One thing I find odd is that on world of meters, Irelands recoverey number is at 25.. its like hardly anyone is recovering and has this for really long periods of time or the numbers just aren't accurate?

I was looking at that earlier to see how the Diamond Princess fared out and i thought the recovered number for pretty much everywhere was quite low but I didn't read into exactly how they arrive at that figure. I wonder is it the number of cases who have been cleared following subsequent testing? I presume that most cases are just given a time frame to be presumed okay again rather than actually tested clear given the backlog and shortage of testing materials and maybe the site only deals with definites

As far as I know, it's mainly based on hospital discharges.

If that is the criteria the numbers are really low. Well except China but who really knows what their figures are. It must take a good 3 weeks minimum to get up and going again for most

Here's a figure that'll spin your head and concept of time; one month ago today, global deaths were at 6520. That equates to an almost exactly 20 fold increase in just 30 days to the present.

That is equal parts depressing and terrifying, with lots more sure to come. Have any of the European countries considered themselves past the peak yet?

I just hope somebody stumbles upon a cure very soon. Pretty much any substances that can be ingested (and probably many that can't) are being thrown at this thing right now. Latest one I read about was a headlice treatment which is showing promise and the UK are almost convinced they will have a vaccine by September.

What on Earth is Trump giving shit to WHO about not acting fast enough?
Was he not the man describing it as a hoax and no big deal? Fake news etc even when experts warned him?

I'm pro-Trump but he's acting the eejit on that one. Very hypocritical, as you allude to.

Completely false that he called it a hoax,  what he said was somthing along the lines of "the democrats latest hoax is that i have done nothing on the matter"  as usual it was taken out of context to make him look bad like most things he says are.

He was right to give the WHO shit. The rest of the world was left to work from doctored information from China. Everything else about his handling of this crisis has been pathetic. Doubt he will survive the next election after making a pants of this one.

He will definitely be re-elected.

Quote from: hellfire on April 15, 2020, 05:54:57 PM
He was right to give the WHO shit.

The WHO may have deserved criticism, but "he" definitely wasn't right to give it to them. An important nuance, speck of dust in your brother's eye, etc.

It is also true that he never called the virus itself a hoax.

Fair enough. There's so much shit he says it kinda all merges into one.
He probably will get reelected.

I wouldn't be a supporter or anything but I have a sort of liking for Trump at times in spite of myself. He is some bollix.

Was looking at a HSE graph of Irish cases earlier and they hadn't included the German tests, as they wanted to match them to the right days and adjust the graph accordingly. RTE news the last few evenings, however, have simply loved to revel in the largest increase they can announce every evening in spite of the fact that they have no idea what days they were actually attributed to. That shit really winds me up, the fucking wankers. Just give the actual fucking news.