I want to hear a couple of new bands in this vein but I don't want bombastic,  nicely produced shite, I don't want sludge and I don't want that samey sounding modern doom death that's really just slow death metal. I want weird and unique stuff like Thergothon, early Skepticism, early Esoteric or Disembowelment. That is to say,  fucked up production and not just carbon copy stuff.  Does it even exist beyond the obvious few examples.  And please,  no lace hanky shite!

Disjecta Membrae spring to mind


Vonn are pretty cool


Viscount is an old project I had going a few years ago. Not sure if it's what you have in mind


Cheers man,  I'll check those links out later.

Not exactly sure what constitutes funeral doom so may be wide of the mark with this but its defo doom of some description! Got it free with an order from Elegy Records a while ago and been digging it so far.

Cheers,  I'll give it a spin.  Just to reiterate though,  I'm not after loads of funeral doom and doom death recommendations.  I just want stuff in that ballpark that sounds weird and unique.  I'm not sure how much of it actually exists because both scenes often seem mired in samey blandness,  to my ear. 

Yep.  Not bad but very much of the orthodox variety.

#7 March 27, 2019, 02:05:13 PM Last Edit: March 27, 2019, 02:08:43 PM by Mags
Dunno if you've checked out Dolorian Andy. They're Finnish blackened doom that incorporate more psychedelic/ambient elements, particularly on the self-titled and on Voidwards(which is barely doom by that stage). Not sure if it's the buzz you're after but definitely unique. They're not new either.


Yep,  I have listened to them.  Very interesting stuff,  if not exactly what I'm after in this case. Must grab Voidwards.