And while you're at it have a look at the thread title. Remind you of anyone?

This simultaneously pulling on the reins and spurring is an interesting tactic  :laugh: :abbath:

Guilty as charged :laugh: you're such an edgelord  :abbath: :abbath: :abbath: :abbath:

There'll be no revolutions won if ye give up this easily lads  :P

Quote from: Pedrito on August 17, 2020, 06:00:17 PM
There'll be no revolutions won if ye give up this easily lads  :P

If there's a point to discuss fire ahead. If it just descends into name calling I'm a bit long in the tooth for that carry on.

Agreed. You called Kev an Edgelord in fairness  :'(

Quote from: Pedrito on August 17, 2020, 10:29:20 PM
Agreed. You called Kev an Edgelord in fairness  :'(

I did. In response to being called a soyboy. I'm ashamed for even engaging.

Was reading something about goats earlier and the author of the piece said that most people don't use the term "Billy Goat" anymore, as it's seen as a derogatory term. I'm amazed to think that any of the goats felt offended by the term, or that people can get offended on behalf of other species. Either way it's amazing.

The looks you get if you call a ghost a Spooky Cunt are not good, believe me.

It's amazing what one can't say these days. I do like to stir the pot a bit at times though by saying things that could be construed as offensive but in other contexts. Was in work lately talking to someone about the problem of direct provision centres and saying it's a pity no one could come up with some sort of Final Solution. Or there is a Nigerian young lad playing on the young fella's hurling team and I keep talking about how good he is and describing him as like the big fella up front or the lad from the estate near the fire station but never saying he is black and none of the other parents will say do I mean the black lad no matter how descriptive it gets.

Still no closer to an answer to the goat question either, though as Billy Goats are pretty much the G.G. Allin of the farmyard, I suspect it is the people who are getting offended on their behalf.

I believe they prefer William Goats, unless you are a close friend.

Adele getting grief for cultural appropriation. She wore a bikini with a Jamaican flag and had her hair in some Afro type yoke. I'd be more bothered how chavvy she looked.

Adele would have to cover Cannibal Corpse for her activities to even register with me.

She has lost a lot of weight, Chris, that's not going to happen anymore.

Was it the result of having her entrails ripped out through, well, y'know? Cos otherwise...