They are amazing. I'm off bacon and cutting way down on red meat so I was going for their meat free burgers before the lockdown. Not bad at all, I have to say.

#286 June 12, 2020, 07:20:48 PM Last Edit: July 18, 2020, 07:48:50 PM by mugz

Back on topic, I was thinking earlier about the action films of the 80s and 90s and their slightly misogynistic and at times racially questionable ethics, and how we all like to watch and laugh at them rather than thinking about how they may be potentially offensive to certain groups of people. You know, just take them as of their time and enjoy them for what they are. Will we get there with the racial stuff any time soon I wonder? I don't think black people in general couldn't  look at a lot of this tv stuff being pulled at the minute and just take it with a pinch of salt, no more than say the Irish hardly give a fuck at how they have been portrayed in movies over the years. Well some of them probably do, but they can cop the fuck on.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on June 12, 2020, 04:55:14 PMI'm just saying that from my point of view, censorship is not where the world is changing in the most significant way to be concerned about. Okay? You don't have to agree, but there it is. If my missus came home and told me about a bad experience she had at McDonald's, I'd ask her what the hell she'd been doing at McDonald's, no need for Hegel.

Again, I can only point you towards the thread title here if you can't see where I'm coming from. It's a bit like criticizing someone in the Pet Peeves thread for posting a pet peeve. I'm not positing for one second that censorship is the most significant concern of our time. It's not even in the top 100 of my current concerns, and certainly well short of how many hours kip will I get tonight with three young kids, will the three remaining beers in the fridge get me through this evening, have I deleted my internet search history recently, or is the green bin being collected tomorrow. I mean, I could equally argue why on earth should I be concerned about some American cop killing a black lad but, you know, perspective yeah?
And it was Lidl by the way, not McDonald's...but yeah, I'd bet you'd chew the fucking ear off her regardless, you sanctimonious prick  :laugh: :laugh: (the emoji indicates no malice on my part, BTW)

Oh and lads, Burger King?? Ffs, absolute muck. The fucking state of their chips. McDonald's is also muck, but it's tastier muck than BK, and def hits the spot on occasion. Anyone who works night shifts, a Big Mac at 3am is the absolute business.

#291 June 12, 2020, 07:49:47 PM Last Edit: June 12, 2020, 08:15:27 PM by Black Shepherd Carnage
It's like Steve Hughes says about being offended; it's entirely subjective. To me, the perpetually offended around here are the very ones bumping this thread every time they see others offended! That said, all this PC stuff is very silly, very shallow, very pointless really. Whatever about blackface and African-Americans, when I see Irish people get up in arms over having the piss taken out of them in some intended-to-be humorous way, I'm just wishing someone would strip them of their passport tbh!

Quote from: mugz on June 12, 2020, 07:20:48 PM
Quote from: Carnage on June 12, 2020, 07:16:37 PM
They are amazing. I'm off bacon and cutting way down on red meat so I was going for their meat free burgers before the lockdown. Not bad at all, I have to say.

can you give me a quick run down on the meat free burger

It's one of those plant-based burgers, tastes and has the same consistency of a regular burger to me. I was skeptical beforehand but it'd be my go-to when I go there next.

It's Always Sunny is currently in the process of being ethically cleansed as well.

There is a certain irony in coming here to be annoyed by others getting offended, I agree. But fuck em, a sense of humour is vitally important and I feel like a lot of what is going on now regarding censorship is being pushed by people who are simply lacking a sense of humour and an inner monologue and I'd like to say fuck em let em at it, but it's shaping the world in which I live in ways I'm not fond of in principle.

Here is a mildly humorous anecdote: I was at home one halloween night and to get into the spirit of things, I painted my face entirely black (not minstrel style) for answering the door to the trick or treaters. Lo and behold the first 3 kids to the door happen to be black. All they said was "whoa you're scary!". You see they never thought it was racist because they knew me anyway, they just thought the obvious. Continually bringing racism to the fore of everything will surely only perpetuate it instead of consigning it to the history bin and moving on.

That said, the Irish lad in Braveheart fries the head off me. :(

#294 June 12, 2020, 09:25:54 PM Last Edit: July 18, 2020, 07:49:11 PM by mugz

I know how you feel.

Even nostalgia isn't what it used to be!

Quote from: astfgyl on June 12, 2020, 08:27:48 PM
It's Always Sunny is currently in the process of being ethically cleansed as well.

Fuck sake. And maybe it's just me, but I actually don't find "blackface" racist and those that do are just whingebags.

And while what's happening isn't necessarily the Oxford dictionary version of censorship, let's call a spade a spade, it is. If you want to over-analyse it or rationalise it, fair enough.

As an aside, The Catcher in the Rye was at one point the most studied and simultaneously banned book in America.

As another aside, as it was mentioned earlier, is Huckleberry Finn banned?

Quote from: Emphyrio on June 12, 2020, 09:52:05 PM
Quote from: astfgyl on June 12, 2020, 08:27:48 PM
It's Always Sunny is currently in the process of being ethically cleansed as well.

Fuck sake. And maybe it's just me, but I actually don't find "blackface" racist and those that do are just whingebags.

And while what's happening isn't necessarily the Oxford dictionary version of censorship, let's call a spade a spade, it is. If you want to over-analyse it or rationalise it, fair enough.

I don't think blackface is racist either. It's only done as a parody, not as an affront. I actually doubt Al Jolson felt racist at all when he was doing it, and even if it can be seen as racist, I don't think he was doing it as an affront to black people. We have to look at ourselves in this as well. I bet nobody here who is Irish gives a shit about how we are portrayed in the media, unless the acting is bad, and equally only thick cunts believe media stereotypes about people, and prefer instead to take each person on their own merits regardless of what they think they know about them as a race. Say I go for a pint with some German lad for example and who knows he might even be funny once before the night is out. People need to open their fucking minds a bit. So some cunt dresses up as an irish farmer or a leprechaun or a famine victim or something equally stereotypically Irish? So fucking what! He might still be grand to watch the match with or he loves the same tunes as me or whatever. We need to be focusing on the things we have in common with others rather than the things that divide us all.  The fucking nitpicking mindset seems to be the rule these days.

Sure look, even Jolson himself is taking the knee these days..

Look, we can dress it up all we want, we can cancel subscriptions and talk til the cows come home, but if we're honest, we all know this cancelling/banning/deplatforming, whatever you want to call it is insidious, nasty shit. Fawlty fucking Towers for fuck sakes. Sickening, weak, nasty worms of people who want to tell us all how to think and feel. It's the same type who asks you to please stop cursing in a bar. No I'm an adult I'll talk whatever I want after a few pints. Fuck Off!

#299 June 12, 2020, 11:58:20 PM Last Edit: July 18, 2020, 07:49:28 PM by mugz