Lads. None of it will work. We can analyse the figures all day long, we can lock down, we can open up, we can distance, sanitise, mask up, keep down contacts, ban foreign travel altogether, use green lists and whatever else but none of it will work in any meaningful fashion other than to delay the inevitable. And the case to be made for doing all that is not to overwhelm the health service, which is a noble concept but not a runner in the long run.

I said a few posts ago to think about it. Really think about it though: A virus that shows no symptoms in half the people that get it is not going to be picked up in everyone who has it, contact tracing or not. If every person with it was symptomatic there might be a slim chance but as it is, not a hope. We are all deluding ourselves with this new normal and the only end result will be the destruction of civil liberties and what will be for all intents and purposes a police state and everyone turned against each other, Soviet Russia or Nazi Germany style.

There is no real argument against that either, when anyone who wants to can look and see it all unfold with their own two eyes. I'm not even knocking anyone who thinks it all might work on the promise of the magic vaccine, and I even thought it might all work at one stage. But then I really thought about it. All the locking down over the last few months has been for fuck all, because look where we are, back at square one except the country is headed for financial collapse.

Pity all the coin blown on lockdown and restrictions wasn't spent on a new hospital or a lot more intensive care beds. That might have actually done something. Ah well

Seems an odd point in the game to throw up your hands. We're not back at square one at all; the virus, in Ireland anyway, seems to be slowly working its way through, let's say, the more carefree of the population, while the more vulnerable seem to be taking greater precautions. Result? The health service isn't overrun, there's hardly anyone in ICU, the death rate has fallen to essentially 0, despite at least a month of increased confirmed positive cases, and things actually are starting to open up after the all-out panic at the beginning. You seem to have in mind - and I don't blame you, since the media feeds into this - that the aim is to achieve 0% population transmission. That's not it; the aim is to achieve as close to 0% hospital admissions as possible.

#1442 September 11, 2020, 04:47:25 PM Last Edit: September 11, 2020, 05:11:11 PM by astfgyl
I fully understand the aim, and as I said it's a noble intention. My problem with it is that it just isn't going to work long term and unfortunately the road to hell is paved with good intentions, so maybe it will keep the admissions down while destroying everything else in the process. It's all well and good keeping the covid admissions down while 1/5 of the population is on a waiting list for all sorts of everything else. This thing can't be stopped because it's spread too far to be contained. We will have to live with it and get on with it and accept it like any other circulating virus that we can't stop or trace. It will simply have to run its' course in the absence of a cure. Quarantining healthy people is not a sustainable situation. It would also be interesting to find out how many folks went to hospital with covid out of the pure fear it generates as much as how broke up they were.

And fuck it yeah I am throwing my hands up. I've had enough of this shit. I don't even know of anyone who had it outside of a member here and another member's father had it. The reason we are not seeing the deaths is because the damage is long done in the nursing homes. I don't even think there is any point playing the blame game for that one either because no one saw it coming and we all know it was well embedded here before anyone noticed. A classic case of the horse and the stable door. So now we have tightened up those vulnerable settings and we need to just get on with it. Do we all hide from the flu every year? And yeah that is a bit apples and oranges, but it is important to realise that there have been more admissions for influenza this year than covid, although far less deaths and far less ICU admissions, but still there they are clogging up the beds that could be used for other things. Selfish bastards getting sick like that.

The health service is becoming like one of those Good Rooms that people have in their gaffs and never fucking sit in them.

Edit: And why isn't poverty declared as a pandemic? Sure look at the health outcomes of that, and now the covid response is going to drive even more people into it. And starvation as well. Lots of folks dying of that for a long time, and the cure staring us all in the face. Black lives matter and all that, unless they happen to be in sub saharan countries, in which case they have been left to starve forever. But sure fuck em I suppose, no point sorting that out as there are no massive profits to be generated because they have fuck all and won't be able to pay for the salvation. Anyway we won't be able to afford to save them now. Clean water and sanitary living conditions in third world countries? Yeah right. Take the africans out of it and look closer to home and I wonder how many in this country are subject to poor health outcomes due to poverty and public health waiting lists. Forget about them though there is only the one game in town now and a pot of gold for whichever massive corporation steps in to save us all from it.

