I enjoyed that. Might watch a few more of his after I get to the end of the chomsky one I've been wading through slowly.

It remains to be seen how this will play out but I'm reminded of a comment from one of my co workers at the beginning of the lockdown: She said "I'm looking forward to watching this on reeling in the years and wondering what the fuck we were all thinking" Again, it remains to be seen.

#1172 July 02, 2020, 04:44:50 PM Last Edit: July 02, 2020, 06:11:17 PM by Black Shepherd Carnage
Just looking at the preview screenshot there, West Nile Virus has been in the news again quite recently. Afaik it has essentially zero human to human transmission though, so quarantine wouldn't at all be an effective measure against it. Going on that one example hypothetical would lead one to believe whoever made the video is working off lots more erroneous notions and deductions.

The media obviously exaggerates everything and governments will almost always attempt to move opportunistically towards their global goals in time of crisis, but going from that to a total reality disconnect summed up in "the state and its media shills invent everything", especially today when it's easier than ever to access non-mediatized data, is just the same kind of facile reasoning we've all seen rolled out over and over. It certainly doesn't represent any "new" way of thinking...


Edit: That's not even the video I meant to post, but since we're so detached as it is, might as well just leave it.

Quote from: astfgyl on July 02, 2020, 04:20:56 PM
I enjoyed that. Might watch a few more of his after I get to the end of the chomsky one I've been wading through slowly.

It remains to be seen how this will play out but I'm reminded of a comment from one of my co workers at the beginning of the lockdown: She said "I'm looking forward to watching this on reeling in the years and wondering what the fuck we were all thinking" Again, it remains to be seen.

it was gutwrenching enough when the 00s started appearing on the compilation shows, but when reeling in the years starts covering the 2020s, fuck me it'll be so disorienting, probably rté will have a cyberware holo-app by then, or maybe we can use virtual cash to buy microwave-beamed implantable memories, so you've already watched it before you've seen it, so you don't have to watch things anymore.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on July 02, 2020, 04:44:50 PM
Just looking at the preview screenshot there, West Nile Virus has been in the news again quite recently. Afaik it has essentially zero human to human transmission though, so quarantine wouldn't at all be an effective measure against it. Going on that one example hypothetical would lead one to believe whoever made the video is working off lots more erroneous notions and deductions.

That may indeed be the case. I also can't tell you one way or the other as I've only seen one of the videos. He doesn't seem to be making any suggestions that are too wild or anything beyond pointing out that all of these things which were sensationalised by the media at the time didn't really come to pass as foretold, and it was an enjoyable enough listen without getting extremely deep into any one of the things he mentions.

I wouldn't buy entirely into any one angle on anything anyway because there are so many ways of looking at something and sections of the news media are always going to try sensationalise everything as much as possible, because that is what keeps the eyes on the ads and the money stays flowing. Usually the facts of anything don't become apparent until much much later after anything happens anyway, and though the media does push things a lot I honestly think most of it is simply to make money (although I wouldn't entirely rule out things like deliberate misinformation spread by governments or private interests at times either).

Quote from: mugz on July 02, 2020, 06:25:56 PM
Quote from: astfgyl on July 02, 2020, 04:20:56 PM
I enjoyed that. Might watch a few more of his after I get to the end of the chomsky one I've been wading through slowly.

It remains to be seen how this will play out but I'm reminded of a comment from one of my co workers at the beginning of the lockdown: She said "I'm looking forward to watching this on reeling in the years and wondering what the fuck we were all thinking" Again, it remains to be seen.

it was gutwrenching enough when the 00s started appearing on the compilation shows, but when reeling in the years starts covering the 2020s, fuck me it'll be so disorienting, probably rté will have a cyberware holo-app by then, or maybe we can use virtual cash to buy microwave-beamed implantable memories, so you've already watched it before you've seen it, so you don't have to watch things anymore.

Trying to imagine watching all of this on reeling in the years is actually pretty disconcerting now you mention it

Quote from: astfgyl on July 02, 2020, 09:32:49 PM
Quote from: mugz on July 02, 2020, 06:25:56 PM
Quote from: astfgyl on July 02, 2020, 04:20:56 PM
I enjoyed that. Might watch a few more of his after I get to the end of the chomsky one I've been wading through slowly.

It remains to be seen how this will play out but I'm reminded of a comment from one of my co workers at the beginning of the lockdown: She said "I'm looking forward to watching this on reeling in the years and wondering what the fuck we were all thinking" Again, it remains to be seen.

it was gutwrenching enough when the 00s started appearing on the compilation shows, but when reeling in the years starts covering the 2020s, fuck me it'll be so disorienting, probably rté will have a cyberware holo-app by then, or maybe we can use virtual cash to buy microwave-beamed implantable memories, so you've already watched it before you've seen it, so you don't have to watch things anymore.

Trying to imagine watching all of this on reeling in the years is actually pretty disconcerting now you mention it

"do u remember back in 2020 when they didn't have cameras in 16k 200 fps refresh oh my god it looks ancient!"

#1177 July 02, 2020, 09:46:43 PM Last Edit: July 02, 2020, 10:32:02 PM by mugz
Quote from: astfgyl on July 02, 2020, 09:09:20 PM
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on July 02, 2020, 04:44:50 PM
Just looking at the preview screenshot there, West Nile Virus has been in the news again quite recently. Afaik it has essentially zero human to human transmission though, so quarantine wouldn't at all be an effective measure against it. Going on that one example hypothetical would lead one to believe whoever made the video is working off lots more erroneous notions and deductions.

