#6030 May 24, 2024, 04:55:55 PM Last Edit: May 24, 2024, 04:57:42 PM by Pagan Saviour
Wasn't going to wade into the topic but just that I see the Ireland is full hashtag , whatever side of the fence you're on it has to be said there's absolutely zero planning or forward thinking from the government on the topic. Literally get them in and just shuffle them around wherever it suits at a particular time.

We're in a rural location and maybe located about 10km from one of these tent sites. Our bus route has been affected, there can be up to 30 migrants at the stops in and around the camp. This has meant in the last two months people from the surrounding towns have had full buses drive past them, leaving people stranded. Our service is roughly a bus every two hours. People have had to scramble to get their kids with missed busses etc.

I liked to drive to work on certain days and get the bus on others but I've stopped that now, couldn't be arsed guessing if the bus will stop for me or not.

So whilst I wouldn't say Ireland is quite full there has to be a bit of cop on with this. Local public transport for a couple of small towns has been ruined in one swoop. There's also the issue of safety, especially in relation to kids and women. Some migrants are coming in from regions where there is zero respect for neither, some are coming in with criminal records and under false pretences. Again, I'm not anti asylum seeker, but a sensible approach is not being taken as of now and I can see how tensions are boiling over. There's a certain amount involved in the Irelands full brigade that just enjoy a good scrap but I think as things progress you're seeing genuine frustration from regular citizens coming into the mix.

That sucks about the transport system, and as you say it's exactly that shite, same as with the unresolved housing crisis, that provides the perfect conditions for resentment in ordinary folk. Are most of your local TDs FFG?

Yep, most of them. All spout the same rhetoric. We've one independent that actually cares about these issues in the right way. He's certainly the only one that's mentioned the bus service and put forward some sensible solutions.

60 families (down from the original 90 planned) arriving in the modular homes for Ukranians that they're currently building here, with no meaningful consultation with the public. So you're talking 200-odd people dropped into the town in September I think it is. This is on top of the new estate they just threw up, I think it has 50-60 houses & townhouses/flats.

As things stand, schools are overflowing and it's a 3 week wait for a doctor's appointment (none of the town's practices are accepting new patients), months for a dentist. No plans for any addition to transport, doctors, or school capacities.

I'm not advocating or condoning it but I forsee a similar incident or series of incidents when they start to arrive, and I can see why people are up in arms.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on May 24, 2024, 04:36:48 PM
Quote from: The Butcher on May 24, 2024, 12:09:52 AM237 million, sure what's another few million huh? Not to mention the money spent on pets, medical cards, loss in car vrt etc.


Ha, amazing yet typical mismanagement. Incidentally, there's a housing fightback rally in Dublin tomorrow, good place to air grievances of the above kind of shenanigans, since ya can be absolutely sure a massive whack of these increased costs are increased profits.

Meanwhile more of "peaceful" #IrelandIsFull protestors being charmingly hostile and homophobic too:

20 years ago if that was students or hippies protesting like that the cops would have battered the living fuck out of them. Are cops that afraid nowadays or getting a reprimand.
As for the protesters. Protest the government who presided over the failed policies. I have no time for these type of cunts.

The handling of the immigration issue has been disastrous, and how Helen McEntee (amongst others) has kept her job is hard to fathom.

The right to seek asylum is that, a right. Few reasonable people would argue, but to let thousands of people, often from an alien culture, into the country without valid passports (a criminal offence) and then just dump them 'out of the way' down the country is madness. If an Irish young lad tried to come back from Lanzarote without his book he'd be very hard pressed to get on the plane home so what's the story?

The way some protestors are expressing themselves is distasteful and probably counterproductive. Nevertheless, strip away that bluster quite a lot of the growing popular anger and frustration is justified.

QuoteAfter even Elon Musk picked up on my case...

 :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:

She looks like she's been created by AI.

#6039 May 26, 2024, 03:35:25 PM Last Edit: May 26, 2024, 04:05:57 PM by 91/30 Reason: Poor taste!

Calls for Richard Dreyfus to be cancelled after he appeared onstage in a dress and went on a rant at a "Jaws" screening.

That's the renowned for being difficult/forthright/rude/a loose cannon, who visibly showed his displeasure when Nicholas Cage beat him to the Oscar in 1996 and once coked himself into 2 year long narcotic psychosis/amnesia episode actor, Richard Dreyfus, by the way.

A man who has been upsetting people and not giving a fuck since the 1970s.

He's nearly 80 years old - what were they expecting? For him to get more liberal?

Why did he does up in a dress? Is he going woke or acting the maggot? Surely a man in a dress is to be lauded with glory these days  :laugh:


Quote'We deeply regret the distress': cinema apologises for Richard Dreyfuss comments at Jaws screening

The actor took to the stage in a dress backed by Taylor Swift's Love Story, then reportedly made a number of sexist and transphobic comments.

Kind of a bizarre thing for him to do when people just showed up wanted to hear him talk about Jaws, but the hyperventilating overreacting is silly too. Culture war bollix.

That Irish lad with the knife has his picture all over the news media.

Funny that