Fairly heart-wrenching read here, interview with mother of child stabbed in November... who is still hospitalized and in recovery:

Poor kid. Hope they make a full recovery eventually.

He mimics certain gay characteristics like ironing his shirts and being well groomed but he's Satans henchman this cunt.

The other lad is surely the sane choice over there.

Saw a thing saying Justin was gay for crossing his legs and now I have to come out because I'm at that as well  :laugh:

I honestly think he's in the closet though

Its public knowledge that he was abusing young girls in the posh school he thought in before following physco Daddys footsteps into politics. Hush money was paid, a cover-up was attempted, it all came out before his first election bid and he still got elected.
His best friend at the time is in prison for some child abuse related crime.
The man is a fucking scummer of the highest order and clearly being controlled externally.
His own brother is on record saying as much.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on May 19, 2024, 07:05:03 PMHe mimics certain gay characteristics like ironing his shirts and being well groomed but he's Satans henchman this cunt.
Quote from: Caomhaoin on May 19, 2024, 07:05:03 PMHe mimics certain gay characteristics like ironing his shirts and being well groomed but he's Satans henchman this cunt.

The other lad is surely the sane choice over there.

Don't forget the voice and the mannerisms. Is the other lad you are talking about Poilievre? He is no good as he has links to the WEF but even not hearing or seeing Trudeau would be a great change.

It was Trudeaus best mate who he lived with all during college that was done for child porn. Trudeau is similar to Biden in the way that someone else is pulling the strings in the background. He is very simple minded and not all there. Trudeau is basically a real life Mr. G from Summer Heights High.

Fuck sake it's like the BLM riots and Drag Queen Story Hour all over again with the fucking arson and the indoctrination.

I really thought we'd moved on from the burning things and the indoctrination of kids I really did

It was really compassionate of the government to clear the tent city in time for the Europa League Final wasn't it?

Really nice the way they did it for Paddy's Day as well.

They wouldn't want the asylum seekers to be scared by all the tourists now would they

Quote from: The Butcher on May 24, 2024, 12:09:52 AM237 million, sure what's another few million huh? Not to mention the money spent on pets, medical cards, loss in car vrt etc.


Ha, amazing yet typical mismanagement. Incidentally, there's a housing fightback rally in Dublin tomorrow, good place to air grievances of the above kind of shenanigans, since ya can be absolutely sure a massive whack of these increased costs are increased profits.

Meanwhile more of "peaceful" #IrelandIsFull protestors being charmingly hostile and homophobic too: