simply suicidal.

It's sold as a black thing but if you're any colour and you start running around your car and fighting against police, they'll have to ramp things up, for their own safety at the very least. Of ourse there are thug police but nowhere near as many as being portrayed. The 'fuck the police' thing has gone to bonkers levels in the media, in film, in music.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on August 31, 2020, 03:27:34 PM
Quote from: hellfire on August 31, 2020, 03:03:30 PM
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on August 31, 2020, 02:53:22 PM
Quote from: Pedrito on August 31, 2020, 02:47:08 PM

Donald Trump has been accused of far worse, and practically admitted to equal. How many times do we get to shoot him in the back??  :)

"Blake is accused in the criminal complaint, which was obtained by The Post, of breaking into the home of a woman he knew and sexually assaulting her"


He has a couple of rape accusations on his tab. My point isn't to claim he's guilty, more pointing out that if an accusation of a given crime is some kind of worthwhile mitigating consideration for being shot at seven times in the back by a professional law enforcement officer, then what could we hope to justifiably get away with based on Trump's list of accusations? In other words, it's beside the point what the guy is accused of; the point is why a professional law enforcement officer chose the course of action he did. Wouldn't matter if the bloke was a repeat offender paedophile; law enforcement isn't supposed to be based on frontier justice.

What he did to get shot was resist arrest. There is video taken from another angle showing him wrestling with the police. The officer who shot him gave him several warnings and even pulled on his shirt to stop him. He was reaching into the car. For all they knew he was reaching for a weapon.

I blame N.W.A. for the whole Fuck Tha Police thing

Ah okay. So the onus is on suspected criminals rather than the police force to be better trained. Got it.

What's this now lad?

Blake resisted arrest on a felony warrant, refused to comply, had an officer in a headlock, and according to some reports he had a knife. Then he refuses to comply, opening his car door and reaching in. Police training doesn't imply that a suspect needs time to brandish a weapon in a threatening manner before deadly force is justified. You reach, you get it. Any eejit could tell you that.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on August 31, 2020, 06:25:28 PM
Ah okay. So the onus is on suspected criminals rather than the police force to be better trained. Got it.

When someone has a gun trained on you and is telling you to stop its probably wise to do so.  They tried non lethal first and it failed.

Yeah, I've read that police account. If it's true, he should have been tackled to the ground and overpowered by properly trained officers long before he got a chance to saunter around to the other side of the vehicle. Sounds like cops protecting their own with whatever account they can come up with tbh...would hardly be the first time. You can take it for gospel if you like; but even if it is, it reveals a failure of police training, just of a different nature, but with ultimately the same result.