I'll be honest I don't know a lot of the Canadian situation, but I am very sure this is a lot more widespread already than people would like to believe, as there are a high number of carriers who display little to no symptoms, and thus won't be tested. On a lighter note, every time I try think of us all staying indoors voluntarily I'm reminded of Renton barring himself in with all his supplies before crumbling 2 minutes later.

I  also think that due to the large number of undetected cases, that the mortality rate of this is a lot lower than the reported figures would have us believe. And I don't mean by saying that, that we should be in any way reckless about it at all as regardless of the mortality rate being lower or not for most, it isn't any lower for the high risk groups and it doesn't mean our already struggling, underfunded and mismanaged health service has any chance of coping with it. We can see this already with seasonal flu and this will really exacerbate the problem.

We are certainly in uncharted territory with the situation. I was doing a bit of checking on Snopes and I saw it also described as an Infodemic of misinformation, which it is, and that is a lot to do with a lot of the panic, I would think. The toilet paper situation is particularly indicative of the herd mentality as well and that is only one example of the sort of shit going round.

Quote from: Airneanach on March 14, 2020, 05:43:53 PM
The UK approach as a whole seems quite radical. The current idea seems to be a fairly benign approach to social isolation, let the virus get on with things but stretch out the peak period into summer so as to take the burden off the NHS a bit.

If you want to get a bit more tin foil hat, and I'm not even sure it's that crazy to suggest, it looks like they're going for a herd immunity scenario. Which would lead to far more fatalities in the short term, I'd imagine.

It is simply astonishing that the UK government is going in for the herd immunity idea when there is NO CURRENT VACCINE for covid-19. If the idea is to take the burden off the NHS then this will do exactly the opposite.

Quote from: Aborted on March 14, 2020, 05:23:58 AM
I heard an interesting one last night. A girl I know was speaking with a lab tech who said said that the first case of the virus in Ireland was back in Oct. And all those really bad cases of the flu people have been getting since that period was the coronavirus, they just didn't have a name for it until it became a much bigger thing.
This has been tipping about as a rumour for a while, and I've chatted to a few people about it.  Can't tell if it's real, but I will say I had the worst flu I've ever had in my life there just after Christmas.  I was completely fucked from it.  So were a lot of people I know, one of which was told by their GP that it was a form of swine flu that their regular flu shots wouldn't cover.  There's other odd things that make it seem like this already did a short round here in December - the amount of people with it, the earlier dates for infection in China being October now, similar situations in pockets of West coast US before Christmas, the lad in ICU in Cork who got it without anyone knowing how - but too much weighing against it too.  It wasn't deemed so contagious it was worth isolating over, symptoms aren't exact, a huge amount of this is anecdotal and in hindsight.  So unless someone genuinely comes out and says it I'm unconvinced.

Quote from: ochoill on March 15, 2020, 02:20:08 AM
Quote from: Aborted on March 14, 2020, 05:23:58 AM
I heard an interesting one last night. A girl I know was speaking with a lab tech who said said that the first case of the virus in Ireland was back in Oct. And all those really bad cases of the flu people have been getting since that period was the coronavirus, they just didn't have a name for it until it became a much bigger thing.
This has been tipping about as a rumour for a while, and I've chatted to a few people about it.  Can't tell if it's real, but I will say I had the worst flu I've ever had in my life there just after Christmas.  I was completely fucked from it.  So were a lot of people I know, one of which was told by their GP that it was a form of swine flu that their regular flu shots wouldn't cover.  There's other odd things that make it seem like this already did a short round here in December - the amount of people with it, the earlier dates for infection in China being October now, similar situations in pockets of West coast US before Christmas, the lad in ICU in Cork who got it without anyone knowing how - but too much weighing against it too.  It wasn't deemed so contagious it was worth isolating over, symptoms aren't exact, a huge amount of this is anecdotal and in hindsight.  So unless someone genuinely comes out and says it I'm unconvinced.

Ah yeah, you can never be certain and even if it was the case I doubt they would come out and say it as then people would turn and blame whoever wsa invloved for everything that's gone in. ie "you could have prevented me acting like a complete fucking mong buying 1700 rolls of bog roll and conintue to go out to the pub and licking door handles"

I had it around 7 weeks ago and the same thing.. absolutley fucked for around 7 days and still trying to get rid of a mild broncitius type issue from it.

I feel genuinely sorry for those financially affected by all this scaremongering.

The government have to be seen to do something to alleviate stress on the health system by appealing for calm and common sense but sadly people will invariably act like sheep and panic will prevail regardless.

I'm sick of people talking about nothing else. You should be as worried as you feel you need to be but be rational.

It feels however to be more than just a randomly occurring  natural pandemic. There is a lot to be said for believing the possibility of the virus being a manmade phenomenon, an effort to literally cull the herd, so to speak.

How do you reckon it isn't a randomly occurring, natural phenomenon?

Coronaviruses already exist and it's not like events like the Spanish Flu or Bubonic Plague didn't happen in the past.

I'm certainly not disagreeing with you.

Just saying that it feels MORE than just that.

Do you feel it was only supposed to have an effect in China and they didn't anticipate it spreading, or was it meant to spread and hit the west like it has?

Quote from: Ducky on March 15, 2020, 08:32:16 PM
Do you feel it was only supposed to have an effect in China and they didn't anticipate it spreading, or was it meant to spread and hit the west like it has?

Fuck knows

Quote from: Pagan Waltar on March 15, 2020, 07:22:00 PM

It feels however to be more than just a randomly occurring  natural pandemic. There is a lot to be said for believing the possibility of the virus being a manmade phenomenon, an effort to literally cull the herd, so to speak.

Bill the lowlife Gates gave a speech about 3 years ago saying something like this was going to happen. He is a proud proponent of depopulation so if you are into conspiracy theories definitely something in that and also the defiance of Government's around to do anything about this even still today comes across as a lot more than incompetence. I saw the speech Gates made back when it came out and when this started getting bad in December it's the first thing I thought of.

Other rumours going around that it was released to stop the protesting in Hong Kong.

Who knows we will never get the full story. All we really know is those responsible will never be held accountable for the damage this had and will cause. `

The expert on Joe Rogan at the beginning of the week dismissed it being a man made virus and did say it was caused by Bats Blood as was originally suspected. Why someone feels the need to eat a bat I will never know.

And to think yiz whine about vegans  :abbath:

I read vegans as vaginas.  A slightly different complaint.

At least they can treat crabs

It just seems conveniently timed is all. At a time where, on an infantile level, the world seems completely fucked, ie. Trump, Boris and Kim Jong Un being world leaders, endless war in the Middle East, already over populated countries accepting refugees from war torn places and high level homelessness and unemployment everywhere.

I'm not disputing the evidence being put forward, so long as it's true but how would you know?
I don't remember being too bothered at the time about Asian Bird Flu, Swine Fever or Mad Cow Disease (as I am not a farmer). This virus and subsequent pandemic has the media and social media placing people into a frenzy with statistics and over information, giving us measures which anyone with any common sense would practice anyway.

Maybe it's an effort to somehow bring people together as now we all have a common enemy, irrespective of race or religion, with the added bonus of possible depopulation.

Again, think what you want to think and be as worried as you feel you need to be.