Let's end this madness. See you's tomorrow, 2pm @ the Custom House Dublin.

Quote from: Kurt Cocaine on September 11, 2020, 05:00:41 PM
Let's end this madness. See you's tomorrow, 2pm @ the Custom House Dublin.

Unfortunately, I have work tomorrow. And if I can't get off for the young lad's hurling final, I won't be able to get off for the protest. I'm iffy about the protests anyway because I think they conflate too many other general gripes with the government with the major issue at hand. Saying that, I fully support people's right to protest and freedom of speech and I hope it goes well enough for the government and media to sit up and take notice. RTE's reporting of the figures should be a bit of fun if nothing else. I also hope the protesters wear masks and observe proper physical distancing as not doing so would only give ammunition to those who would wish to discredit it.

QuoteThe "Time for Change campaign continues" as Yellow Vest Ireland prepare to take to the Streets of Dublin once again on the 12th September 2020

Assembly will be at the Historical Customs House Dublin at 2pm and will depart at 2.45pm sharp.

Bring your Tricolours and your Yellow Vest as we unite for the day to defend freedom, protect our civil liberties and our human rights.

We all know by now that the corruption across the Irish government and the establishment is endemic and systemic and it must end.

Soooo...what exactly is about? Just vague references to freedom and corruption, no real stated aims they hope to accomplish, nothing specific they want to change...guessing its just Gemma O'doherty gagging for more publicity

#1446 September 11, 2020, 06:33:38 PM Last Edit: September 11, 2020, 06:43:42 PM by Ducky
I sincerely hope this protest becomes an outbreak hotspot for these fucking dopes.

Or maybe I don't because they cunts will precisely the type to go around spreading it.

It's stopped the overloading of the (Irish) healthcare system and if we keep at this rate it will continue to do so until such time an effective vaccine is developed.

That's the only way out of this mess.

Quote from: Trev on September 11, 2020, 06:10:58 PM
QuoteThe "Time for Change campaign continues" as Yellow Vest Ireland prepare to take to the Streets of Dublin once again on the 12th September 2020

Assembly will be at the Historical Customs House Dublin at 2pm and will depart at 2.45pm sharp.

Bring your Tricolours and your Yellow Vest as we unite for the day to defend freedom, protect our civil liberties and our human rights.

We all know by now that the corruption across the Irish government and the establishment is endemic and systemic and it must end.

Soooo...what exactly is about? Just vague references to freedom and corruption, no real stated aims they hope to accomplish, nothing specific they want to change...guessing its just Gemma O'doherty gagging for more publicity

That's pretty much my own issue with it, it's just a general gripes fest and no way of knowing what the aim is. Rakes of different and unrelated things thrown together. It's a real pity that the voice of dissent is seemingly represented by the likes of that shitehawk instead of someone reasonable and intelligent.

Quote from: Ducky on September 11, 2020, 06:46:33 PM
That's the only way out of this mess.

In this thread you make me want to tear my fucking hair out but I've always thought you came across as sound everywhere else on the board and the old board as well, so I am going to leave this video here and it might take a bit of the pharma company driven hysteria out of you, should you choose to watch it. There is a much simpler way out of this, and that is a sense of perspective.

Quote from: Ducky on September 11, 2020, 06:33:38 PM
I sincerely hope this protest becomes an outbreak hotspot for these fucking dopes.

Or maybe I don't because they cunts will precisely the type to go around spreading it.
Stop being such a bitch.

"Stop being a bitch" says the guy whinging about having to put a small bit of cloth on your face 🙄

The yellow vests and their ilk, cringe. Bring your flags for attacking people if the opportunity arises I suppose, and maybe shout RATM slogans while ye're at it.

If I had my way the vesties and their ilk would get a free trial of being starved of oxygen for a few hours to sample what 6m have endured for some considerably longer periods. Find out if it's really worth getting so upset about what are minimal intrusions on life, compared to the alternative for others and maybe even yourself when it comes to it.

It's 920,000 ugly deaths, despite precautions, so the alternative doesn't bear thinking about.

The paranoia about this virus is hard to understand, especially re pharma companies when others touted are looking to line their own pockets via Patreon for promoting the alternative view.

