Of course the problems come from higher up. But as said above somewhere, An eye for an eye...

The response to your misapprehension regarding looting and "drumming up sympathy" is contained in the Trevor Noah quote.

And he speaks very eloquently and I like the cut of his jib, but leaving out the drumming up sympathy part (which is exactly what they should be focusing on to get justice in this case. The whole world is watching, after all), there is no excuse for looting. I'd be more in agreement with the other lad in this instance.

He doesn't say there's an excuse for it, he says that from the point of view of those looting, there's no reason for them not to do it, since the notions of right and wrong aren't fairly applied to them. So, since those in the movement who are thinking about how to dialogue and improve things, since they can't control what every individual does, they're explaining why it's happening; because the black community has been given the most skewed possible example of what "right" and "wrong" is. So why not loot?

"Yeah, but looting is wrong."
"Listen, can we talk about the real issues here?"
"No, but the looting..."


I do see his (and your) reasoning. I just don't happen to agree with it. But, much like you and Kev on numerous occasions, a back and forth for the evening doesn't benefit anyone. I'll tag Pedro or someone in from here.

#185 June 02, 2020, 07:17:16 PM Last Edit: June 02, 2020, 07:19:20 PM by Pedrito
Trevor Noah immigrated in 2011 to the US but it seems he has it all worked out as to how it is in the American hood. He's from South Africa and lived there until 9 years ago. He's not all wrong but you can dress it up all you want. 1. Racism is wrong. 2. Looting and degrading other human beings in the name of supposed protest is wrong. The rest of it is word play. Everyone knows what happened was wrong, but it's clear the protests hace been infiltrated by people who clearly aren't too worried about the race issue, are intent on drumming up as much chaos and destruction as possible, attacking businesses of qhite, black, asian, latin people. The questions is..where does it end? You'd hope they'll take the time now to really hold a microscope to policing issues. There must be at least 1 or 2 decent cops in the whole 800k that work as police in the States. Hopefully they'll put Antifa on a terrorist list too, because it's clear that their only desire is to inflict as much misery on people as they possibly can.

As for me I'm out, back to talking about 80's Power Metal..it's only discussion lads, everyone entitled to their opinion and definitely not trying to win points or any of that stuff. Peace out!

My issue with the violence element of it is that it clouds the reason for the protests in the first place. The right or wrong of it is debatable but I strongly disagree that it is necessary in any way. George Floyd's death will end up in a way like Franz Ferdinand's assassination in that although it is the initial cause of all of the trouble, it will soon be forgotten what is actually going on in the midst of the senselessness of it all. And I can't remember where the quote comes from, but a lot of people just want to see the world burn and that disenfranchised element of society always comes to the fore when there is protest of any form. If they stuck to the original point and took the knee in support of the fact that everybody wants to see change in the endemic racism of the U.S. Police forces, it might have a more positive outcome.

There are plenty of white cunts looting and fucking petrol bombs in there, too. It is the general divide between the haves and the have nots that is a lot to do with why the violence erupts in situations such as this in any country and they just need the spark to ignite that flame. It happens that in the U.S. that the black community has been forced into a position of being the have nots for various historical reasons, but all of the other poor fuckers of all other colours will be joining in there as soon as it comes to their town.

The real problem as far as I see it is to do with social deprivation and ok, the focus is on the black community right now, but it needs to be sorted for all colours and that is what we are seeing here as much as any racial thing.

Quote from: Emphyrio on June 02, 2020, 07:06:03 PM
I do see his (and your) reasoning. I just don't happen to agree with it.

Ah, fair enough so!

David McWilliams does great podcasts. In one of them he was in America and was shocked at the levels of institutional racism. Treated like dirt by many to this day and no investment in the areas they live. I'm not one bit surprised by the looting. You can condemn it all you want but part of it is a by product of the system they're in. No matter how much you think it's not.

Does anyone think he will actually call in the army. Grab the popcorn if he does. Like a matchstick to a petrol tank.

Well that's the end game isn't it? That's what a lot of these infiltrators want. They want him to bring in the army, what a perfect way to bring him down. And yet these protests are supposed to be about the killing of a defenceless man? Wheels within wheels within wheels.

Quote from: astfgyl on June 02, 2020, 07:17:52 PM
George Floyd's death will end up in a way like Franz Ferdinand's assassination in that although it is the initial cause of all of the trouble, it will soon be forgotten what is actually going on in the midst of the senselessness of it all.

The death of George Floyd, just like the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, is the trigger but not the "initial cause."

Quote from: Ollkiller on June 02, 2020, 07:34:05 PM
I'm not one bit surprised by the looting. You can condemn it all you want but part of it is a by product of the system they're in. No matter how much you think it's not.

Does anyone think he will actually call in the army. Grab the popcorn if he does. Like a matchstick to a petrol tank.


If it keeps spreading, there's also a pretty good chance of gangland style violence between rioters and armed-to-the-teeth vigilantes. What a country!

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on June 02, 2020, 07:59:26 PM

If it keeps spreading, there's also a pretty good chance of gangland style violence between rioters and armed-to-the-teeth vigilantes. What a country!

Not good if that starts. Especially with a mega tooled up nation. Be like the purge.

Been looking at a lot of this online lately, some decent conversation in here.  No major points to add but notes regarding the looting vs peaceful protest - if you are to only protest in the manner your oppressor will allow, what good is it?

I don't agree with the majority of looting but you hardly expected people not to take advantage of the rioting.  I was living in Vancouver during a much smaller (and for a fuckin insignificant reason) riot - 2011 stanley cup - and saw lads within minutes kicking the windows in on the shops in town.  It's an unfortunate consequence.  Also the looting is being amplified a lot by American media, not saying it's not happening because is certainly is but it is being kept in your focus to distract from the protest itself and to justify the police reaction there, which I sure ye have all seen in detail if you follow any social media.

I am looking for more info on this tonight but there was mention online earlier of state wide organised looting at the back end of the riots - groups of people organising on discord chats, meeting up in trucks behind the front lines, and picking places clean afterwards.  It's a serious coordinated effort, very opportunistic, and this is also getting lumped in with the rest of the looting.  I will attempt to find a source to this beyond what I have seen mentioned in comments today.

There have been plenty of attempts at peaceful protest throughout the years that were also met with derision, and had zero effect.  This was bound to happen on this scale eventually.