Quote from: Pedrito on June 08, 2020, 02:28:18 PM
How the fuck can you stop this kind of evil without a police force? Talking? People are living in the clouds if they believe violence, real deadly violence doesn't exist. Imagine that was your mother or sister taking a beating like that? And they want to get rid of guns? Never happening, not while this kind of thing is allowed to run free.


Jesus Christ, that boiled my blood. Absolute scum, cowardly fucking sewer rats. The owners should be well within their rights to defend themselves and their property. The man watching his wife being brutally smashed like that, how many of you wouldn't have shot those lowlifes dead if you were in his shoes?

Quote from: pete on June 08, 2020, 03:05:54 PM
Quote from: hellfire on June 08, 2020, 03:01:29 PM
"Camden had 25 homicides last year, an increase from 22 the year before but an improvement compared with the record of 67 in 2012. Overall, violent crime in the city dropped 3%, with 1,161 incidents in 2019 compared with 1,197 in 2018." Not exactly sounding like paradise. Considering it has a lower population than Waterford County.

Ha no, I think a paradise anywhere is a while off!  (maybe Waterford is to some! :) ) But moving in the right direction.

Not too impressed by the 3% drop. Pedrito, after talking about corona since March it's hard not to get distracted by literally anything else.

Quote from: hellfire on June 08, 2020, 03:08:43 PM
Quote from: pete on June 08, 2020, 03:05:54 PM
Quote from: hellfire on June 08, 2020, 03:01:29 PM
"Camden had 25 homicides last year, an increase from 22 the year before but an improvement compared with the record of 67 in 2012. Overall, violent crime in the city dropped 3%, with 1,161 incidents in 2019 compared with 1,197 in 2018." Not exactly sounding like paradise. Considering it has a lower population than Waterford County.

Ha no, I think a paradise anywhere is a while off!  (maybe Waterford is to some! :) ) But moving in the right direction.

Not too impressed by the 3% drop. Pedrito, after talking about corona since March it's hard not to get distracted by literally anything else.

I presume you got your quote form: https://www.inquirer.com/news/camden-crime-statistics-year-end-20200103.html

The next line is:  Compared with 2012, violent crime was down 42% last year, according to data provided Friday by the Camden County Police Department.

Which was when the reform started.

"In 2012, Camden set a new record by tallying 69 homicides, making for one of the highest murder rates ever recorded in an American city." That was a record year from what I've read. It still gets a listing in most violent cities in America.  If they try that all over and it works, I will eat my hat.

Hard to uphold any perception of fairness when it can get warped quite quickly in a digital world full of examples to point at and argue for/against across the whole spectrum of thought.

No point comparing any two individual years; if the scheme has been running 8 years, then take the average from the 8 years previous and the average in the 8 years since the scheme and compare that. Any other comparison, in favour or against, is fairly meaningless, especially if the place has a relatively small population.

From what little I read (never heard of that hovel before)  the murder rate fluctuates wildly. 44 murders in 2016 and 23 in 2017. The only thing I can conclude is the place is an absolute shithole. Population size is comparable to Tallaght. Don't really plan to look into it anymore than to say that I'm not convinced renaming the police and adding community officers did any good whatsoever.

Is there anything to be said for another mass?

Lads the wild spin being put on this shit by the media on all sides is frightening. We really have reached a new level of ridiculous, where it seems if one is not explicitly for something, then one must be against it. Whatever happened to being ambivalent about things? Even simple disinterest doesn't seem to cut it anymore. Coming from the other thread about trans for example, JK Rowling says something, someone I've never heard of gets their unisex genital covering in a twist, I don't give a fuck one way or the other as it doesn't concern me in the slightest but yet if I see media coverage on it, it is made out to be some sort of headline worthy shit that we all need to care about. We don't though. Even say if one were to be trans in this country, sure grand best of luck and learn to ignore the online shit and most people will come out of the dark ages and learn to live and let live over time.

Same with the BLM protests over here. Yes all the marchers are sympathetic and grand and all, but where are they when it comes to things like marching for health service reform or fairer taxation or marching to make the government take the fucking Apple money so we won't have to suffer the billions that the pandemic has cost us? I'll tell you where they are, sitting at home looking at what is going on in the US because that is where the media would like us all to be focused for one reason or another.

Take the situation here where I live, the young lad is out kicking a ball on the green with 2 white irish lads a black irish lad a syrian lad and 2 polish boys. All they need to do is walk into a bar and the jokes will write themselves, but the main point is none of them lads give a flying fuck what religion or colour or what nationality the other fellas are. The main point is that they are there, so lets kick a ball.
If this shite is allowed to spill out onto our streets via the media, (who live for advertising money and find the best way to do that is by polarising people) suddenly we will find young lads like these who are currently immune to racism out there finding reasons to be divided beyond what team they support. Like if the young fella ends up scrapping one of the lads out there, the polish lad or the black lad, is that racial violence or young lads scrapping as they often do? If the black lad hits the young lad a box is it because he is racist or because the young lad has a big mouth? We all need to cop the fuck on buying into the idea of racism being behind everything now and stop trying to drag ourselves back into the 1950s.