That may indeed be the case. I also can't tell you one way or the other as I've only seen one of the videos. He doesn't seem to be making any suggestions that are too wild or anything beyond pointing out that all of these things which were sensationalised by the media at the time didn't really come to pass as foretold, and it was an enjoyable enough listen without getting extremely deep into any one of the things he mentions.

I wouldn't buy entirely into any one angle on anything anyway because there are so many ways of looking at something and sections of the news media are always going to try sensationalise everything as much as possible, because that is what keeps the eyes on the ads and the money stays flowing. Usually the facts of anything don't become apparent until much much later after anything happens anyway, and though the media does push things a lot I honestly think most of it is simply to make money (although I wouldn't entirely rule out things like deliberate misinformation spread by governments or private interests at times either).

Matt's stuff is still paid by the video gatekeeping, but it's as close as you can get to how things are without going to very weird places.

I mean in 2008 I liked Adam Curtis, but it ain't 08 no more

Whereas Loose Change was made in 2005. What's your point?

I've never watched Loose Change but I do remember hearing about it. I did a quick google there and it seems to be about the weirdness of the 9/11 thing. Grand so, I thought it was weird at the time anyway but fuck getting some other lad to confirm that for me, I can look at things for myself and think about them all by myself as well without being led. All the arguing aside, and this is a question for BSC, what do you make of the untouched building collapsing, demolition style? Building 7 if I remember correctly. But anyway you are usually pretty tasty at debunking ideas and I'm honestly interested to hear what you make of that whole thing, as a seemingly analytical type.

Quote from: astfgyl on July 02, 2020, 10:13:04 PM
I've never watched Loose Change but I do remember hearing about it. I did a quick google there and it seems to be about the weirdness of the 9/11 thing. Grand so, I thought it was weird at the time anyway but fuck getting some other lad to confirm that for me, I can look at things for myself and think about them all by myself as well without being led. All the arguing aside, and this is a question for BSC, what do you make of the untouched building collapsing, demolition style? Building 7 if I remember correctly. But anyway you are usually pretty tasty at debunking ideas and I'm honestly interested to hear what you make of that whole thing, as a seemingly analytical type.

collapsing masonry

I never paid too much attention to the 9/11 conspiracy theories and I'm not going to start now. The factually verifiable actions of the US in the lead up and fall out quite dwarf its importance. My point was more that the guy who made the above video doesn't put anything more advanced than the Loose Change style rhetoric on the table; everything in the news is fake. I hope Adam Curtis is taking notes, as this is surely the kind of hyper-modern, cutting-edge new thinking that will lift him out of the 00s!

I'm honestly not talking about conspiracy theories and I have always looked at the rational explanations around them. The only thing I have never been able to get my head around though is the undamaged building that collapsed demolition style at the same time as the WTCs got done. I was honestly looking forward to hearing your thoughts around that one but sure ah well.. I just look at things and think about them is all and you seem like the kind of chap who would have a way to debunk any of the thoughts I had around that and so that might have a way of making me see it from another angle was all.

I don't know who Adam Curtis is without google either, being truthful about my lack of research and education.

Edit: You could be right about that video, but it's entertaining in the presentation either way

#1183 July 03, 2020, 12:10:14 AM Last Edit: July 03, 2020, 01:55:34 AM by mugz
Quote from: astfgyl on July 02, 2020, 11:58:04 PM
I'm honestly not talking about conspiracy theories and I have always looked at the rational explanations around them. The only thing I have never been able to get my head around though is the undamaged building that collapsed demolition style at the same time as the WTCs got done. I was honestly looking forward to hearing your thoughts around that one but sure ah well.. I just look at things and think about them is all and you seem like the kind of chap who would have a way to debunk any of the thoughts I had around that and so that might have a way of making me see it from another angle was all.

I don't know who Adam Curtis is without google either, being truthful about my lack of research and education.

Edit: You could be right about that video, but it's entertaining in the presentation either way

it depends how deep you want to go with the 911 stuff, and whether you're feigning it all for nefarious reasons  ::) there's a lot going on with it, but the fact it's deliberately full of loose threads is the main thing, just a mind virus, and occupier ('to occupy' has a range of meanings) of thoughts, controller of narratives for 20 years now, knock em down to build em up. after that you get into much weirder territory, but it depends how valuable you find it to consider, reject, or accept things about how it all works. I find it valuable because I hate more or less everything about life, and indeed a lot of conspiracy stuff is just fodder for depressed outsiders...but within that they will throw out a lot of great information.

they have adam curtis for people who think they're cool, and they have other stuff for people who know they're not cool. in ny case you can find a few fragments of useful stuff, but it's just gatekeeping.

Quote from: astfgyl on July 02, 2020, 11:58:04 PM
I don't know who Adam Curtis is without google either, being truthful about my lack of research and education.

Dude, were you hiding under a rock in *checks pop culture almanac for appropriate year to mention in order to self-bestow intellectual street cred* 2007??

Just as an aside/entertaining recommendation: Adam Curtis' work is a great entry point if you want to get a feel for potential approaches to teasing out global historico-politico-psychological dynamics. All of his BBC documentary trilogies/quadrilogies are extremely captivating and watchable, and still relevant today at the very least in the sense that they were absolutely formative for the current left's vision of the State, both at home and abroad, and of the media (in the broad sense). He wears his leanings on his sleeve, but take or leave his message, the approach can be learnt from. And you haven't missed any kind of boat either. Starting to get the impression mugz could have been interupting discussions in the 60s with, "Orwell? Uh... I was into Orwell in 1950, but it ain't 1950 anymore!" With the right outlook, you can learn from anything and at any point in time; everything contains its part of 'untimeliness' just waiting to be folded out.