Quote from: mickO))) on April 17, 2020, 12:00:41 AM
Anyone else see the video of the sold out Ryanair flight that apparently landed in Dublin on Monday from Sofia? 189 passengers. Keelings are suppose to have paid for a full flight of people to come over here to pick fruit and they have been sent straight to work no quarantine.

If that is true, somebody needs the shit beaten out of them.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on April 17, 2020, 12:03:11 AM
Quote from: astfgyl on April 16, 2020, 11:57:02 PM
Quote from: Caomhaoin on April 16, 2020, 11:49:01 PM
The twitter outrage brigade were essentially demanding that Joe Rogan be crucified because he doesn't think male to female transsexuals should be allowed to participate in competitive sports with women.

Good question, I've never considered it, but I imagine any incidents would very isolated indeed.

How does he feel about it going the other way round, female to male, I wonder? But I agree with his point, it's an unfair advantage.

Probably never happened yet to be fair

Quote from: astfgyl on April 16, 2020, 11:57:02 PM
Quote from: Caomhaoin on April 16, 2020, 11:49:01 PM
The twitter outrage brigade were essentially demanding that Joe Rogan be crucified because he doesn't think male to female transsexuals should be allowed to participate in competitive sports with women.

How does he feel about it going the other way round, female to male, I wonder? But I agree with his point, it's an unfair advantage.

He doesn't care he also said if a man and woman want to fight each other he has no problem once they both agree to it. With Fallon Fox the thing was he did not disclose he was a man until it came to his third fight. 

Quote from: astfgyl on April 17, 2020, 12:04:52 AM
Quote from: mickO))) on April 17, 2020, 12:00:41 AM
Anyone else see the video of the sold out Ryanair flight that apparently landed in Dublin on Monday from Sofia? 189 passengers. Keelings are suppose to have paid for a full flight of people to come over here to pick fruit and they have been sent straight to work no quarantine.

If that is true, somebody needs the shit beaten out of them.


I looked at the Newstalk report and Keelings say they need them so we don't run short of strawberries. Sure what's a few hundred lives? ..... these are fucking unreal strawberries.

The company themselves say they have briefed the workers on it all and "It says this includes 14 days of restricted movement for any new arrivals in the country, prior to starting work."

Any of ye ever pick strawberries as young lads? Right up there with footing turf for baptism-of-fire-into-the-world-of-work

Quadrupled the payment to the WHO...I actually nearly vomited when i seen this was real. These scumbags need to be hung. 

Regarding alt-right figures, there's a danger here of reasoning along the lines of X's detractors are idiots, therefore X is not an idiot.

That's not how things work, not in a world this full of people who have no idea how to reason.

#712 April 17, 2020, 09:42:57 AM Last Edit: April 17, 2020, 09:49:21 AM by Caomhaoin
Which 'alt right' commentators?

Please, define 'alt-right'. It seems to be a catch all phrase for the non-thinkers.

Everyone knows what figures are described as alt-right, just as we all know what kind of figures you mean by the "twitter outrage brigade".

Please, define 'outrage'!

Come off it.

I didn't believe it until I read it  :laugh:


How in the actual fuck?

Criticise Trump all we want, yep he's an arrogant cunt, but he's 100% right about the Chinese economy. He's been saying 'They're killing us' for years. He's also really consistent about the US being used to protect half the world and pouring money into protecting Europe, much of Asia and the Middle East for donkeys years also.


It's the same with the WHO, they're paying 10 times more in than China...go figure. So he's definitely a divisive figure, but when you start scratching away at the stuff that he comes out with, which I've been doing for quite a while now, you'll find the guy is a lot shrewder and on the ball than he's given credit for.

0The mere fact that the barber, the woman who sells me fruit, every Tom, Dick and Harry spoofing on about the American president, American policy, about how dangerous he is when he's started zero wars and grown his enomomy, tells me that the media and wider, deeper interest groups are manipulating the media and the narrative. It's simply common sense to think that way. As far as I've always thought, actions speak louder than words and if I look at the actions in a cold, detached manner, I'm not seeing the dictator/fascist/satan that is being painted. People are so caught up in the smiles and the charisma of an Obama. I see Trump as no better or worse really from the record of both so far. Obama made a balls of plenty of things too, but it's not a job for the faint hearted.

