Quote from: The Butcher on June 23, 2020, 12:23:46 PM
QuoteProfessor Ed Bullmore, a neuroscientist at Cambridge University, told The Independent there was enough evidence now to describe the Sars-CoV-2 virus as causing a "neurotoxic illness", adding that it was possible the psychiatric effects could last beyond a decade. He said research had shown that a number of Covid-19 patients experienced a "kind of altered mental state", adding that this included "cases of psychosis mood disorder and cognitive impairment".

"We don't know necessarily the causes of that neurotoxicity," he said. "It could be that the virus infects the brain; it could be that the immune response to the virus damages the brain, or it could be the blood supply to the brain. All those mechanisms look plausible at the moment.


"The impact of being ventilated and on an ICU bed for weeks at a time is profound for your cognitive ability, and physical and mental wellbeing," she added. "You'd hope that people can recover but it won't be spontaneous and it'll need to be supported."
But capacity to support these patients remains a concern among rehabilitation experts.


Went to Ed Bullmore's Twitter page to see if he'd been saying anything else interesting in the last while, and it seems that most of what is being said relates to critical cases of COVID-19. Have a look through these two more detailed texts he linked to around the same time as that Independent interview:

Looking at them, it seems there is an awful lot of mitigation missing from the claims of the section you quoted from the Independent. The potential for negative cognitive effects from intensive care and ventilation machines, on the other hand, has been well studied and documented for years.

The INMO are reporting that 4,800 medical staff are still sick. That's 60% of medical personnel who have been infected, so your mrs isn't on her own Trev. 20% have recovered, but they don't know about the  status of the remaining 20%. That's fairly staggering either way.

Quote from: Trev on June 22, 2020, 05:37:37 PM
Me and the missus were both positive back the end of March. Two months on and we're both absolutely shattered tired the whole time, going out for short stroll around the park for half an hour will leave me out of breath, and back on inhalers for asthma after about 10 years off them. It's fucking shite

That sucks balls. My Dad had it a while ago and is still recovering. It's less of a flu and more like pneumonia. Hope ye feel better soon.

Quote from: astfgyl on June 22, 2020, 09:18:05 PM
That sounds like no fun man. Hopefully you will pick back up soon and all the best with that to yourself and the missus. It's crazy the range of effects this thing has, all the way from asymptomatic right through to fatal, with everything in between.

There must be something genetic that triggers certain effects or something like that, maybe blood type or something but surely a lot of those possibilities have been already well researched but it will certainly be interesting to see if the connection between severity and whatever it is that triggers it at different levels or what is lacking in those who suffer more if it comes to light.

Fuck sake, they'd nearly make me want to wear a mask. I actually have to wear one fairly often and they feel fucking horrible and stuffy and if it becomes mandatory here for going into a shop I'll just spend less time in the shop and be done with it.

The science behind it is fairly thin as well, or difficult to prove a lot of the time at the very least.

I do think though that if we are to see a resurgence here, a lot more people will wear them in crowded situations and I think a lot of the reason for the generally poor uptake around where I am is that nobody knows anyone who had covid in this town so the general feeling is that they are doing it for nothing and I can understand that. The jury is out on it for me so far. There isn't a lot of concrete evidence that they work but there isn't evidence to say they are harming either.

Jaysus some people. Yer one in the red shirt on about freedom, yet she's going to round up people in a citizen's arrest of legislators. I can see why Benton took such a shine to Christians in Florida. FUCK YOUR GOD!

And Florida has near 10,000 new cases today alone. Where's your precious god now? Happy that it's His will I suppose.

And why are people throughout the world wearing chin warmers instead of mouth & nose coverage?? Or covering just the mouth and leaving the nose fully exposed?? The mind boggles...

Quote from: Snare on June 28, 2020, 01:10:26 AM
Or covering just the mouth and leaving the nose fully exposed?? The mind boggles...

Well I'd imagine that you'd be more likely to spread the infection via spit flying a few feet out of your mouth when you speak, as opposed to via snot dripping from your nose. But yeah if you're gonna wear a mask might as well wear it properly.

And fuck their god  :abbath:

Sorry you seem to be missing my point. They're face masks, not chin/gill orientated or mouth masks. It's a two way system, so not covering their nose means they can inhale someone else's particles very easily. And sneezing goes a long way, as they could well do themselves.

