Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on September 11, 2020, 11:38:09 PM
Today was my third day without any symptoms without taking any medication. I've been isolated during that time. You could say that one "advantage" of showing symptoms is that it's easier to tell when your organism has beaten whatever it was.

I'm of the same opinion as what I think you mean there. Not as eloquent to be fair but the response you are taking is about as crazy as I think anyone needs to be getting about it all.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on September 12, 2020, 12:09:41 AM
Re that video, the main point that leaps out is that Ivor Cummings seems not to understand how "excess mortality" is calculated, i.e. on the basis of a five year average, not merely related to the previous 52 weeks. We're all a bit bamboozled with graphs though at this stage.

His graphs look fairly sound to be fair to him. He also contradicts himself by saying the thing about the safe summer but it doesn't take much from the analysis

And yet the following story shows this: https://english.elpais.com/society/2020-08-27/hundreds-of-revelers-seen-without-face-masks-at-large-party-in-bar-restaurant-in-spain.html?rel=mas

Which scene is likely to do more harm? Honestly I'm covided out at this stage so I'm not even going to attempt an answer. A team of police and medics to catch one woman who feels so healthy she can surf..try surfing it's not easy. Or a bar full of hundreds of young adults shifting, chatting, hugging, maybe an oul sneaky handjob in there somewhere. It all seems so haphazard.

Bang on man; when it comes to sneaky handjobs, haphazard is precisely the word!

You just never know how thry'll work out in a packed pub

#1474 September 12, 2020, 12:47:41 AM Last Edit: September 12, 2020, 07:28:55 PM by astfgyl
I used to be a proper ninja

Edit: well well well...


QuoteIn Massachusetts, from 85 to 90 percent of people who tested positive in July with a cycle threshold of 40 would have been deemed negative if the threshold were 30 cycles, Dr. Mina said. "I would say that none of those people should be contact-traced, not one," he said.

Imagine that

Edit 2: https://www.lobbying.ie/return/59469/q4pr

Nothing to see there.

#1475 September 13, 2020, 11:44:28 PM Last Edit: September 13, 2020, 11:50:47 PM by astfgyl
Ok so I was looking back on this thread from the beginning to watch how opinion has ebbed and flowed over time and I came across a video that I had forgotten about. The that led me to another through the suggestions with the alternate view, so I looked at that as well.

Here is the first, which at least some will have seen:


And here is the other view:


Edit: The second video will need closed captions if you don't understand German

Note that both videos are from last March.

I think that the King is naked, personally.

For anyone interested, this interview of a doctor in Madrid (from mid August) illustrates the difference between the quiet and under-control hospitals and the hysterical media who do not want to hear this.


Pedrito posted it a couple of weeks back. Things have evolved somewhat, meaning that the doctor was still right then, but what he was saying would be slightly less "right" applied to things now.

Could say the same here now that there have been a few deaths lately but the level of deaths is no more than would normally be expected if there was no covid test.

Does anyone know if covid patients are also tested for Influenza upon presentation or is it strictly covid only? Be interesting to know how many coronavirus positives are super infections rather than being the only one a patient has.

Just looking at the other thread about 9/11 and a thought occurred to me. You could include the crisis we experienced around a decade ago too. Is this just another example of humans reacting when it's all too late and then doing an overkill on the response? 9/11 nobody saw coming and politicians went so far as to invest WMD to ensure that an appropriate response was meted out. The Irish recession went to similar levels of overkill. People who worked in banks, people who sold houses, builders, all levels of society were held up to scrutiny and accusations and finger pointing abounded.

Is this Covid response simply another example in a long line of examples whereby to cover up our unpreparedness, our inability to dictate the future, we end up flogging the horse to pulp as a means to make up for the inaqequacies in our 'system'?

That's not to say that it's not something to be taken seriously, but, again, the question is if the action warrants the response?

And this leads us back to the people who are in charge of these decisions..politicians. post 9/11 there was no way that America could not go to war. Post recession there was no way the banks, builders or whoever could not be in some way made scapegoats for the entire thing, despite a whole worldwide system being responsible. The public demanded action, driven on by a media that thrived on each situation. There are definite parallels to the current situation in that regard.

Yes indeed, and I think that is very close to what happened. In fact I think the german doctor I posted up there has pretty much hit the nail on the head, bar a few little things, but yeah a lot of this was done in the name of political correctness and much of it belongs in the PC and perpetually offended thread because the response to all of this must be like meat and mead to those types.

