Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on September 09, 2020, 01:02:05 PM
Quote from: astfgyl on September 08, 2020, 03:24:28 PM
Sometimes it nearly looks like RTE have some sort of pro-government bias.

This was a sarcastic joke though, right? I mean, RTE have always had a pro-government bias!
And are largely funded by the government so aren't going to bite the hand that feeds.

Quote from: Juggz on September 09, 2020, 04:03:31 PM
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on September 09, 2020, 01:02:05 PM
Quote from: astfgyl on September 08, 2020, 03:24:28 PM
Sometimes it nearly looks like RTE have some sort of pro-government bias.

This was a sarcastic joke though, right? I mean, RTE have always had a pro-government bias!
And are largely funded by the government so aren't going to bite the hand that feeds.

Ah yeah it was a joke. It's to be expected that they would report things as they do. Much like Newstalk ignoring the existence of Denis O'Brien over the years.

RIPJKROWLING trending there over her transphobic book which doesn't have a transsexual, but a cross dressing character. Amazing.

Jesus. Saw people yesterday commenting that she is literally a nazi. I'm puzzled as to which word they understand the least. Literally or nazi?

These fucking dopes are like a plague. What the fuck is after happening to everyone?

I'd nearly read the thing out of spite for them all. Nearly meaning not any actual chance.

And there's a whole bunch of them who've  now decided Harry Potter doesn't belong to her anymore, it belongs to them instead.  :laugh: The fans are doing their best to rival the Kpop cultists for the most fucked up fanbase.

Quote from: Scáthach on September 16, 2020, 06:16:18 PM
Jesus. Saw people yesterday commenting that she is literally a nazi. I'm puzzled as to which word they understand the least. Literally or nazi?

Jews and blacks with the wrong opinion, most glaringly Candace Owens, are routinely called Nazis.

The misuse of the word 'literally' deserves a place on the pet peeves thread. I heard a girl describe her hangover in the following terms once, 'I was literally hanging'. Just swinging from the gibbet she was.

Shame that wasn't literal.

I can't think of a better reason to buy that book than to piss those cunts off.

Yeah I hope the book does really well so they can feel more bad than they already do. Or would that feed them a bit more?

I think these people hate themselves so much that they actually thrive on looking for outside sources to blame for how bad they feel.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on September 16, 2020, 09:38:24 PM
I heard a girl describe her hangover in the following terms once, 'I was literally hanging'. Just swinging from the gibbet she was.

Perfect description for that desolate hangover. That one true bastard of a lifetime one.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on September 16, 2020, 06:04:56 PM
RIPJKROWLING trending there over her transphobic book which doesn't have a transsexual, but a cross dressing character. Amazing.
Can't be arsed looking up what's going on with Rowling, but I'm guessing similar to the hounding Graham Linehan got for disagreeing with hormone therapy for teenagers?

Quote from: Carnage on September 16, 2020, 10:50:18 PM
She posted this and triggermania ensued:

I've sailed the 7 merry seas of Pornhub, X-Hamster, etc and never EVER seen a dude menstruating. Wtf?
I saw a dude stick a jam jar up his ass and it cracked open up there with lumps of blood dropping out. Does that count?

(cunt didn't even flinch - legend)  :abbath: :laugh:

I'm delighted she had the guts to say those things. Look at the advances for women, it's only been really around half a century and these lot are trying to undermine it and take it away. The world has gone through a total revolution, indeed you could include the majority of humanity in that revolution I suppose, but most especially women have come into the world in ways that nobody could have imagined 100 years ago. The moaners are always looking at the glass half empty, but seeing young women being able to work and live incredible and productive lives, women from all backgrounds, races etc etc, maybe, just maybe things are actually improving despite all the attempts to sell us the opposite narrative.

Just again though, in case it wasn't clear already, "people who menstruate" but don't wish to be called women are women by birth who identify as men, which somewhat puts to bed the whole reasoning about this undermining women's rights; how is it not an embodiment of another right women now have, notably to live as a man if that's how they experience their being??

In other words, if Rowling doesn't believe and doesn't want to accept the whole trans schtick, then her comment in that tweet can only be read as an attack on a minority group of...women!