Anyway, just showed the video to my mrs., her facial reactions to the nut jobs was hilarious 😂 MAPA - Make America Pagan Again! Too many Religious nut jobs.

We're not getting out of this until everyone gets it. Out shopping this morning and had one dumb cunt reaching across me so close he could have licked my belly button. Never mind two metres, two fucking inches would be a good start. The average human is too fucking thick for this virus to be contained. Let the cull happen, it's fucking time  >:(

The simple reason for the nose out of the mask is because they are horrible to wear and feel like being a stuffy attic wearing them. But at the same time, some people want to try do the right thing or at the very least, fit in and not be the bollix doing the wrong thing.

Regarding the cull, I flit by the hour between thinking "ah we'll be grand sure look at everyone trying to do the right thing", and then "Howya Complete Stranger, I can feel your fucking breath what the fuck, have you been living under a fucking rock for 3 months?"

Isn't an awful shame to think that we could actually contain this in our own country, like just keep up the good work until it's gone but no matter what we do it is sure to come back from somewhere else even if we were good enough and all did what we were told. Imagine it, pubs open no physical distance requirements, gigs of all sizes, everyone back to work no worries and so on. But the reality is that the airlines and some others will say they can't stay going because of the quarantine requirement and it will be eased up for it. Also if everyone who wanted to go away foreign for one week had to take 3 weeks off work, we would have very little of the citizens opting to head anywhere and thus not bringing it back with them. Spending our coin in our own country - as raining as that might be - might have a beneficial effect on the economy as well. Not sure about that last point but if we could all go nowhere we'd surely be driven to have more shit going on in the country.

Ah it's all speculation anyway so fuck it, but I do wonder if all countries shut down travel until it was gone entirely in each one and no case for 6 months later then go back at it full pelt, would that solve it? Use the international funds and whatever to prop the likes of the airlines and international tourism companies instead of paying everyone to be shut down or whatever. Am I missing something or does that sound like it would work?

Quote from: astfgyl on June 28, 2020, 11:31:09 PM
The simple reason for the nose out of the mask is because they are horrible to wear and feel like being a stuffy attic wearing them. But at the same time, some people want to try do the right thing or at the very least, fit in and not be the bollix doing the wrong thing.

Regarding the cull, I flit by the hour between thinking "ah we'll be grand sure look at everyone trying to do the right thing", and then "Howya Complete Stranger, I can feel your fucking breath what the fuck, have you been living under a fucking rock for 3 months?"

Isn't an awful shame to think that we could actually contain this in our own country, like just keep up the good work until it's gone but no matter what we do it is sure to come back from somewhere else even if we were good enough and all did what we were told. Imagine it, pubs open no physical distance requirements, gigs of all sizes, everyone back to work no worries and so on. But the reality is that the airlines and some others will say they can't stay going because of the quarantine requirement and it will be eased up for it. Also if everyone who wanted to go away foreign for one week had to take 3 weeks off work, we would have very little of the citizens opting to head anywhere and thus not bringing it back with them. Spending our coin in our own country - as raining as that might be - might have a beneficial effect on the economy as well. Not sure about that last point but if we could all go nowhere we'd surely be driven to have more shit going on in the country.

Ah it's all speculation anyway so fuck it, but I do wonder if all countries shut down travel until it was gone entirely in each one and no case for 6 months later then go back at it full pelt, would that solve it? Use the international funds and whatever to prop the likes of the airlines and international tourism companies instead of paying everyone to be shut down or whatever. Am I missing something or does that sound like it would work?

is it still a cull if the deaths are misnamed, and ultimately low in number, and psychosomatic?

who are the tares in this situation?

Quote from: Snare on June 28, 2020, 07:55:03 PM
Sorry you seem to be missing my point. They're face masks, not chin/gill orientated or mouth masks. It's a two way system, so not covering their nose means they can inhale someone else's particles very easily. And sneezing goes a long way, as they could well do themselves.

Anyway, just showed the video to my mrs., her facial reactions to the nut jobs was hilarious 😂 MAPA - Make America Pagan Again! Too many Religious nut jobs.


Jaysus, i stand corrected, not for chin, mouth or nose afterall  :-[