It has only been 6 months with what really are minor inconveniences on the whole so get over yereselves and try a bit of patience maybe.

Just as an aside, those that have "recovered" aren't necessarily so. We don't know the long term damage, but to a large amount there will likely be respiratory problems in the long term. One of my friends, who's 40, doesn't smoke, isn't on the batter too often, got it about a month ago and he's still floored.

I can understand completely what you are saying about the minor inconveniences we must endure vs the death that people are getting from covid. That is entirely correct. You could also make that same argument about pretty much any death in the world though if you spin it the right way. The problem is that the situation is being over hyped and any actual sober analysis of the figures is getting buried in the "alternative" section. I would honestly encourage you to look at the evidence presented in that video vs what has been done as a result of trying to dealing with the current situation. I felt like you do at the start of all this, and then I realised bit by bit that something wasn't quite right. The evidence does not support the current state of world hysteria at all. I'd be surprised if you had looked at the presentation given in that video before you wrote your comment there, but I won't say you are wrong for not hearing both sides of the story. There is a wealth of evidence to show that what we are doing isn't making a blind bit of difference beyond making us feel like we are doing something. Also I'd like to point out that as well as all those starved of oxygen, there are millions a day starved of food and water, which are also essential for staying alive. Virtue signal much?

And if you think the pharma companies don't deserve an extremely critical eye cast on their practices, you are simply a bit innocent, which is no crime.

Quote from: Emphyrio on September 11, 2020, 08:41:23 PM
Just as an aside, those that have "recovered" aren't necessarily so. We don't know the long term damage, but to a large amount there will likely be respiratory problems in the long term. One of my friends, who's 40, doesn't smoke, isn't on the batter too often, got it about a month ago and he's still floored.

How did he manage to get it, or does he know at all?

There is a lot of evidence for the post covid syndrome mounting as time goes on, but unfortunately that doesn't mean the current situation of attempting to deal with the problem is actually doing anything other than creating a whole host of other damaging situations. The most unfortunate thing of all is that all of this is being done with the best of intentions.

Quote from: astfgyl on September 11, 2020, 08:54:10 PM
I can understand completely what you are saying about the minor inconveniences we must endure vs the death that people are getting from covid. That is entirely correct. You could also make that same argument about pretty much any death in the world though if you spin it the right way. The problem is that the situation is being over hyped and any actual sober analysis of the figures is getting buried in the "alternative" section. I would honestly encourage you to look at the evidence presented in that video vs what has been done as a result of trying to dealing with the current situation. I felt like you do at the start of all this, and then I realised bit by bit that something wasn't quite right. The evidence does not support the current state of world hysteria at all. I'd be surprised if you had looked at the presentation given in that video before you wrote your comment there, but I won't say you are wrong for not hearing both sides of the story. There is a wealth of evidence to show that what we are doing isn't making a blind bit of difference beyond making us feel like we are doing something. Also I'd like to point out that as well as all those starved of oxygen, there are millions a day starved of food and water, which are also essential for staying alive. Virtue signal much?

And if you think the pharma companies don't deserve an extremely critical eye cast on their practices, you are simply a bit innocent, which is no crime.

Quote from: Emphyrio on September 11, 2020, 08:41:23 PM
Just as an aside, those that have "recovered" aren't necessarily so. We don't know the long term damage, but to a large amount there will likely be respiratory problems in the long term. One of my friends, who's 40, doesn't smoke, isn't on the batter too often, got it about a month ago and he's still floored.

How did he manage to get it, or does he know at all?

There is a lot of evidence for the post covid syndrome mounting as time goes on, but unfortunately that doesn't mean the current situation of attempting to deal with the problem is actually doing anything other than creating a whole host of other damaging situations. The most unfortunate thing of all is that all of this is being done with the best of intentions.

He's a social worker who deals with alcos and drug addicts so he figures he coulda got it off one of them. Another fella working with him also got it around the same time but I guess it's hard to be sure of the source. He was best man at my wedding a week before he got infected so at least the timing didn't affect me at all. Silver linings n all that.

You sure got lucky there. Well hopefully him and everyone else suffering the after effects of covid do go on to be as well as ever before.