The Israelis "tarred" are those either involved in or in favor of exploiting the territories inside the West Bank borders which are illegally (under international law) occupied. That is what BDS is about, the illegally occupied territories:
QuoteTrinity will complete a divestment from investments in Israeli companies that have activities in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and appear on the UN Blacklist in this regard.

Trinity are divesting from Israeli companies. If you have a list of US companies Trinity are invested in which conduct their operations in such flagrant violation of international law that they appear on a UN trade blacklist, send it on to the Trinity Students Union asap, I'm genuinely sure they would be interested and may take action. Failing knowledge of investments in such US companies, yes, that is noise, noise, noise, noise, noise.

They're only settled there out of military necessity, which is for defence reasons.

Not AI. Hard to know what exactly is going on, but well within the bounds of the levels of thuggery Hamas have been long known to rise to. Wonder what would have happened had the 2021 Palestine election gone ahead. Wonder why Israel refused to allow Arabs to vote in East Jerusalem, leading to the cancellation. Wait, isn't East Jerusalem part of the West Bank? How does Israel have authority to dictate anything about what happens in East Jerusalem? How indeed!

Yep, there'll be no fixing any of that any time soon. I'm always dubious about those videos though, like the lad getting the flogging could be after getting caught at something bad like thieving or raping. As I haven't a clue what's being said, I just don't know. Looks painful anyway

The Guardian and Israeli outlets +972 and Local Call a couple of days ago published an investigation into years-old intimidation of ICC prosecutor by highest level Israeli secret services:

Today, Israel's leading left-leaning media outlet Haaretz reveals they had this story two years ago but Israeli security blocked its publication:
QuoteThe conversation began with the words, "We understand you know about the prosecutor."

It was a polite conversation, a polite threat. The tone was calm, the content much less so. I was explained that if I publish the story, I would suffer the consequences and get to know the interrogation rooms of the Israeli security authorities from the inside. [...]
In the end, it was made clear to me that even sharing the information "with my friends abroad," referring to foreign media outlets, would lead to the same results.

Currently, the US are mulling sanctions against the ICC for their seeking arrest warrants for war crimes against Netanyahu and Gallant.

Guilty on all 34 counts. Winning.

As great as it is, the nutters will be out in force fairly quickly. There'll be violence on the streets.

Quote from: Carnage on May 31, 2024, 01:12:18 AMAs great as it is, the nutters will be out in force fairly quickly. There'll be violence on the streets.

Not a hope he goes to jail anyway. That'll defo bring protests/riots.

Trump (probably) "I'm winning on the felonies...Nobody does felonies better than me."

Meanwhile Biden and his elite friends fund and support perpetual war across the world. But no, Trump is more important, let's focus on him..bad bad dude tut tut.

Biden's current crimes are circumstantial: if Trump and the GOP were in right now, they'd be even more gung-ho behind Bibi, absolutely zero doubt about that. Hard to care about the Trump conviction though: at best it will have zero impact on anything of consequence; at worst it will actually benefit his election chances.

Quote from: leatherface on May 31, 2024, 09:07:22 AMMeanwhile Biden and his elite friends fund and support perpetual war across the world. But no, Trump is more important, let's focus on him..bad bad dude tut tut.

He's the first president ever to be convicted on a felony charge. It's going to be reported on.