Same. Got my tickets just before it leaked online so I've been avoiding threads like this since. Goin with mostly non metal types so be interesting to see what they make of it.

I enjoyed that immensely.  Varg was portrayed as a cartoon villain with a ridiculous porcine laugh which was a bit disappointing and slightly undermined the rest of the film.  I think he could have been portrayed as the cold lunatic he is without resorting to that and it might have made the film that much better,  but overall the tone seemed about right to me.  Young lads into metal,  making noise,  being brash and obnoxious and getting infiltrated by a small number of lunatics who took it all a bit too seriously.

The suicide and murder scenes were exceptionally, unflinchingly brutal.  Nothing romantic about any of that. Very ugly and very real.

It was pretty much what I expected it to be tbh. Silly and irreverent which was fine as it was quite funny in parts (intentionally or not). Violence was visceral and kept the pace from flagging and the live Mayhem stuff was done well. Chubby Jewish horndog Varg was hilarious, though I thought it would have been funnier if the actor portraying him had adopted some more of Vargs actual traits/mannerisms which are well documented. I liked that cinema though very classy, and the trigger warning from the staff when collecting tickets was a first.

Quote from: Eoin McLove on March 30, 2019, 12:04:33 AM
Varg was portrayed as a cartoon villain with a ridiculous porcine laugh which was a bit disappointing and slightly undermined the rest of the film.

Slightly undermined? It destroyed any possibility of it being "okay", and Akerlund deserves all the flak he gets over the movie for being immature enough to go down that path and sabotage the quality of his own movie just to better poke fun at Varg. Every scene he was in was unbearable.

I found it enjoyable I have to say.  I think just the novelty of seeing these characters on screen with such a deadly soundtrack kept me entertained.  I was expecting it to be awful and apart from fat Varg it wasn't awful!  :abbath:

Nah Andy. It was fucking awful. A terrible piece of cinema. They made an incredible, riveting, real life story into a snooze fest. It was quite a feat how boring a movie it was considering the events they were covering. Toe curling acting throughout. Cringey script like the church countdown "10,9,8,7,6,6,6...." ugh.

On a positive note one thing it has done it set me off on an early 90s Norge BM binge since I watched it. Current favourites Enslaved'  Vikingr Veldi ' (written by a 14 year old!) and Ancient 'Trolldom'!!

Quote from: Grim Reality on March 30, 2019, 08:30:38 PM

On a positive note one thing it has done it set me off on an early 90s Norge BM binge since I watched it. Current favourites Enslaved'  Vikingr Veldi ' (written by a 14 year old!) and Ancient 'Trolldom'!!
Agreed, went home and spun "In the Nightside Eclipse " to remind myself why I like this stuff in the first place! "Kronet Til Konge " on now.

I was expecting this to be absolutely piss poor. Have to say I was pleasantly surprised. The acting was a bit hammy, but I loved the overall tone of the film.

One of the lads will be along any minute to tell you how wrong you were for enjoying it. Take a seat.

I'll have the popcorn at the ready 😂

It got a mention on the recent Empire podcast. The suicide and murder scenes did rather unsettle the reviewer.

Ok guys give me the 4 or 5 essential black metal albums from this era please.  I wouldn't be very knowledgeable but enjoy Emperor.

YouTube early Mayhem, DT, Burzum, Immortal, Ulver etc...

Finally got around to watching this,much better than i expected.

Saw it on the big screen. Great to hear black metal in the cinema!
I thought the band rehearsal scenes were great.

And the musical references through out were spot on.
Even down to the posters, patches and vinyls.