Just announced for France; full confinement until 11th May.

An honest question, were you instantly demoralised? Personally I took it very badly for the first day when it was announced here until the 5th. I got over it, as there is no point wallowing but the initial shock was tough.

Interesting you should ask. For me, the answer is no, but I was just thinking that it would be for a lot of people, and was thinking how very psychologically demoralizing it would have been had they announced 6 or 8 weeks of lockdown right from the start.

I always knew it would go on beyond yesterday and I know it will still go on past May 5th here, but there was something about it being confirmed that was rough on the head for at least a day. Like I was saying, I got over it but I can only imagine how bad it is for some people who are pretty isolated as it is, like auld fellas who only have the few lads in the pub for company or lads in rural isolation. I wonder are governments (who are probably thinking this will run and run) testing each time how much in advance that people will take. Like first give them 2 weeks, then 3 weeks, then a month sort of thing, and I suppose it's a tightrope they are walking before people in general start to say fuck this and mass disobedience kicks off. If they were to come out tomorrow and say 6 months I would likely crumble pretty quickly.

That's forgetting something that seems clear; no one has an end game. Most governments are improvising measures as they go along, as things evolve. Spain, for example, to loosen confinement a bit now to allow certain sectors to recommence. Will that work out okay or will it lead to a second spike? For the moment no one knows, some are for, some against. No conspiracy, more than ever the world is indeed rudderless.

I agree. I might not have made that exactly clear in the wording and now I look over it I didn't. When I was saying they might be testing how far they can push people with announcements I didn't mean to imply that the governments themselves actually knew how long. I was just saying that like myself they anticipate it will run and run because there is no cure or prevention, and they are walking the tightrope of how long to announce at a time on one side vs how long of an announcement will drive people mad right off the bat on the other. I fully agree with what you are saying about the world being rudderless at the moment. We have people relying on the government to tell themthe answer, the government relying on science for the answer so they can give it to everyone, and science relying on the probability that they will figure it out sooner or later. Imagine that there is never a cure or vaccine found for this and what do we all do then? I reckon that is the general question the governments are looking at this minute. We are all hoping for the best but there is no guarantee that any of this will have an ending that involves it being fixed. These are truly fucked up times.

I have no doubt that will get a vaccine for this,  it's just a matter of how long it will take. There have been a couple of reports saying they are close to finding the vaccine but who knows.

It would take close enough to a year for a vaccine to be publicly available.

Yep, it will probably be slow in coming,  but it's coming. That is my point.

Was just reading that Mary Lou McDonald tested positive but is recovering. She was tested on the 28th March and only got her results back yesterday. Madness. For its population, Ireland is supposed to be a major player in the medical and life sciences; I haven't looked into it, but baffled by what has gone so wrong.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on April 14, 2020, 03:31:52 PM
Was just reading that Mary Lou McDonald tested positive but is recovering. She was tested on the 28th March and only got her results back yesterday. Madness. For its population, Ireland is supposed to be a major player in the medical and life sciences; I haven't looked into it, but baffled by what has gone so wrong.
I'm still waiting on results from the 27th, would have thought someone that high up the political ladder would have been sorted in a few days though

I think it was due to the availability of reagent for testing, which has since been secured. I expect a massive increase in positive cases due to this. The odd thing is, a lot of cases will have recovered before they ever know they had it, Mary Lou being one such case. I was going to say it's good to see that all are being treated equally in this case, but she was tested a day after yourself and got her results first so that fucks that notion.

Quote from: astfgyl on April 14, 2020, 04:06:28 PM
I was going to say it's good to see that all are being treated equally in this case, but she was tested a day after yourself and got her results first so that fucks that notion.

I know two people who got tested on the same day, in the same town 2 weeks ago. One got her results 10 days later, the other lad still waiting on his. Not sure how they're doing it, but it seems to be random enough so I don't think anybody is getting special treatment. What do I know though...

Yeah I'm probably talking shite. I haven't a notion how it goes either. It could be prioritised by how sick somebody is or just fully random. According to the HSE they will have it all cleared this week anyway so that's good news for anyone waiting for it.