3 Nov Galway Róisín Dubh 
4 Nov Limerick Dolans Limerick
5 Nov Cork Cyprus Avenue

Tempted by the Galway date. My gig retirement plans are getting shakier by the month.

Anyone get the new record? Any good?

Wouldn't mind taking in maybe two of these

Gave it a quick listen, it didn't do much for me TBH. Need to spend some time taking it in properly before maing my mind up.

Album wise they've been aimless for a good long while now but I still enjoy the live shows

Cleave was a real return to form for me, their best since High Anxiety, if not Troublegum.

I didn't enjoy it at all, for me the last time they were interesting was Suicide Pact, everything since has been different forms of shit

Ya I'm looking forward to this in Galway. The only time I saw them before was in the Olympia back when they were touring Suicide Pact.
That must be over 20 years ago now...

Quote from: Pagan Saviour on May 24, 2023, 07:59:12 PMI didn't enjoy it at all, for me the last time they were interesting was Suicide Pact, everything since has been different forms of shit

I really enjoyed High Anxiety but would agree with you for the most part.

Man I've seen these lads so many times all over the land and each gig has been class, even the more recent ones with newer material. Vicar Street 2012 is probably one of my favourite gigs of all time.

Never seen them play in Dolans so might have to check that make a trip, check if off the list!

Seen them a few times in Limerick now, each time totally class, going to this for definite.

Saw them in Limerick in a pub around the time of Semi Detached, hands down the best gig I've ever been at for craic. I think ive seen them 4 times. Would disagree that all recent output has been poor. Some great tracks, Crooked timber, rain hits concrete,

I disagree further, Crooked Timber is a dreadful album. Had the misfortune of seeing them do every track from it at a gig in the UK years ago, total buzzkill.

I've seen them 15-16 times over the years, think everything from the early stuff to Suicide is gold but they haven't known what to do with themselves ever since. I see some reference High Anxiety as some kind of watermark but it's a terrible record. A Vain attempt to recapture past glories, maybe a track or two on it.

Still though, for the most part they still bring the goods live. That's why I'm thinking a couple of these shows in a smaller venue could be good.

I haven't seen them live in years but my second gig was Therapy? in the SFX in 93 and it was fucking class. I saw them a good few times throughout the 90s but I don't know if I have seen them in the 00s... certainly not in the 10s or 20s. Good to hear they are good live but I tapped out after Suicide Pact and really only listen to the very early stuff these days. That Jaaw stuff sounds like it draws from early Therapy? so I'll have to pick it up.

Live they have never disappointed.
So many memorable songs and basically a band whose songs bring up memories of a great time in my youth.

New album is only OK.
I expected more from them after all the lockdowns and tour cancellations and shit.
Gonna give it a bit of time yet, but not really feeling it at the moment.

Certainly not as bad as their 'One Cure Fits All' album.
That was their low point, IMO. Nothing memorable about it at all.

High Anxiety, Cleave and Crooked Timber are about the best of what they've done since Suicide Pact.

QuoteCertainly not as bad as their 'One Cure Fits All' album.

That was the record that made me realise they are totally and utterly goosed. Though I think A Brief Crack of Light/ Crooked Timber is the true low point for me. I gave up buying their records after that. Disquiet, Cleave were heralded as return to form albums but I gave them a spin on spotify and just heard a band going through the motions.

They've kinda adopted the Paradise Lost template of releasing a forgettable studio album followed by a reimagining or re-recording of old material, touring an older better record and rinse and repeat etc