Quote from: astfgyl on May 17, 2020, 10:42:50 PM
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on May 17, 2020, 08:33:59 PM
Cheers folks.

If we do die though, I hope I at least live long enough to see how astfgyl will get on in arriving to this truth he is so near to, yet which is also apparently ineffable!

Yeah I'm really curious to see how it pans out as well! Morpheus is calling round tomorrow to throw the red pill at me from a distance of 2 metres so hopefully I will be able to embrace (not physically, no touching!) the truth sometime shortly afterwards. I think you'll make it.

And Mugz, I could do with being spoon fed this truth you speak of so I can see what I think of it.

Is it that the extent of this virus has been twisted in a way that helps to line the pockets of some large commercial interests and that fear is being used as a tool to convince the populace to relinquish their human rights and to create an acceptance that they need to be dictated to rather than advised on how to look after themselves by governments all over the world, while decreasing resistance to technological surveillance techniques being deployed on a massive scale by using the public health vs freedom debate and the use of privately owned mass media outlets and other institutions such as privately funded scientific research to tip the scales in favour of those who would benefit from the proliferation of said surveillance and who also stand to make massive financial gains from the crippling of worldwide economies? I don't know.

Is it the use of the Hero tag on healthcare workers, which conveniently sidesteps the fact that they have been treated like shit for years and were in fact ready to go on strike prior to the current crisis? I don't know.

Is it the fact that we must all remain locked down in a state of quasi martial law to cover for the chronic mismanagement of public money in this country over a period spanning decades? Again I don't know.

Is the whole situation being taken advantage of by so many vested interests in so many different ways that it is impossible to know what is really any form of the truth anyway? I don't know.

Are worldwide public health policies being driven by media hype rather than concrete scientific evidence? I still don't know, although I do accept that this new to us all and the concrete evidence and statistics are still only emerging at the present time.

have you seen the children's hospital from above?

As in, on your way to heaven, like?

So, positive for a viral infection, negative for coronavirus. Hardly surprising though, since it doesn't exist. Maybe the specific lab technician who ran the test had a recent crisis of honesty and decided not to continue with the fabrication, even in cases where both the symptoms and ultimate cause fit the narrative. It's just so hard to tell  :abbath:

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on May 18, 2020, 04:18:17 PM
So, positive for a viral infection, negative for coronavirus.

At least you know it won't descend into pneumonia like hell for a fortnight.

#997 May 18, 2020, 06:22:45 PM Last Edit: May 18, 2020, 06:33:54 PM by astfgyl
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on May 18, 2020, 04:18:17 PM
Hardly surprising though, since it doesn't exist.

Ah here first Mugz, now you.

This place has gone to shit...

Edit: I took a look at the aerial view of the NCH and I think it is representative of the eye-watering sums of money gone to waste on it

I think you missed the large helping of sarcasm?

Quote from: Snare on May 18, 2020, 11:29:36 PM
I think you missed the large helping of sarcasm?
I think he replied with an equal measure

Did we even land on the moon ....

People have lost the run of themselves now and seem to think the 2m guideline has been scrapped. So my kids are looking on wondering why their friends are playing together now up close and in each other's personal space. And one of their mother is a neonatal nurse  >:( Some of those kids cough right into others faces as is so it's mental. Going backwards, phases be damned.

It's hard to blame kids for not grasping the gravity of the situation. I only hope the reports are accurate regarding kids not being the spreaders they were at first considered to be because I see what you are seeing as well. I let my 2 older kids out and I can see the young fella and his pals aren't acting the bollix so far but I think given a few days they will soon be wrestling out on the green as ever before. All I can do is attempt to educate them and hope some of it sinks in. The group of 4 limit is only a myth as well but again it's what I would expect from the young people. I do see that most adults appear to be doing what they are told so here's hoping that will be enough to curb the potential second wave. A pushing back of phases would be quite demoralizing for a lot of folks.