Dear god, he was just as unbearable to listen to 30 years ago!

No President of the US is going to be a good guy, and Obama is no more a good guy than Tony Blair, for instance, despite soft appearances. I mean, we know that. But the fact a war hasn't been started during Trump's time is as likely coincidental as anything; the wars open to him would have been cataclysmic compared to framing Afghanistan and taking a pop, or even Iraq who weren't so popular even among their neighbours. I don't think there's any reason to believe Trump would have responded any differently to Obama.

No, the real problem with Trump is that he's a role model for outrageous back-pedalling, lying, stupidity, etc., in a country which responds well to this precisely because it's already rife with it! As an executor of action, he hasn't done worse than previous presidents of the US, but as a human being, he has no redeemable qualities whatsoever that I can see. If he's shrewd, it's because he's driven entirely by self-interest, whether that manifests in an awareness of when he's getting shafted financially or in him throwing a tantrum because someone just pointed out a verbatim quote where he affirmed a position he's now saying he never held. I mean, can you imagine someone like him in your class at school? In work with you? "I know you are, but what am I?" That's his level of ego fragility, and that's appealing to many, many, many people. Birds of a feather...

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on April 17, 2020, 10:07:51 AM
Everyone knows what figures are described as alt-right, just as we all know what kind of figures you mean by the "twitter outrage brigade".

Please, define 'outrage'!

Come off it.

I was referring to the general twitter public, and no, I have no idea who the alt right are, unless  you're referring to Richard Spencer and assorted spastics.

Enlighten me.

#717 April 17, 2020, 12:52:04 PM Last Edit: April 17, 2020, 12:55:12 PM by Pedrito
I can definitely see that side to him but I don't accept that it's the complete picture.  ¨` No redeemable qualities whatsoever´   is simply hyperbole. As I said he's an arrogant cunt, he's loud, brash, annoying, vulgar, all the things you have said, but he has also brought the political landscape, the media and all the shenanigans that go on in US politics completely under the microscope. Economically he is bang on the money. Jobs and money have been draining out of the US economy for decades now. He was calling out the Iran nuclear deal, WHO now which is being proven to be completely correct, funnily he even banned Chinese travel to the States as far back as January to much vitriol(Nancy Pelosi walking around Chinatown shaking hands, calling him a racist)  which has again been proven correct. He is completely right and fair about the States being the police force of the world..much to their own doing of course, but we in Europe have had it so good for so long as a result. He's got a fine missus too.

Even today, look at this snakery> https://www.rte.ie/news/coronavirus/2020/0417/1132026-coronavirus-world/ Are we that naive to believe the lies that are coming out of China..I reckon this is only the tip of the iceberg. They coudln't tell the truth if you held a gun to their heads. We need someone calling this shit out and if it's got to be Trump, then so be it.

I sort of see the point Pedrito is making there. When absolutely everyone everywhere is saying the same thing about anything, it pays to try see past all of that and get down to the actual facts behind it. I think that the endless pursuit of more money rather than better living for all is a dangerous concept in itself and he sort of personifies that for me, so I would be fairly blinded to a lot of good things he has done for US citizens, if indeed he has done some. I feel some sort of socialism is the way forward but I wouldn't know how to define that exactly to fit in with any particular tag.

The whole Left, Right, Alt Left, Alt Right, Extreme Left, Extreme Right, Centre Left, Centre Right etc way of defining things is a bit weird to me anyway and is sort of like saying "I only listen to X type of music so I won't be liking any other kinds even if I hear them and think they're good" or maybe "I define myself as an Industrial Jazz Blues Pop Rock Electro Bluegrass Folk Metalhead" just because you like all of those things. It gets a bit like musical subgenres and seems a bit pigeonholing.

Yeah but 'alt-right'.

I'm startled and alarmed that a person as intelligent and thoughtful as the lad Chris, in the words of the stinger, subscribes to this point of view.

It's a myth. Anyone with conservative opinions is lumped in with this imaginary (for the most part) alt-right camp. Pathetic boy hi