Limelight Nov 5th
Academy Nov 6th

Haven't seen em in years, what state are they in as a live band now?

Butcher Babies to support - Garbage!

No idea what they're like live,but really enjoyed their last few albums so will probably head along. Butcher Babies is such a fucking horrendous support though

I saw them on this tour about a month ago for the first time and they were complete shite, Dani sounded awful and I thought the set was a bit scant at 13 songs. Just felt like a reluctant, disinterested experience for both band and audience.

If I have the day off I'll prob head in anyway.

Just had a look at who's in the band - cripes it's just Dani now. Not really surprised by your description of the gig but for some reason still feel like hitting this one.

Any reason why they are billed as "Crown of Love" on MCD website??

They were decent in Dublin, think it was 2017 I saw them. But zero interest in it again.

Missed the 2017 show or whenever it was for some reason. I think the first 4/5 records are cool so wouldn't mind seeing them again.

I watched a 'live' video of COF during lock down and it was so static and dull. There seemed to be no passion and no atmosphere at all. I get the impression that the band is made up of ambitious musicians who see Cradle as a stepping stone in  their career rather than a living breathing band with vision. Maybe Dani is too much of a tyrant to allow outside creativity to seep in, but it all looks and sounds a bit uninspired to me. The first two (three being generous) albums seemed like a real band with a sense of bombast but still pulsing with a dark creative heart. They look more like a business to me these days.

The Scars and Guitars podcast has lots of interviews with ex COF members. Can't remember his name but a guitar player was telling a story about being badgered by management to start coming up with songs for the next album - he had to figure out what a COF song should sound like and then write something like that. Doesn't sound like a very inspiring way to work.

Sounds like the definition of when a band becomes a career and a money making product.

have only seen them once in their 90s heyday. have been semi interested in seeing them again.
i think i was set to go to the 2017 gig but didn't bother in the end
Tuesday night for Belfast, hmmm will have to see if i can be a***d

Black Satellite added to the support bill.

Just Belfast tickets available now.

On slight inspection High Parasite are somewhat like Borknagar or Paradise Losty even, maybe worth a gawk but it would mean being in proximity of Butcher Babies music directly after.