I wouldn't hold much hope for the November shows to be honest.

Ironically I think he looks really well - but once he talks you know he's fucked! Lemmy was a lot worse when he died.

Facelift, but you can still see the old man behind the tinted glasses and dyed hair. As for the rubberfaced witch beside him...

It's sad to see someone in that state alright, Billy Connolly's similarly afflicted but still going strong - though he at least had sense enough to retire from performance.

Yeah I really can't see it happening now. Sharon should let him retire with a bit of dignity. It's not as if he needs the money.

Right priest, do the right thing and do UK tour without waiting on Ozzy

Quote from: Hank Hill on February 18, 2020, 08:01:36 AM
Yeah I really can't see it happening now. Sharon should let him retire with a bit of dignity. It's not as if he needs the money.

But she does.

Priest need to get out of whatever contract they're on with the Osbournes and start doing their own UK shows. Get Saxon and Helloween a call or someone similar and go out and do a Priest Feast 2020 before they get too old themselves.

Saxon and Helloween are shite though so that wouldn't work.

Quote from: Kunt 4 Life on February 19, 2020, 06:40:36 PM
Oh right.

How about Right Said Fred then?

Maybe if Celtic Frost and Sunn O)) were also on the bill.

Hopefully not. I heard only poofs listen to them.

#149 February 20, 2020, 11:22:33 AM Last Edit: February 20, 2020, 11:41:48 AM by Nixer
Quote from: Kunt 4 Life on February 20, 2020, 11:18:02 AM
Hopefully not. I heard only poofs listen to them.

Well in an ideal world Ozzy would pull the same shit he pulled at the Ozzfest but instead of an extended Tool set everyone would get an extended Sunn O))) set. Everybody wins.