It's more that it's got every "secret" dog whistle expression thrown in there ("new normal", "build back better") to reinforce the idea that the whole thing was planned since before COVID hit, plus everything that may imply, depending on where the viewer has placed themselves on the spectrum from 0 to 5G vaccine nanobots shedding RNA that warp perception of the horizon to make it appear that the earth is round.

Ah right. Cheers man. The New World Order is still comin' so.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on July 13, 2021, 12:25:41 PM
No, it's still there. Try this:

Still not working for me. I don't have a twitter account though, naybe that's the issue?

Quote from: Nazgûl on July 13, 2021, 01:14:11 PM
So even if it was a real video, what's the big deal about here... after two years of this unprecedented shit we've all been through, Astfgyl is surprised that world leaders have a plan in place to reduce the risk of further pandemics or disaster? Catch me up.

Do you think the social credit system in China is a good idea? Are you not a bit concerned that we could end up going down that route?

#3018 July 13, 2021, 02:52:48 PM Last Edit: July 13, 2021, 03:00:11 PM by Nazgûl
No I don't agree with it. But given the video -- whether fake or not -- has no real context, I can't see how what he's talking about has anything to do with something akin to the Chinese social credit system?

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on July 13, 2021, 01:20:00 PM
It's more that it's got every "secret" dog whistle expression thrown in there ("new normal", "build back better") to reinforce the idea that the whole thing was planned since before COVID hit, plus everything that may imply, depending on where the viewer has placed themselves on the spectrum from 0 to 5G vaccine nanobots shedding RNA that warp perception of the horizon to make it appear that the earth is round.

See what you did there. You've used the obviously shit stuff like the flat earth and the 5g (which, let's face it, will be used to usher in an unprecedented era of surveillance but won't microwave us all) to make what I've been saying for the last year seem irrational because you have taken the position that it's all above board the way the leaders of every country are falling into line with the mantra of the WEF, who pretty much nobody ever heard of prior to being told that they are ushering in some sort of new normal for us all despite being unelected by anyone. Hopefully your attempt to ridicule me will help you to settle in to it all more peacefully.

Does anybody here seriously believe that this wasn't all planned prior to the epidemic in wuhan province in late 2019? If so, then ye haven't been doing the homework. Every bit was flagged in advance. Look up Event 201. Coincidence? Coincidences abound lately..

How many of the things I've said in this thread have turned out to be bullshit so far, exactly?

By the very definition of a conspiracy, this all fits perfectly and is far from a theory. So yeah, even by my standards it's getting weird. The new normal was advertised as being temporary as well but now look where it is going. Permanent.

How did Macron's announcement go the other evening by the way?

#3020 July 13, 2021, 03:43:36 PM Last Edit: July 13, 2021, 03:48:46 PM by Black Shepherd Carnage
Sorry man, I actually wasn't trying to ridicule you. Just pointing out, if it was indeed a deep fake video, how the expressions placed into it would have a very different effect on people watching it depending on how deep into the conspiracy side of things they were. So, Nazgul there didn't see anything particularly odd about it. You found that it reinforced your idea that the whole situation is being exploited to usher in a new world "build back better", etc., era that has been prepared behind the scenes for years, and anybody deeper still into it will see it as proof of whatever they think is going on, up to and including whatever "5G was engineered to cause COVID" style theories are still floating about. I found it suspicious both because of the odd jittery movement (although, looking at the original after, seems Harris just is a weird gesticulater  :laugh: ) and because the concentration of these "shadowy" COVID conspiracy terms in it just seemed too conveniently high in a single, very short clip.

I didn't watch Macron in the end. From what I gather though, they've upped the populations of people vaccination is to be obligatory for to include all healthcare staff, and they've said the vaccine passport or negative test result will be required for bars and restaurants starting in August. And also that PCR tests will no longer be free from that point on. Strong-arming completion of the vaccination roll-out, in short. So, make of all that as you will. In any case, the vaccine passport angle isn't going down so well for the moment.

Edit: Make that bars, restaurants, trains, planes, medical centres, retirement homes, shopping centres...

No, that video alone doesn't have any real context, apart from the phrases that Chris has already mentioned.

But as a whole, do you not get the feeling that we're heading somewhere dodgy?

