Macron addressing the nation tomorrow evening. Crèche has already cancelled some kind of outdoor lunch picnic thing for parents originally planned for Thursday (not exactly crying over this loss  :laugh: ), but I reckon aul Manu don't have good news for us.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on July 11, 2021, 03:07:41 PM
Watching the Wimbledon final, you'd never guess there were any restrictions apart from the proles down below with the cameras. Great to see it :)

Didn't you know your level of risk and potential for spreading the deadly virus is directly proportional to your income? Well it is. G7, Royal Ascot, Wimbledon all going ahead as normal.

Was reading this bit about vaccines today, some may find it interesting. It's about Novavax, which seems (still in trials like all the rest) to have similar reported efficacy with milder side effects. Might encourage a few of the refuseniks (well the ones who are refusing over safety fears). Few links in it with interesting things as well.

It's fucked up how other countries can have fully attended football matches and we have one fucking outdoor concert with people were herded like cattle into fucking pens.
Deep Down Six Feet, Is Where I Like To Eat

Quote from: livingabortion on July 11, 2021, 07:12:59 PM
It's fucked up how other countries can have fully attended football matches and we have one fucking outdoor concert where people were herded like cattle into fucking pens.
Deep Down Six Feet, Is Where I Like To Eat

Quote from: livingabortion on July 11, 2021, 07:12:59 PM
It's fucked up how other countries can have fully attended football matches and we have one fucking outdoor concert with people were herded like cattle into fucking pens.

But the "influencers" were allowed out of the cattle mart to mingle at least! And they all shared on social media what a wonderful time they were having so there is that.

Deep Down Six Feet, Is Where I Like To Eat

Quote from: livingabortion on July 11, 2021, 07:32:25 PM
Oh well that's not hypocritical  :-\ 

This pilot event was a particular high point for stupidity. Really sad sad stuff and pointless to boot. What exactly did that pilot event tell anyone about safely reopening anything?

Seems pubs and restaurants won't be opening too soon. Health care was a mess at Xmas and it's clear the government don't want a repeat of last Xmas. Bit annoying seeing other countries with everything open

Word on the grapevine is that what's to be announced tonight is the "health pass" for access to restaurants and cinemas. This would be Macron going back on something he explicitly said 10 months ago would never be done. There are other ways in which he's quite similar to Johnson too!

The Jew World Order must've had a 'word'....

Stop being a total fucking spastic cock, yeah?

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on July 12, 2021, 11:56:40 AM
Word on the grapevine is that what's to be announced tonight is the "health pass" for access to restaurants and cinemas. This would be Macron going back on something he explicitly said 10 months ago would never be done. There are other ways in which he's quite similar to Johnson too!

This is coming in everywhere, regardless of what any of the "leaders" say in the meantime. I already linked the plan from the EU website some pages ago, but if anyone hasn't seen it I can dig it out again. Another crazy conspiracy theory I guess.

Quote from: Necro Red on July 12, 2021, 10:17:30 AM
Seems pubs and restaurants won't be opening too soon. Health care was a mess at Xmas and it's clear the government don't want a repeat of last Xmas. Bit annoying seeing other countries with everything open

If they don't open up in the summer when deaths are at nothing (fuck cases if they lead to nothing), when should they do it? Some time in the autumn perhaps, when the regular respiratory illness season kicks in? Doesn't make sense at all. Also look around at what everyone has been doing since last February. No one is following any sort of rules and if this was as non-seasonal and as novel as we are told, people should be dropping like flies but they aren't. In fact to get a rise in cases, the HSE is increasing testing by 30% each week (at the wrong ct value!). It's nonsensical.

Health care is a mess every January in this country. The busiest week for the hospitals in every respiratory season in this country is the second week of January give or take a few days so what happened here after christmas is no surprise. Ireland has spent half a billion euro on PCR testing in the last year and ran the tests up to a ct value of 45 (confirmed by office of minister for health) and in doing so, have actually hampered things for themselves by making a problem appear to be a lot worse than it is in forcing health staff to isolate when not contagious. Were testing/isolating to be confined to those with actual symptoms of anything, we wouldn't be in this mess.

Now, could anyone propose an answer to the dilemma of countries and US states that reopened fully (no masks, distancing, indoor drinking/dining, full events etc) and nothing happened? I mean nothing different than the places which didn't open. Florida is the earliest example I know of (fully open since last August) and yes they still have cases and yes they have deaths, but nothing approaching the apocalypse we are all led to believe will come if we open up without the magic vaccines. They can easily be compared with states with a similar climate to show it didn't make a blind bit of difference if anyone doubts what I'm saying here. Texas was next and were strictly warned and vilified in the media after old Joe Biden said that opening up was "Neanderthal thinking". Guess what happened there..? Yes, nothing. Nothing at all and the media went strangely quiet on Texas and Florida.

Reading that, and assuming that I've done my homework and am not telling lies, can anyone propose an answer as to why exactly that's the way it went?

Also, some countries and states that didn't open up saw peaks and troughs in their rates of cases and deaths regardless. The answer to why nothing happened in some open places (the states are the best examples of this due to their geographical similarities but political differences) and something happened in some closed places is likely the same answer and I have some ideas around that but I'd love to hear what anyone else thinks that might be due to. Also it isn't the vaccines, as these states I've used as an example were open before the vaccines had a chance to show an effect (both Texas and Florida have signed executive orders against immunity passports, and the take up in those states is not particularly high due to the fact there is less coercion and also influenced by political leanings).

I think that Reiner Fuellmich is very close to getting to the bottom of the problem, but I dunno if anybody keeps up with him around here, and the answer in my head is something along the lines of some of the evidence he has been hearing lately in his Corona Ausschuss meetings although not exactly the same.

Quote from: livingabortion on July 11, 2021, 07:12:59 PM
It's fucked up how other countries can have fully attended football matches and we have one fucking outdoor concert with people were herded like cattle into fucking pens.

I know a lad who was at that. He said there was no drink, no mingling, no craic whatsoever. He was raging and said something along the lines of "I didn't get injected with an experimental vaccine to have to put up with this shit"  :laugh:

Meanwhile I went to Stendhal festival in Derry at the weekend. No social distancing, no police, all the craic. 2 days of decent tunes and it didn't rain. Plenty of yokes lads there ye would have loved it.

Sounds decent! I've actually noticed that the yokes are back lately and although I haven't been partaking, it's great to see.

Hmmmm.... where have I heard this before?

Getting a little unbelievable even for me at this stage, but here we are.