Anyone here know what the story with Darkest Era these days? I really liked their debut album which was many years ago now  I think of it.  Second album not so much.

Not too obvious from their facebook page whether they are still going or not.

Funny, I was only discussing them the other day. Always a band that had potential to do something interesting but they never really stepped far enough outside the Primordial-light, Iron Maiden ooohhh-aaaahhhh, vaguely Lizzy-esque parameters to do much damage. I think it was the title track of the debut that hinted at something potentially a bit darker and more exciting to my ear,  but then they kind of just seemed to stick to the same safe formula on the second album, at least from the parts I heard, and my interest waned. Very talented musicians, it must be said, and they had plenty of confidence onstage which was infectious but on record the limitations of their style became apparent. But who knows,  maybe they'll return with a belter and win me over.

#2 March 06, 2020, 06:32:09 AM Last Edit: March 06, 2020, 07:11:34 AM by jobrok1
I haven't heard they're finished. Doubt it, to be honest. Just biding their time at the moment, maybe.

Krum and Ade are also in Ironborne with Anaïs from Celtachor, also.

Ade and Anaïs got hitched also, and had a kid as far as I know. So that'll quieten any band for a while, sure.

Cheer for the info - yeah am hoping they come back with a cracking 3rd record at some point.

We're still alive, just been doing the very occasional show these past years due to real life priorities and other things. A 3rd album is finally happening however, 1 or 2 more songs to demo and then should be recording later this year. Pretty excited about it.

I don't disagree with anything Andy says there to be honest. The 2 albums only had snatches of proper quality. I would say the new stuff is a fair step beyond, almost avant garde in places especially compared to the last one. But sure..some people will still tag us relentlessly with the P word no matter what we release  ;)

Interesting, Ade. I'm curious to hear what you come up with with avant garde intention, as despite my reservations I think you lads have plenty of skill and an ear for a catchy riff.  This might sound odd, but with the Tenhi artwork you have on your jacket I always thought it would be cool if you could add a bit of their dark, minimal intensity into the mix somehow, and maybe there was a hint of that here and there that I hoped you would explore more. All the best with the new stuff anyway.

There are still hooks and earworm guitar melodies..just none of the straight heavy metal 4 minute 6/8 rockers etc. You're not a million miles away with names like Tenhi to describe the broader scope of elements in the mix actually. Whether anyone gives a shit is another matter but i'll have had my fun and that's all that matters  :P

Quote from: Nomad on March 06, 2020, 08:20:12 PM
We're still alive, just been doing the very occasional show these past years due to real life priorities and other things. A 3rd album is finally happening however, 1 or 2 more songs to demo and then should be recording later this year. Pretty excited about it.

I don't disagree with anything Andy says there to be honest. The 2 albums only had snatches of proper quality. I would say the new stuff is a fair step beyond, almost avant garde in places especially compared to the last one. But sure..some people will still tag us relentlessly with the P word no matter what we release  ;)

Sounds good looking forward to hearing it.

Nice video. Need to listen to the song a couple more times, some unexpected moments in there.

Almost didn't recognize Ade with the short hair, thought for a minute maybe only Krum and Sarah were left from the old line-up.

Vinyls are fairly steep on the Candlelight webstore.

Might have to just settle for the CD.

Must give it a blast. Krum looks amazing in that pic.