'Every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the party is always right'

Time for a few people to reread that book.

That's Danielle Steel, I'd recognise her style a mile off.

Seriously though, it's all going a bit that way and everybody seems powerless to put a stop to it. What do these people think will happen once the statues are torn down and the streets renamed. Will everyone just be like one big happy family then? It seems a bit like a teenager trashing their room, the mentality of it. Will it be the case that the protesters will tire of it all and look around at the shit they've just made of everything and clean it up?

I think these people are idiots, whatever justifications they make for their cause.

Quote from: ochoill on June 10, 2020, 02:54:02 PM
This whole thread has moved in such a way I barely know what to even reply to any more and by the time I see a point I want to make, the post is about three pages behind where I am so there's no point.  But it's been a good read lol

But revisiting the protests in the US, to keep it mildly topical - I see the protestors in Seattle have claimed about six blocks in the middle of the city as an autonomous zone, they're setting up barricades and the businesses have agreed to let it happen.  Off to find more as it's an interesting development in things.  A few details here: https://www.capitolhillseattle.com/2020/06/welcome-to-free-capitol-hill-capitol-hill-autonomous-zone-forms-around-emptied-east-precinct/ - some information and gives a few links to tweets that can otherwise be followed for more info if you feel like having a look.

It's funny looking at the pictures on there how the crowd seems to be predominantly white, while the people with the microphones are all black.

Get on your knees, whitey

Quote from: astfgyl on June 10, 2020, 04:56:51 PM
That's Danielle Steel, I'd recognise her style a mile off.

Seriously though, it's all going a bit that way and everybody seems powerless to put a stop to it. What do these people think will happen once the statues are torn down and the streets renamed. Will everyone just be like one big happy family then? It seems a bit like a teenager trashing their room, the mentality of it. Will it be the case that the protesters will tire of it all and look around at the shit they've just made of everything and clean it up?

I think these people are idiots, whatever justifications they make for their cause.

the borg don't/doesn't really a motive other than combining immortality with passive sentience, machine humans, human machines, endlessly taking new forms while actually being completely mundane.

the question isn't why are they doing this, as they themselves have no answer, but rather how can the minority who find this world becoming pretty awful, find solace

Gone with the Wind purged by HBO.

I mean, FFS.

This is only the beginning.

Common sense has now gone with the wind.

On your fucking knees

Quote from: Caomhaoin on June 10, 2020, 05:13:32 PM
Gone with the Wind purged by HBO.

I mean, FFS.

Quotewhen the film returns to HBO Max, it "will return with a discussion of its historical context and a denouncement of those very depictions," and will be presented "as it was originally created, because to do otherwise would be the same as claiming these prejudices never existed."

Since you quoted good old George up there, we all agree he wouldn't be in favour of how a certain element of the liberals go about things when they are offended, but, honestly, how do you think he would feel about Vox, given whose side he fought on in the Spanish Civil War? Or about Trump, given the importance he laid on how English should be wielded politically? By all means use Orwell to criticize liberal censorship, but only if you're going to cast that lens universally, for pity's sake. We're in the polarized state we're in precisely because conservatives are capable of unironically rolling out 1984 to criticize only one side of things!

Little Britain taken down too.

#639 June 10, 2020, 05:30:38 PM Last Edit: June 10, 2020, 05:35:32 PM by Caomhaoin
The quote is apt considering the insanity that is gripping the world. Why on earth should I cast the lens universally? What the fuck are you on about? I'm not allowed to quote Orwell because I'm a conservative? 1984 has been one of my favourite books for 25 years, and I've read every single thing the man has put in print. Unironically? Man, I normally enjoy this but that pissed me off.

Feel free to make your own points about Trump or Vox or whatever, I'm using that quote to show the foresight the book had related to this hyper-woke craziness.

You never acknowledge any point I make for which you have no answer, you answer the ones you've managed to knock up a quick link for, and you deliberately misconstrue the quote I've put up.

Regarding Vox, they are a conservative nationalist party in a country to which I have little allegiance, I just happen to agree with them on a few issues, I stray from the party line quite frequently.

I saw a video the other day (might have been  on here?) and it was a bunch of white people kneeling down, heads down in front of a group of black people, a number of the black people in tears..
One black guy had a microphone and was calling out a line and they were repeating it. But it was like 'i promise from this day forward, to do my best.. to stop racist etc etc, and to accept that i am part of the reason/cause.. etc etc

Like what in the actual fuck are they at... a load of dramatic bullshit.

I take it the indian character in Short Circuit means that film is on the censor list?

Pity, cause he was really funny.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on June 10, 2020, 05:30:38 PM
The quote is apt considering the insanity that is gripping the world. Why on earth should I cast the lens universally? What the fuck are you on about? I'm not allowed to quote Orwell because I'm a conservative? 1984 has been one of my favourite books for 25 years, and I've read every single thing the man has put in print. Unironically? Man, I normally enjoy this but that pissed me off.

Feel free to make your own points about Trump or Vox or whatever, I'm using that quote to show the foresight the book had related to this hyper-woke craziness.

You never acknowledge any point I make for which you have no answer, you answer the ones you've managed to knock up a quick link for, and you deliberately misconstrue the quote I've put up.

Regarding Vox, they are a conservative nationalist party in a country to which I have little allegiance, I just happen to agree with them on a few issues, I stray from the party line quite frequently.

Orwell applies to any totalitarian power grab, left or right, woke or not. You cast yourself as a caricature of the conservative, down to the tabloid anecdotes, but the conservatives in power would and have done worse in terms of censorship and control than any on the left. So, in terms of power seeking, Orwell is good for critiquing everyone equally, or else he is wielded against his own stance. That's what I mean. Tabloid journalism, left or right, manipulates.

#643 June 10, 2020, 05:51:54 PM Last Edit: June 10, 2020, 06:03:03 PM by Caomhaoin
'Orwell' applies to...? Are you taking the piss? He was an author, not a philosophy, but I suppose you'll claim that my reading of him is superficial, according to my political persuasion. Who is 'grabbing power' at the moment? I fail to see what your argument is, considering, and again, your deliberately playing the eloquent daft wee laddie, acting as if you can't see the clear as day context. It's like arguing with a particularly obstinate reeled in trout, who just slips and jumps all over the place, refusing to accept the reality in front of it.

Caricature? Nice touch, a bit Brentesque given your reputation!

Do you honestly believe Trump, Johnson or whomever (what have they censored, exactly?) you're referring to as THE CONSERVATIVES are comparable to this extremist madness? Lad, wake up! There's no defending this, except from ideologues like you, Don Lemon etc. Taking down films and TV Shows for being retrospectively offensive? Big Don has his faults, but he's not the witch finder general like these lunatics.

Read about Matthew Hopkins. That's what happens when maniacs aren't resisted.

Quote from: Kunt 4 Life on June 10, 2020, 05:41:43 PM
I take it the indian character in Short Circuit means that film is on the censor list?

Pity, cause he was really funny.

in the sequel, he'd grown up, lost his enthusiasm etc, kinda sad to see