Like say somebody is not on twitter so they never read any of the dumb shit that is said on there, why can't the likes of the journal just fucking leave it on twitter for those who are on there instead of trying to fan the flames in their own comments section by reporting it? I'll tell you why.. advertising revenue. Again. Ugh

Quote from: hellfire on June 08, 2020, 04:42:13 PM
From what little I read (never heard of that hovel before)  the murder rate fluctuates wildly. 44 murders in 2016 and 23 in 2017. The only thing I can conclude is the place is an absolute shithole. Population size is comparable to Tallaght. Don't really plan to look into it anymore than to say that I'm not convinced renaming the police and adding community officers did any good whatsoever.

Loads of "Check out this neighbourhood before you move there" type sites have the stats up until 2012. Crime rate averages out at about 6000 crimes per 100,000 inhabitants per year from 2000-2012. Huge. This website here has the annual sites for 2010 - 2019:

Average over the last 7 years (noting that the total has declined each year since the beginning, most specific categories too, but not all...murder bounces around slightly) is ~4,100. But to be honest what they did doesn't sound like what Minnesota is proposing, or if it is, then "disbanding the police" is a total misnomer.

#370 June 08, 2020, 06:07:44 PM Last Edit: June 08, 2020, 06:12:38 PM by Ollkiller
They put more cops on the street and away from desk duties. And went into communities in a friendly way. Christ must have took a long time to come up with that one.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on June 08, 2020, 05:59:42 PM
Quote from: hellfire on June 08, 2020, 04:42:13 PM
From what little I read (never heard of that hovel before)  the murder rate fluctuates wildly. 44 murders in 2016 and 23 in 2017. The only thing I can conclude is the place is an absolute shithole. Population size is comparable to Tallaght. Don't really plan to look into it anymore than to say that I'm not convinced renaming the police and adding community officers did any good whatsoever.

Loads of "Check out this neighbourhood before you move there" type sites have the stats up until 2012. Crime rate averages out at about 6000 crimes per 100,000 inhabitants per year from 2000-2012. Huge. This website here has the annual sites for 2010 - 2019:

Average over the last 7 years (noting that the total has declined each year since the beginning, most specific categories too, but not all...murder bounces around slightly) is ~4,100. But to be honest what they did doesn't sound like what Minnesota is proposing, or if it is, then "disbanding the police" is a total misnomer.

Disbanded and recreated.


"Every member of the Minneapolis City Council has now expressed the need for dramatic structural change. I am one of many on the Council, including the Council President and the Chair of Public Safety, who are publicly supporting the call to disband our police department and start fresh with a community-oriented, non-violent public safety and outreach capacity."

Quote from: Pedrito on June 08, 2020, 02:28:18 PM
How the fuck can you stop this kind of evil without a police force? Talking? People are living in the clouds if they believe violence, real deadly violence doesn't exist. Imagine that was your mother or sister taking a beating like that? And they want to get rid of guns? Never happening, not while this kind of thing is allowed to run free.


This may seem a trite question, but where were the police? Presumably, rather than patrolling the areas where people live and have their local, small businesses, making sure criminals know that there is a police presence and won't risk nasty shit like this, they were all packed together taking care of what the government care much more about than the personal safety of its citizens: civil unrest with a view to deep reform. That takes priority, and in seeing to that priority, inevitably they end up casting themselves in bad light by being indiscriminately heavy-handed with a crowd. I don't deny that real deadly violence exists. I would deny that in many places, the US notably, absolutely the wrong approach is taken to preventing it and/or dealing with it when it happens. As Ollkiller just said, a much better approach really is a bit of a "no shit Sherlock."

The US is one thing. The police in the UK should be cracking heads open right now. Throwing shit at the MET police in London has nothing to do with a lad getting murdered in the US.

Quote from: hellfire on June 08, 2020, 06:36:34 PM
The US is one thing. The police in the UK should be cracking heads open right now. Throwing shit at the MET police in London has nothing to do with a lad getting murdered in the US.

I'm only just catching up on this news now. Look at this shit from the Daily Mail:
QuoteDo you know the protesters who damaged the Colston statue or defaced the Churchill plinth? Email tips@dailymail.com
Haha! Not, "Do you know a protester who injured a police man?" mind you! What a wonderful, wonderful little rag the Daily Mail is.