Quote from: Pedrito on April 09, 2020, 08:06:53 PM
Ireland is the least densely populated country in Europe or at least one of them.

The US figures are high but their population is almost that of Europe if you knock a couple of countries out of the equation.

The underlying and really worrying thread to all of this is how corrupt and biased the likes of the WHO and the U.N. are starting to seem. A lot like FIFA, nobody seems to pay any attention to them for the most part, but the Taiwan story says a lot about where they're at. It seems we in the West spend so much time criticising our own politicians and systems that we've forgotten just how utterly shit it is to live in the likes of China, just how corrupt and sinister their political system is. The propoganda machine is in full effect at the moment to take the spotlight off them and it's amazing just how complicit the western media is with it all.

Ireland have today quadrupled funding to WHO in response to the US stopping funding really makes you wonder what a lot Governments objectives are in all this.

And who will be paying for that, I wonder?

I'm reading this at the minute, but it will require a bit of scrutiny https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/china-helped-put-man-charge-world-health-organization%E2%80%94-it-paying-136002

Dunno how anyone can like Trump.  He is such a fucking ignoramus.  He lacks basic manners and courtesy (shouldn't the leader of the most powerful country in the western world at least possess some basic diplomacy skills?) and every sentence dribbles out of his buffoon mouth like he has just walked away from a car crash and left half of his brain stuck to the dashboard.  Apart from' shaking things up', what do you like about him?

61 deaths reported in Ireland today, grim reading. That link saying we were past the peak of deaths looked at odds anyway.

The poor nursing home residents are getting an awful hammering. Portlaoise was nearly a repeat of the Madrid home abandoned by nurses as so many were out sick with no cover.

Thankfullt the rate of spread is way down after all the measures taken.

I don't like him, and he is indefensible. It's just every now and again he says some things that I find amusing (again, in spite of myself). He is a fucking nut no doubt about it. And yet somehow I find him less slimy than the likes of Varadkar and Martin. As you say, it can only be the "Shaking things up" element and even that is base level shit. I wouldn't mind him having no manners or tact though if he was saying anything worth hearing.

#680 April 16, 2020, 10:31:31 PM Last Edit: April 16, 2020, 10:33:50 PM by Nail_Bombed
Trump has recently referred to the POTUS as having absolute authority and power. If that's not a move towards a dictatorship, then I'm Lemmy. Total bawbag he is.

He has his supporters so he must be doing something right behind the braindamaged persona.  I just don't know what it is. Curious to hear the good, worthy stuff he is doing for America, or the world. It might be that his bluntness, his whole manner is so off putting and repulsive that it is taking away from good work being done. 

I think he has just managed to convince the trailer park element that he might be able to get them back out of the trailer park and into a job and a gainful existence. And most of his supporters are of the "here's more American Gladiators" persuasion anyway and/or of the "let's make more money at the expense of anything and anyone" mindset. I think that, much like Sinn Fein here, he has gotten in as a sort of protest against the status quo.

His manner is as endearing to millions as it is repulsive to you. The media hate him and this inevitably has its influence on broader opinions of him. I'm not saying your unthinking, but it looking past all the bluster will show you precisely why he will in all likelihood be re elected. Record black employment, a robust economy and tackling the (for many) unpalatable illegal immigration issue decisively (despite the machinations of the judiciary) are a few examples.

He is also not afraid to criticise the quasi-fascist Chinese regime, he calls into question their information about the Coronavirus outbreak and deaths, call out those manky wet markets etc. Granted, his language is coarse, he is often a BS merchant. But he's a businessman, not a politician. Who gives a shit if he is steering the gaff in a direction the majority of Americans want to go?

The Guardian, the Washington Post and the like will whistle a different tune, but that's hardly surprising. The left is now mainstream, and to them, he's a heretic who must be destroyed at all costs.

Quote from: astfgyl on April 16, 2020, 10:57:32 PM
I think he has just managed to convince the trailer park element that he might be able to get them back out of the trailer park and into a job and a gainful existence. And most of his supporters are of the "here's more American Gladiators" persuasion anyway and/or of the "let's make more money at the expense of anything and anyone" mindset. I think that, much like Sinn Fein here, he has gotten in as a sort of protest against the status quo.

You sound like Hilary Clinton there lad. I think it's very, very lazy to write off his whole base as trailer park trash .

Quote from: Eoin McLove on April 16, 2020, 10:33:46 PM
He has his supporters so he must be doing something right behind the braindamaged persona.  I just don't know what it is. Curious to hear the good, worthy stuff he is doing for America, or the world. It might be that his bluntness, his whole manner is so off putting and repulsive that it is taking away from good work being done.

Sure Obama had his supporters as well and he was one of the worst presidents the US has ever had yet is still praised to this day cause he's an MSM darling and did as he was told. Obamas own half brother despises him.

Justin Trudeau is a lot worse than Trump he is without a doubt the most embarrassing politician I have ever come across, yet he is also praised around the world. I am no Trump fan but he makes a lot of valid points about the WHO they are corrupt as fuck.

Quote from: astfgyl on April 16, 2020, 10:00:43 PM
And who will be paying for that, I wonder?

The tax payer most likely and they won't get a say in the matter either.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on April 16, 2020, 11:02:04 PM
You sound like Hilary Clinton there lad. I think it's very, very lazy to write off his whole base as trailer park trash .

I actually find Hilary Clinton much more offensive than Trump and given the choice of the two at the time I was happy to see him come out on top. I did say the "let's make more money at the expense of anything and anyone" crowd would probably have backed him as well. I saw earlier you said you were a supporter and I'd be interested to hear your take on that. I admit my knowledge of U.S. politics is topical at best.

I still think his victory was mostly down to a protest vote. Like Sinn Fein here could basically throw anyone up for election and they got in as long as they weren't FF/FG

Quote from: mickO))) on April 16, 2020, 11:11:58 PM
the WHO they are corrupt as fuck.

That article I linked earlier has sent me down a rabbit hole about them and it's amazing stuff. As was said earlier here they are mostly something nobody thinks about but once one starts to look... it's interesting to say the least

#689 April 16, 2020, 11:20:13 PM Last Edit: April 16, 2020, 11:26:17 PM by astfgyl
Quote from: Caomhaoin on April 16, 2020, 11:00:03 PM
His manner is as endearing to millions as it is repulsive to you. The media hate him and this inevitably has its influence on broader opinions of him. I'm not saying your unthinking, but it looking past all the bluster will show you precisely why he will in all likelihood be re elected. Record black employment, a robust economy and tackling the (for many) unpalatable illegal immigration issue decisively (despite the machinations of the judiciary) are a few examples.

He is also not afraid to criticise the quasi-fascist Chinese regime, he calls into question their information about the Coronavirus outbreak and deaths, call out those manky wet markets etc. Granted, his language is coarse, he is often a BS merchant. But he's a businessman, not a politician. Who gives a shit if he is steering the gaff in a direction the majority of Americans want to go?

The Guardian, the Washington Post and the like will whistle a different tune, but that's hardly surprising. The left is now mainstream, and to them, he's a heretic who must be destroyed at all costs.

I hadn't seen this when I said I'd be interested to hear your take on it.

Edit: That sounds like I was being smart, I just actually hadn't seen it and it's always good to hear the other side of the argument. I've been wrong as many times as I have ever been right and I agree with your comment about the left being the new mainstream. I do think Trump on the surface seems like an egomaniac and is a danger to worldwide stability from his position of power though.