This time last year, I laughed at people when they said that we were heading towards a future where people would be required to get some new vaccine in order to travel and get back to a normal life. I said "No way are people going to just take a vaccine that has only been released with no long term effects".

Fast forward to now - most of my friends and other people I've spoken to are getting the vaccine, even though they're relatively young, healthy and not afraid of dying from covid.
They're scared that they won't be allowed out to enjoy their "normal" life ever again if they don't get the vaccine. They're not taking the vaccine because they want to, they're taking it because they're scared of the non-covid related consequences that will remain if they don't get it.

That is fucked up.
Or maybe I thought that people would be more hesitant in doing whatever their government tells them to.

A mate of mine has been banging on about the China social credit system since around this time last year too. I had a good laugh at him then, but seeing how compliant people are going about this, I'm not laughing anymore.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on July 13, 2021, 03:43:36 PM
Sorry man, I actually wasn't trying to ridicule you. Just pointing out, if it was indeed a deep fake video, how the expressions placed into it would have a very different effect on people watching it depending on how deep into the conspiracy side of things they were. So, Nazgul there didn't see anything particularly odd about it. You found that it reinforced your idea that the whole situation is being exploited to usher in a new world "build back better", etc., era that has been prepared behind the scenes for years, and anybody deeper still into it will see it as proof of whatever they think is going on, up to and including whatever "5G was engineered to cause COVID" style theories are still floating about. I found it suspicious both because of the odd jittery movement (although, looking at the original after, seems Harris just is a weird gesticulater  :laugh: ) and because the concentration of these "shadowy" COVID conspiracy terms in it just seemed too conveniently high in a single, very short clip.

I didn't watch Macron in the end. From what I gather though, they've upped the populations of people vaccination is to be obligatory for to include all healthcare staff, and they've said the vaccine passport or negative test result will be required for bars and restaurants starting in August. And also that PCR tests will no longer be free from that point on. Strong-arming completion of the vaccination roll-out, in short. So, make of all that as you will. In any case, the vaccine passport angle isn't going down so well for the moment.

Edit: Make that bars, restaurants, trains, planes, medical centres, retirement homes, shopping centres...

Fair enough so, I took it up personally but I get it now. Do you know something, I never even considered that it might be a deepfake, which is pretty naive on my part, given the ubiquitous nature of those currently.

Wow about France, that's getting a bit much to be fair. I'd be surprised if there wasn't some sort of challenge to that but I don't know what sort of majority the government holds there or what sort of appetite the opposition have for opposing things. Actually while we are on to conspiracy theories a bit, I was reading a list of predictions last year and one of the predictions was that France would take an extremely hard line and drive the people to mass protest, which would lead to the military being brought in to control things. Now I would call that a conspiracy theory and I'd give no credence to that sort of predictive stuff which has no evidence to back it up but so far the hard line part seems on the cards but then that could apply to almost anywhere. As far as I know, the rapid antigen is being rolled out as a viable option for most of Europe, so hopefully that will be available to mitigate the potential cost of testing for people once the PCR has to be paid for.

And I came across another one lately, a chap called Dr David Martin who has been going through the list of patents filed by some of the main players in the pandemic and seems to think he has found some fairly damning stuff. Only found it the other night and I didn't agree with a couple of things he said but he was giving his evidence to Reiner Fuellmich so I watched the hour and a half video and if any of it is true it's pretty crazy stuff. Anyone seen it at all? I might link here but I'm thinking of going to the theories thread with it as well, but then nobody will look at it and it's a bit unfair on Fuellmich to lump him in there.

Quote from: Giggles on July 13, 2021, 03:54:32 PM
No, that video alone doesn't have any real context, apart from the phrases that Chris has already mentioned.

But as a whole, do you not get the feeling that we're heading somewhere dodgy?

This time last year, I laughed at people when they said that we were heading towards a future where people would be required to get some new vaccine in order to travel and get back to a normal life. I said "No way are people going to just take a vaccine that has only been released with no long term effects".

Fast forward to now - most of my friends and other people I've spoken to are getting the vaccine, even though they're relatively young, healthy and not afraid of dying from covid.
They're scared that they won't be allowed out to enjoy their "normal" life ever again if they don't get the vaccine. They're not taking the vaccine because they want to, they're taking it because they're scared of the non-covid related consequences that will remain if they don't get it.