On the plus side, I hear on the radio that Varadkar wants to get a crew going to review all of NPHET's advice before implementing any in the future. It seems the penny is finally dropping, and without announcing it, we are moving to the Swedish model asap but still clinging to a bit of the fear and hype in case anyone might cop that a lot of this has been a complete sham. In fact I noticed his shift in tone when speaking of NPHET. I don't like him at all but it can't be denied he is one smooth fucking operator and is going to come out of this smelling of roses while Martin drowns in the sea of public discontent

Quote from: Snare on September 11, 2020, 08:32:32 PM
"Stop being a bitch" says the guy whinging about having to put a small bit of cloth on your face 🙄

The yellow vests and their ilk, cringe. Bring your flags for attacking people if the opportunity arises I suppose, and maybe shout RATM slogans while ye're at it.

If I had my way the vesties and their ilk would get a free trial of being starved of oxygen for a few hours to sample what 6m have endured for some considerably longer periods. Find out if it's really worth getting so upset about what are minimal intrusions on life, compared to the alternative for others and maybe even yourself when it comes to it.

It's 920,000 ugly deaths, despite precautions, so the alternative doesn't bear thinking about.

The paranoia about this virus is hard to understand, especially re pharma companies when others touted are looking to line their own pockets via Patreon for promoting the alternative view.

It has only been 6 months with what really are minor inconveniences on the whole so get over yereselves and try a bit of patience maybe.
Great to hear that your face panties make you feel invincible. Happy to know that you are safe and well pal..  :)

I've been chatting with a guy on another forum. He runs a respiratory clinic in London.
Here's some of his take on this whole Covid situation....

Joe Public is not allowed to do what he wants to do. Things like watch football. And now even gather in a group of seven people.

I have my own conspiracy theories as to why this is happening but it is a decision of our government that is based at least on a portion of false science. Dr Mike Yeadon says that proper scientists don't take the Ferguson model seriously and yet we have crafted our policy around it. I believe he and Fauci belong in jail for what they've done - look at Fauci's vested interests. These figures (chosen scientific advisors to government) always have vested interests as they become priest-like figures who can secure enormous grants to save the world and hand down decrees. We should be suspicious of them rather than 'listen to the scientists'. In the mean time the world has been trashed by their policies. Have you seen footage of New York recently?

The disease came and went. It did that despite lockdown. It may have been made worse by lockdown - see the nursing homes. Many other things were made worse by lockdown. It may come again this winter but I'm expecting that it won't. Another respiratory disease will kill tens of thousands though - they always do, but lockdown has made us more unhealthy so less resistant this year.

It will take an enquiry to judge (if a fair judgement could ever be made now) whether the figures for deaths have been manipulated. Thailand reported 58 deaths from Covid and they were one of the only countries not to financially incentivise hospitals for taking in Covid patients. Many hospitals were going bankrupt this year (in countries with private healthcare) as they couldn't see other patients. They were sending staff home. There was a report from Germany that hospitals were putting patients on ventilators for Covid funding pathways, patients who would never be treated that way normally - it meant that doctors were put in the position of having to commit homicide. There are all kinds of distortions like these that could go down as 'fake news' as you put it.

I think we should be free to function as a society. If we are scared, we can isolate. But almost no one is dying so I am no longer scared for my vulnerable friends and family. We need to lower the anxiety, not crank it up to make people comply. Lord Sumption has been making the case for being free to choose and take risks. I agree with him fully. I think the big story from this year will not be the disease so much as it is the governmental tyranny that the disease has created an excuse for. I think it's going to get worse.

"Almost no one is dying"... April 1st has been and gone, lad. If someone you knew dies from it would you give a eulogy along the lines of "it's grand, almost no one is dying"?

Oh, so would you be upset if you went in for surgery and they showed up wearing "face panties" 🙄

QuoteEight men who refused to wear face masks in public were ordered to dig graves for people who died of COVID-19 in Indonesia.

Haha, fairly hardcore measure!

Quote from: Ducky on September 15, 2020, 11:54:00 AM
"Almost no one is dying"... April 1st has been and gone, lad. If someone you knew dies from it would you give a eulogy along the lines of "it's grand, almost no one is dying"?

Oh, so would you be upset if you went in for surgery and they showed up wearing "face panties" 🙄
I'd like to think that their face panties weren't on them for over 8 hours at a time. Nor indeed pulled out of a dirty old handbag, pocket or car glove compartment.  :laugh:
Anyway, t'wud be a hard job to get a bit of surgery done nowadays with the hospitals crammed full of Covid patients and corpses.