I'm surprised no one has mentioned Malthusian Theory so far!

#211 March 15, 2020, 09:22:19 PM Last Edit: March 15, 2020, 09:24:02 PM by Juggz
"anyone with any common sense"  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Hopefully, at the end of all this shite, people realise that what affects one of us affects all of us, we drop these stupid notions of nationality, religion, political alignment, racism and the other petty bullshit and see ourselves as humans first and collectively stride towards the clearly achievable utopia which awaits us if we drop greed and starting working together as one species.

Or, we sell bog roll and hand sanitiser on ebay for filthy profit.

Juggz aka "The BogRoll KingPin"  :abbath:

Like Brexit, the UK approach to matters is intriguing. They've either seen something no-one else has seen and are sitting pretty or they have got it spectacularly and heinously wrong. Only time will tell. I understand the principle of what they're trying to do but what I don't get is how they expect to manage the spread of a virus we're about two weeks behind the spread of. Having had 3000 Madrid fans in the bars and clubs of Liverpool last Wednesday and 60000 gobshites milling around Cheltenham all week, it feels as if they're giving the virus every opportunity to spread like fuck with the view of enough people getting it to create some sort of "herd immunity", as they put it.

That's grand, in principle, but how do they manage the spread of something when they're two weeks behind knowing the actual situation. I just don't get it.

The cases for and against... though whenever they mention the "spirit of the blitz" it seems to be a code for they haven't got a fucking clue.





Quote from: Juggz on March 15, 2020, 09:39:16 PM
Like Brexit, the UK approach to matters is intriguing. They've either seen something no-one else has seen and are sitting pretty or they have got it spectacularly and heinously wrong. Only time will tell. I understand the principle of what they're trying to do but what I don't get is how they expect to manage the spread of a virus we're about two weeks behind the spread of. Having had 3000 Madrid fans in the bars and clubs of Liverpool last Wednesday and 60000 gobshites milling around Cheltenham all week, it feels as if they're giving the virus every opportunity to spread like fuck with the view of enough people getting it to create some sort of "herd immunity", as they put it.

That's grand, in principle, but how do they manage the spread of something when they're two weeks behind knowing the actual situation. I just don't get it.

The cases for and against... though whenever they mention the "spirit of the blitz" it seems to be a code for they haven't got a fucking clue.





It's a  unusual one. This spirit of the blitz bollox basically means that you suck up the deaths and get on with it. Is that good enough? I know we've become desensitized to so many things but human life needs to have a value and we should do all we can to protect it IMO, and yes, despite the world being full of mongos. The minute we all accept there's gobshites out there and maybe that we're that same gobshite to someone else, the easier life will become for all of us.

Quote from: Pedrito on March 15, 2020, 09:48:03 PMI know we've become desensitized to so many things but human life needs to have a value and we should do all we can to protect it IMO, and yes, despite the world being full of mongos. The minute we all accept there's gobshites out there and maybe that we're that same gobshite to someone else, the easier life will become for all of us.
That's exactly it. That's why I don't understand their approach. Herd immunity usually includes a viable and real vaccine. There is no such thing. There is no proof having this once immunises you from having it again. It makes no fucking sense other than lots of old and vulnerable people die to ease the burden on the NHS and their pension funds. Are we at that point?

To go against what the rest of the world appears to be doing, namely trying to contain the virus and minimise the initial spread... it surely just means there'll be travel restrictions on everyone coming out of Britain for the next year or two? They want 60% of the population to have this? How long will that take? If you're a country who have made efforts to contain the spread of this, you're not going to let some infected Tommy come in and reintroduce that which you have shut the entire country down to contain?

There's already been relapses noted, so g'luck to them with that plan.

Quote from: Pagan Waltar on March 15, 2020, 09:17:55 PM
I'm surprised no one has mentioned Malthusian Theory so far!

Reply #173  ;)

I think one of the things that the UK is aiming for is a summer peak in CV cases they believe it will be easier to manage in the summer time as winter is always worse for similar types of disease. They are also anticipating a rebound or second wave in the winter so plan to get the worst over with in the summer. They are also probably questioning the effect of social distancing etc. Or even if people would follow those rules despite it working in parts of Asia and elsewhere or the danger of a sudden spike.

It's a bit mad really and to some extent based on behavioural science predictions. Singapore have already introduced new travel rules for the UK along with Switzerland and Japan and Singapore have made one of the best managements of the outbreak. It's certainly possible the UK could have further travel restrictions if a problem develops.

Yeah, I just don't see how they manage something they're giving a massive head start.

Good old Arlene following the guidelines set by Westminster despite living on a separate island that is using a different approach entirely.  When does the ideology stop and the concern for people begin with that eejit?

Is the real news story here the oncoming recession that has been spoken about? Getting constant updates about numbers of corona virus victims and which MP has tested positive today and how many pubs and restaurants have closed their doors... Is it a big distraction from another fuck up that's about to bury us?

Quote from: Eoin McLove on March 16, 2020, 07:10:40 AM
Good old Arlene following the guidelines set by Westminster despite living on a separate island that is using a different approach entirely.  When does the ideology stop and the concern for people begin with that eejit?
Give it a couple of weeks and it'll be Paddy erecting hard borders and checkpoints, disrespecting the GFA. It's a wet dream for Arlene.

Well we should be looking after the Republic right now and monitoring what border there is. Noone should be coming in from Northern Ireland if that's the attitude they're going to take. Diplomacy and the hand of friendship has been extended so many times now but you can't dialogue with a thick.