That is fucked up.
Or maybe I thought that people would be more hesitant in doing whatever their government tells them to.

A mate of mine has been banging on about the China social credit system since around this time last year too. I had a good laugh at him then, but seeing how compliant people are going about this, I'm not laughing anymore.

I find where we've ended up pretty unbelievable as well and all the things you say there also apply to me. The laughing with lads about the social credit and mandatory vaccinations and even when saying that it might happen on here, not fully believing it would really. Hopefully the disbelief keeps me going for another bit.

I watched the Reiner Fuellmich videos that you posted here months ago. I'm curious to know what's happening now, the only videos I can find regarding his crew are in german.

For anybody who doesn't know who he is, he's a German/American lawyer who specialises in sueing people for fraud and he has successfully sued both Volkswagen and Deutch Bank. Just take a moment there to comprehend the power of the legal team that both of those companies would have - and he won both times. He doesn't strike me as a lad who would just fuck around, and he is currently aiming to sue government officials, as well as the pushers (not sure if that is the correct word) of PCR testing for, well, fraud.

He formed a covid investigation committee with a bunch of other lawyers last summer and they have been speaking with hundreds of professionals in their chosen field, doctors, researchers etc. who have apparently been blowing whistles about some dodgy shit going on.

It didn't take him long to be banned from youtube anyway.

Quote from: Giggles on July 13, 2021, 05:55:38 PM

For anybody who doesn't know who he is, he's a German/American lawyer who specialises in sueing people for fraud and he has successfully sued both Volkswagen and Deutch Bank. Just take a moment there to comprehend the power of the legal team that both of those companies would have - and he won both times.

Any good links to read on his work in these cases?

No I don't, I don't even know what work he's actually done to date. Here's the link to the Corona investigative committee that he's involved in, I think he's been having interviews with scientists, virologists, epidemiologists etc but it's in German so I don't understand any of it

I've watched 2 one hour long videos that were uploaded here in this thread about 7 and 9 months ago, of him talking about the work that he was going to do, but other than that I know fuck all other than they're planning a class action lawsuit against government officials in the US, Canada and Germany.

Here's a short 5 min youtube video on an update on what he's been at, up until January. "Lawsuits against government leaders are currently underway in Germany, the U.S and Canada.

As an aside, I wasn't aware that portugal judges ruled PCR testing as "unreliable" in a court hearing last year

Just had a look at youtube there, here's a video of somebody interviewing him last month, so it's relatively up to date. I haven't watched it yet, I'll have a look later on. Any other videos I've seen him in on youtube have been removed after a month or so. This one is an hour long

Quote from: Giggles on July 13, 2021, 05:55:38 PM
I watched the Reiner Fuellmich videos that you posted here months ago. I'm curious to know what's happening now, the only videos I can find regarding his crew are in german.

Here's one in English. It's the latest one I've come across but it's going to be extremely controversial and certainly won't be found on youtube. Ever. If (and I mean if. These are massive claims, but the chap claims he has the evidence so worth a listen even if only to debunk and no 5G stuff involved whatsoever) what the chap in the video is saying checks out, even I will be dumbfounded and I'm a hardcore questioner. I'm also going to say that I have a slightly different idea in my mind of how things are panning out but I'm probably going to watch it again and play along with the patent searches because he does provide the exact numbers. I'd be very curious to see any of this argued in a court. Here anyway..

Quote from: pete on July 13, 2021, 06:24:53 PM
Any good links to read on his work in these cases?

I searched a bit and found very little beyond fact checks attempting to discredit him, but that's to be expected I guess. Bit more to be found using the likes of Qwant and DuckDuckGo but every search of his name links to his Corona Ausschuss. Can find details of the cases but not with much mention of him although the fact checkers haven't said he wasn't even there yet, so that's something.

Quote from: astfgyl on July 13, 2021, 08:42:01 PM

Can find details of the cases but not with much mention of him

Even a link with not much mention of him will do me cheers.

No bother, I read that as wanting his exact involvement. My mistake. and for the Volkswagen one,

and for the Deutsche Bank.

Fuellmich is no bum, that's for sure but I don't know he might be pissing into the wind going up against the WHO and Pharma companies.