Fuck sake, those tweets are pathetic and utterly pointless beyond stirring up controversy. He should be far above that shit.

If he had left it at the first tweet with the X and Y as examples it was no big deal beyond being a very obvious point to make. All he did was give ammunition to people who like feeling offended and so now it is painted as some sort of endorsement of paedophilia and date rape. Not his finest hour although I always thought he was a pain in the hole so fuck him anyway. I like how he said learn how to think at the end of 2 of the most asking-for-it tweets ever.

Retarded is exactly the right word, fucking hell.

Even on religious topics I've found him very boring. No openness to any sort of discussion. That said, he doesn't deserve to be cancelled by sneaky cunts.

Couldn't he have used better examples than peados and rapists?
Like punching an old lady in the face is bad, repeatedly punching her and breaking her entire face and stealing her pension is worse.

It really puts punching grannies in the face into perspective.

Quote from: Blackout on September 25, 2020, 05:36:18 PM
It's kind of hilarious though. So far is the extent of social justice warrior reach to find this fairly acceptable.

First thing I would be doing if facing a long sentence is declaring myself to be a woman.


Barbie Kardashian  :laugh: Fuckin quality!

On the Dawkins thing I think whether he's a prick or not is irrelevant tbh. The fact our universities are shutting down debates on any subject...in a debate club, is a problem.

It's scary to think the people who will be running our country in 20/30 years time are being told they can shut down any discussion by using the words 'This offends me'.

That's it exactly. Being offended is hardly the end of the world and the man,  if he sticks to evolutionary theory,  had so much of interest to impart.

If it was the university shutting it down, that would be something. It's the debating club itself taking the decision. Rightly or wrongly, but there's a world of difference.

Cancelling him was bad. Booking him in the first place was worse. And if you think that's a defense of the former... :abbath:

I disagree. 'Shutting down' anyone for debate because of the possibility of offence is anti-intellectual and stifles the capacity for individuals to make up their own minds. There are dozens of so-called 'intellectuals' and 'academics' whom I find loathsome and of limited, if any, merit, but who am I or anyone else to 'cancel them'? Whether it's (In my opinion) morons from Mike Isaacson to deluded anti-historians like Irving, let them speak. They'll stimulate debate either way.

Stalin would have approved if the smelly auld cunt was still around.

Quote from: ldj on September 30, 2020, 05:34:01 PM
On the Dawkins thing I think whether he's a prick or not is irrelevant tbh. The fact our universities are shutting down debates on any subject...in a debate club, is a problem.

It's scary to think the people who will be running our country in 20/30 years time are being told they can shut down any discussion by using the words 'This offends me'.

Yeah bang on. I said I thought he was a pain in the hole as well but it certainly should be irrelevant. Even pains in the hole can have interesting things to say and provide as much food for thought as the folks we like to listen to. The world is becoming more polarised by the day and that can only be a bad thing for us all.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on September 30, 2020, 07:30:06 PM
I disagree. 'Shutting down' anyone for debate because of the possibility of offence is anti-intellectual and stifles the capacity for individuals to make up their own minds. There are dozens of so-called 'intellectuals' and 'academics' whom I find loathsome and of limited, if any, merit, but who am I or anyone else to 'cancel them'? Whether it's (In my opinion) morons from Mike Isaacson to deluded anti-historians like Irving, let them speak. They'll stimulate debate either way.

Stalin would have approved if the smelly auld cunt was still around.

Surely the society that booked him are within their rights to cancel that invitation? What's lamentable, as I said at the outset, is that they gave such a predictable reason rather than taking the opportunity to state, "Upon closer inspection, we see that this man hasn't said anything of interest in over 10 years and as such doesn't meet our standards." Pity!