i watched a turn your sock into a mask demonstration on my local green today. i think im the one who's sane, but there's no proof, and im not sure there can ever be metrics for sanity again.

I agree that common sense is a thing of the past. I have seen some shit in the last few days...

for me it feels like im being edged into nausea by society these days, but its clearly an effort to nudge people into rejecting the world which makes me think it's better to stay positive and compassionate.

i dunno, when you reach a certain age you could die any day so really what do i care  :(

miss the days when we were innocent

Quote from: mugz on May 22, 2020, 09:32:13 PM
i watched a turn your sock into a mask demonstration on my local green today. i think im the one who's sane, but there's no proof, and im not sure there can ever be metrics for sanity again.

Might be a strange thing to see... but these are strange times. Have a look here https://masks4all.org

I think the basic idea of the masks seems sound enough but a lot of folks out and about with them seem to be of the mistaken idea that it is themselves they are protecting. Also, a sock would be more comfortable than the shitty medical masks I have to wear at work. The second I put it on, I'm fucking boiling hot and it feels like I'm inhaling dust or fibres all the time. Sort of like when I used to work in attics a lot

Businesses in Canada now charging a "coronavirus tax" on top of the normal costs to cover PPE staff wear (not PPE they have been forced to wear but advised to wear) some dentists are adding upwards of $100 to peoples bills for this. If it hasn't happened already I am sure it will in Ireland.

More businesses will be closing doors now if the last two months has thought people anything it's what services they can live without.

I don't think the masks and PPE idea is badly intentioned at all, but I am not surprised to see that it will be used as an excuse to further empty the pockets of the populace. There is indeed already talk of the same thing happening here and I'm sure the premium added will be far in excess of the cost to the service provider in each case. It is certainly disappointing and I expect to see much worse over the coming months as more services reopen. This pandemic will be used to further increase the gap between rich and poor instead of narrowing it and embracing the #inthistogether attitude we are currently being sold.

I am not saying we all don't need to be a bit more vigilant going forward while this hangs over us, but the outcomes are truly going to be a case of health and safety rules being applied in the most nonsensical, ridiculous and overboard fashion as they always are. And these rules will be used by everybody who needs something to hide behind for unreasonable behaviour, such as you have mentioned there mickO)))

Any chance the government have to take more money from people wont get past them. The money being put out through all this towards social welfare etc will just come back on us 10 fold under the guise of some shitty tax that'll have a sob story and some sad music playing over the background as they tell us  how 'we need to build ourselves back up and we all need to help out'.. add in some quote about unity and togetherness as the same fuckers drive off in their Chauffeur driven cars.

The same in the US with the 'stimulus' check they were all delighted with... like the US won't fuck them hard with that at a later date

we're all in this together

What do you make of the witch hunt against Dominic Cummings? A glance at the headlines would have you believe he was after molesting a school full of kids before setting it on fire.  Oh no,  he just visited his parents.  I get it,  it's bad PR and displays the inherent hypocrisy of the political elite,  but it's a complete overreaction and has more to do with sour remainers taking revenge rather than sincere Covid panic.  Or am I jumping to conclusions?

Although,  the irony of the government's surveillance techniques biting them on the arse is amusing.

Quote from: Eoin McLove on May 25, 2020, 11:56:44 AM
What do you make of the witch hunt against Dominic Cummings? A glance at the headlines would have you believe he was after molesting a school full of kids before setting it on fire.  Oh no,  he just visited his parents.  I get it,  it's bad PR and displays the inherent hypocrisy of the political elite,  but it's a complete overreaction and has more to do with sour remainers taking revenge rather than sincere Covid panic.  Or am I jumping to conclusions?

Although,  the irony of the government's surveillance techniques biting them on the arse is amusing.

Is it an overreaction? Maybe, but the optics are not good. It seems to be rules for the plebs but are only guidelines for the elite. And when the rules from on high are flouted, the spastic droves at the beach have no reason to feel any compunction towards responsibility for the wider population. They'll still spastic their way to the beach but they sure won't give it a second thought whereas they might have previously. Boris refused to get fully drawn into explaining Cummings' actions, totally deflected the issue, which simply re-enforces the "Us and Them" mentality.

Yep,  can't argue with that but I think that Cummings,  because of the part he played in Brexit and his portrayal as a Machiavellian villain in the media (which might be true, I don't know), is getting it in the neck much more heavily.  And maybe that's fair enough,  too.  His arrogance or lack of foresight won't do his cause any favours.

Ya, as an ally of Boris, he was always gonna get a slating from those on the left, especially, but I reckon there's a fair bunch of Cons who thought it wasn't the smartest move on his part too. I'm not following it in a major way so I don't know if any of them have spoken out or whatever.

Definitely not just the left giving him grief, even the Daily Mail is calling for him to go, its basically Boris and a few of the higher tories that have given him backing